Ramadan Mubarak Wishes

Thread: Ramadan Mubarak Wishes

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  1. Yara Sabri's Avatar

    Yara Sabri said:

    Default Ramadan Mubarak Wishes


    Could someone please help me come up with nice Ramadan Mubarak wishes?

    Thank you in advance!
  2. Oriee's Avatar

    Oriee said:


    You have,
    مبارك عليكم الشهر: Mobarak 3leikom esh-shahar: May the month be blessed upon you (or bring you blessings)
    You reply as علينا وعليكم
    كل عام وانتم بخير : Kol 3am w antom bi 5eir
    You reply as: وانت (وانتم) بخير you may add (وصحة وسلامة)
    رمضان كريم: Rmadan Kareem: Ramdan is generous
    You reply as: الله اكرم
    Last edited by Oriee; 08-21-2009 at 07:50 AM.
    لا يَشْكُرُ الله مَنْ لا يَشْكُرُ النَّاس
    The One Who Doesn't Thank Others, Doesn't Thank God
  3. جوليا's Avatar

    جوليا said:


    hi !!!
    can somebody translate Zain reklam - aid song?
  4. sohuda's Avatar

    sohuda said:


    The hours of pain have yielded good,
    Which prosperous days refused;
    As herbs, though scentless when entire,
    Spread fragrance when they’re bruised.
  5. Oriee's Avatar

    Oriee said:


    I believe it's This One

    إصحى يا هلال... إفتح في الحال
    Es7a ya hilal... Efta7 fil 7al
    Wake up crescent... Open at once
    نبحث عنك في كل مكان... لتبشر بالعيد الآن
    Nab7atho 3nka fi kolli mkan.. li tobash-shira bil-3ied el an
    We're looking for you everywhere... to reveal Eid now
    كيف سأصعد إلى السماء ولقد ضاع مني العيد
    Kayfa sa as3ado ila assama2 wa laqad da3 minni el 3eid
    How will I ascend to the sky, and I've lost Eid?
    هيا نبحث في الأنحاء حتى نلقاه من جديد
    Hayya nab7atho fi el an7a2 7atta nalqaho min jadeed
    Let's serch everywhere, until we meet it again
    أين العيد؟ أين العيد؟
    Ayna el 3ied
    Where's Eid? Where's Eid
    أنا عيدي خلف الشجرة، يحفر إسمينا عليها
    Ana 3iedi 5alfa esh-shajarah, ya7firo esmayna 3layha
    My Eid is behind the tree, carving our names
    وأنا عيدي يبدأ عمره من ضحكة من شفتيها
    Wa ana 3eidi yabda2o 3omrah min di7ka min shafatayha
    My Eid starts its life, with a smile from her lips
    أين العيد؟ أين العيد؟
    Ayna el 3eid?
    Where's Eid? Where's Eid?
    عيدي في بطني يكبر، أحضنه داخل جسمي
    3eidi fi batni yakbor, a7donoho da5ila jismi
    My Eid is growing in my belly (womb), embracing him in my body
    أحمله تسعة أشهر حتى يناديني أمي
    A7miloho tis3ata ash-hor 7atta yonadini: ommi
    I carry it 9 months until he call me mom
    أعرفتم أين العيد الآن؟
    A 3raftom ayna el 3eido el aan?
    Do you where's Eid now?
    من حولنا وفي كل مكان
    Min 7awlina wa fi kolli mkan
    Around us and everywhere
    في قلبنا وفي كل مكان
    Fi qalbi wa fi kolli mkan
    In our hearts and evry where

    Nice adv. also the one for Ramdan was nice too.

    Any way here they meant by Eid, any happiness, because Eid is happiness.
    Moon or crescent thinks that Eid is only one thing or a certain day, while Eid (or happiness) may differ between one another, and its concept might vary between people.

    جوليا are you Turkish? if you don't mind
    Last edited by Oriee; 09-26-2009 at 07:25 AM.
    لا يَشْكُرُ الله مَنْ لا يَشْكُرُ النَّاس
    The One Who Doesn't Thank Others, Doesn't Thank God
  6. جوليا's Avatar

    جوليا said:


    Hi Oriee!!!!
    Thank you VERY MUCH this lyrics!!!!!
    I love this song!!!!I'm Happy!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Oriee's Avatar

    Oriee said:


    You're so welcome ya Julia
    لا يَشْكُرُ الله مَنْ لا يَشْكُرُ النَّاس
    The One Who Doesn't Thank Others, Doesn't Thank God