karolina translation

Thread: karolina translation

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  1. _mAlA_ said:

    Default karolina translation

    can anyone translate one beautiful song from karolina gočeva, called ljubovta e moja religija? thank you!
  2. Event3Horizon said:


    Yea beautiful song now that you motivated me to translate it. I had no idea Karolina even reached Slovenia. Here it is:
    Me ucheja od mala da veruvam, vo angeli i skazni cudesni

    They taught me since I was littie to believe in angels and fairy tales

    a koga ke te povredat zosto tolku boli, nikoj nezaje da objasni

    But when they hurt you, no one can explain why it hurts so much

    posmiliv taka mora, moze zivotot e sam, reka solzi i kapka sreka vo neja

    I've thought that's how it needs to be, maybe life is lonely; a river of tears and in it, a drop of luck

    bev zedna za odgovori so cheiz od naivnosti dobrina

    I was thirsty for answers, with a dowry of naivness and kindheartedness

    no svetot se dogovoril deka deneska e grev da imas dusa staklena

    But the world decided that today, it's a sin to have a clear soul

    zbuneta, barav izles, znak sto ke mi pokaze koj e patot sto me vodi do tebe

    Confused, I looked for an exit, a sign that will show me the path to you

    ti srceto mi go voskresnuvas, sega ljubovta e moja religija

    You've resurrected my heart, now love is my religion

    so tebe, imam se, i dovolno mi e, da ljubam i da postojam

    With you, I have everything, and it's enough for me to love and to exist

    so neznost mi ja izmivas dushata, ko nikogas za bol taa i da ne chula

    With gentleness you clean my soul, as if it never felt any pain

    no denot koga doleta, mojta sudbina oblecena vo tvoja koshula

    But when the day flies by, my fate is dressed in your shirt

    mojot kurst sega ti si, ti i tvojete race dve, sto vo pregradka se sirat za mene

    You are now my cross, you and your two hands, that open up to embrace me

    ti srceto mi go voskresnuvas, sega ljubovta e moja religija

    so tebe, imam se, i dovolno mi e, da ljubam i da postojam

    so tebe, imam se, i dovolno mi e, da ljubam i da postojam

  3. _mAlA_ said:


    thanks! it's really very beautiful song.... and yes, even in slovenia we listen to karolina