Sibel Can - Çantada Keklik :)

Thread: Sibel Can - Çantada Keklik :)

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  1. Miracle said:

    Smile Sibel Can - Çantada Keklik :)

    Plz i want the Full Translation ..


    Çantada Keklik

    Söz & Müzik: Tarkan

    Esen rüzgar uçan kuşlar getirdiler kara haberi
    Elin diline dolamışsın beni çok ayıp
    Sana olan sevgimi hafife alıp de kendini
    Üstün tutmuşsun öyle mi?
    Çok ayıp

    Eş dost diyor ki gıyabında
    Atıp tutuyor sağda solda
    O her emrime amadedir
    Diyormuşsun ona buna
    Daha neler amanın daha neler
    Amma da yaptın
    Sen beni çanta da keklik farz edip aldandın
    Ben elimi sallasam ellisi güzelim
    Kalakala sana mı kaldim

    Sözüne yeminine ihanet edip nasıl kıyabildin bize
    Seni adam gibi adam sadmıştım
    Çok yazık
    Sana kapılarını kalbimin sonuna kadar açıktı
    Baş köş de yerini ayırmıştım
    Çok yazık

    Şimdi yan hadi yan
    Oturup da haline yan
    Vur başını vur-vur vur vur taşlara
    Hiç ağlama sızlanma
    Nafile yalvarma bende
    Bittin sen geçmişler ola
    Emrine amadeymiş hıh << Especially this Part


    Thanx in advance ..
  2. aksios said:


    And the rest :
    Şimdi yan hadi yan - Now, burn ( means be regretful and done, ruined)
    Oturup da haline yan - be done for yourself
    Vur başını vur-vur vur vur taşlara - Knocks your head against wall
    Hiç ağlama sızlanma - Don't you ever cry and complain
    Nafile yalvarma- don't beg in vain
    bende - in me( for me)
    Bittin sen geçmişler ola - you are done, get well soon (she is kidding with him)
    Emrine amadeymiş hıh - "she is at your beck and call" so-called, yeah! (said sarcastically)

    She is kidding with her since he thinks that she is still at his beck and call, she is saying "hıh" that means not anymore, big deal(again sarcastically)
  3. Miracle said:


    Thaaaaaank u So much Dear ..
  4. aksios said:


    No problem, have fun! =)
  5. Honur Halinoglu said:



    And the rest :
    Şimdi yan hadi yan - Go on now, burn ( means be regretful and done, ruined)
    Oturup da haline yan - be done for yourself
    Vur başını vur-vur vur vur taşlara - Knock your head against stones
    Hiç ağlama sızlanma - Don't you cry and moan
    Nafile yalvarma- don't beg in vain
    bende - in me( for me)
    Bittin sen geçmişler ola - you are done, get well soon (she is kidding with him)
    Emrine amadeymiş hıh - "she is at your beck and call" so-called, yeah! (said sarcastically)


    The song writer is of the club that assume what they hear from others (referred to as birds here!) are true. The most basic game the kids in Turkey play is the "telephone" game, where a group of children form a circle and the first one whispers a word into the ear of the second, and the second whispers what he/she hears into the ear of the third, and so on until the last kid. The very last kid is asked what he/she has heard from the previous kid and is thus discovered how the original word is warped and changed in each and every child.

    Those that can earn their own bread do not need to play corner games; assumed to have been sworn and promised for loyalty!

    If you do not have an initial building project, you cannot talk about building stones!