Assi El Hillani - Mawal

Thread: Assi El Hillani - Mawal

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  1. Apego said:

    Default Assi El Hillani - Mawal

    Please I need this translated to English!!!
    Here is the voice of him singing the mawal

    قالت الا لا تلج دارنا ان ابانا لرجل غائر

    قالت ان قصرنا عالي البنا

    قلت لها اني فوق طائر

    قالت اليس البحر بيننا

    قلت لها اني لسابح ماهر

    قالت ان اخوتي سبعة

    قلت لها اني لأسد كاسر

    قبلتها في الصباح فقالت أتفطر يا هذا ونحن صيام

    قلت لها انت الهلال عندي والصوم من بعد رؤيا الهلال حرام

    والله لولا الله والخوف والحيا لقبلتها بين العقيق وزمزم

    وان حرمت يوما على دين احمد فخذا على دين المسيح ابن مريم
  2. LOUIE's Avatar

    LOUIE said:


    she said don't come to our father is a jealous man
    she said our castle has high walls
    I said to her from above it I'll fly
    she said isn't the sea standing between us
    I said to her I'm a professional swimmer
    she said I have 7 brothers
    I said to her I'm a wild lion
    I kissed her in the morning so she said are you crazy we're fasting
    I said to her the crescent is in front of me and fasting after seeing the crescent is prohibited.
    I swear If it wasn't for god, feared, and good manners I could have kissed her between the garnet and zamzam ( holy water )
    and if she was prohibited in the ahmad's religion I'll merry her on Jesus son of Marry reliogion.
    ?? ???? ?? ????? ????? ?????? ? ??? ??????? ???? ?????