
Thread: Katina

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  1. Katina's Avatar

    Katina said:

    Default Katina

    I had a look through this forum and noticed alot of the topics were by me and I was talking up alot of room, so I thought i'd create this thread to post my future requests. Moderators - you can close this topic if you like, I just thought it might be a good idea.
  2. Katina's Avatar

    Katina said:


    If I could have the romanian translation to these lyrics, that would be great

    "God Laughs" - Delta Goodrem

    When you come from a solid foundation
    It freaks you out when the ground starts shaking
    And everything around you is breaking
    Mum was going crazy together to keep it
    Dad's two lives, he was keeping it a secret
    When we found out, we couldn't believe it...

    We're all walking on quicksand
    When we're busy making our plans, God laughs
    We're all walking on quicksand
    When we think that we understand, God laughs

    I've been a sound board, trying to be neutral
    Born in the middle, it's hard to be useful
    It's been hell if I had to be truthful
    People grow apart
    And people can change
    But it leaves alot of mess that someone's gotta clean up
    It happened here to the family that I love

    And we're so stupid if we think that we control
    All the dark matter at the centre of this black hole
    It's gonna pull us under if we don't let go...

    We're all walking on quicksand
    When we're busy making our plans, God laughs
    We're all walking on quicksand
    When we think that we understand, God laughs

    "Possessionless" - Delta Goodrem

    All the things that I've collected
    Stones and shells
    Every word in every book upon my shelf
    Only form a brief description of myself
    But they don't define who I am
    - I don't think anything can

    If I strip away all the non-necessities
    All the damage, all the mess surrounding me
    I don't crave what I have not
    I don't need more than I've got
    It's just me that I offer up

    All I've got is my body and it's naked for you
    All I've got is this heart that I'm willing to lose
    I know in this life I give it everything
    All I've got is this soul and it's shedding its clothes
    Do you see what I am now you're standing this close
    You know in these arms, you're feeling everything

    I'm learning what to give, what to protect
    To look into the mirror though I'm not perfect
    It's a work in progress, hasn't finished yet
    Want to be transparent through
    Not gonna hide me from you

    I'm completely undressed, but I couldn't care less
    I'm standing here possessionless
    It's the only true test
    When the only thing left
    Is a love that is possessionless

    Gotta give it away 'cause I can't possess
    It's all we've got is this nakedness
  3. ioana's Avatar

    ioana said:


    hello katina...great idea with this topic...i'll post the translation in a shrt while...kisses
  4. ioana's Avatar

    ioana said:


    Dumnezeu rade- Delta Goodrem

    cand provii dintr-o fundatie solida
    te inspaimanta cand pamantul incepe sa se cutremure
    si totul imprejurul tau se sparge
    mama isi iesea din minti ca sa le tina impreuna
    cele doua vieti ale tatei, tinea asta secret
    cand am aflat, nu am putut sa credem...

    mergem cu totii pe nisipuri miscatoare
    cand suntem ocupati sa ne facem planuri,Dumnezeu rade
    mergem cu totii pe nisipuri miscatoare
    cand noi credem ca intelegem,Dumnezeu rade

    am fost o placa de sunet,incercand sa fiu neutru
    nascut in mijloc, e greu sa fii util
    a fost iad daca ar trebui sa fiu sincer
    oamenii cresc despartiti
    si oamenii se pot schimba
    dar lasa o gramada de gunoi pe care cineva trebuie sa il curete
    s-a intamplat aici familiei pe care o iubesc

    si suntem atat de stupizi daca credem ca noi controlom
    toata materia neagra din centrul acestei gauri negre
    ne va trage dedesubt daca nu-i dam drumu...

    mergem cu totii pe nisipuri miscatoare
    cand suntem ocupati sa ne facem planuri,Dumnezeu rade
    mergem cu totii pe nisipuri miscatoare
    cand noi credem ca intelegem,Dumnezeu rade

    fara posesie - Delta Goodrem

    toate lucrurile pe care le-am colectat
    pietre si scoici
    fiecare cuvant in fiecare carte de pe raftul meu
    doar formeaza o scurta descriere a mea
    dar nu definesc cine sunt
    -nu cred ca poate ceva

    daca dezbrac toate non-necesitatile
    tot raul,toata dezordinea ce ma inconjoara
    nu ravnesc ce nu am
    nu am nevoie de mai mult decat am
    sunt doar eu cel pe care il sacrific (a da drept ofranda)

    tot ce am este corpul meu si este dezbracat pentru tine
    tot ce am este aceasta inima pe care sunt dispus sa o pierd
    stiu ca in aceasta viata ii ofer orice
    tot ce am este acest suflet si isi croieste hainele sale
    vezi ce sunt acum stai atat de aproape
    stii ca in bratele astea,simti totul

    invat ce sa daruiesc,ce sa protejez
    sa ma uit in oglinda desi nu sunt perfect
    este o munca in progres,nu s-a terminat inca
    vreau sa fiu transparent de la un capat la celalalt
    nu ma voi ascunde de tine

    sunt complet dezbracat,dar nu ar putea sa-mi pese mai putin
    stau aici lipsit de posesie
    este singurul test adevarat
    cand singurul lucru ramas
    este o dragoste ce este fara posesie.

    trebuie sa o dau mai departe deoarece nu pot sa posed
    este tot ce avem este aceasta nuditate.

    hope it's understandable for you...and helpfull...kisses
  5. Katina's Avatar

    Katina said:


    thank you so much for the translations, ioana! -- kisses
  6. ioana's Avatar

    ioana said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Katina View Post
    thank you so much for the translations, ioana! -- kisses
    u welcome..hope to receive some new lyrics for translation soon..kisses
  7. Katina's Avatar

    Katina said:


    Can I please have the translation to this song (with the diacritics) thank you
    "Tears of An Angel" - RyanDan

    Cover my eyes
    Cover my ears
    Tell me these words are a lie
    It can't be true
    That I'm losing you
    The sun cannot fall from the sky

    Can you hear Heaven cry?
    The tears of an angel
    Tears of an angel
    The tears of an angel

    Stop every clock
    The stars are in shock
    The river won't run to the sea
    I won't let you fly
    I won't say goodbye
    I won't let you slip away from me

    Can you hear Heaven cry?
    The tears of an angel
    Tears of an angel
    The tears of an angel

    So hold on, be strong
    Everyday hope will grow
    I'm here, don't you fear
    Little one, don't let go
    Don't let go!

    Cover my eyes
    Cover my ears
    Tell me these words are a lie
  8. ioana's Avatar

    ioana said:


    lacrimile unui înger

    acoperă-mi ochii
    acoperămi ochii
    spune-mi că acele vorbe sunt o minciună
    nu poate fi adevărat
    că te pierd
    soarele nu poate cădea de pe cer.

    refren (chorus)
    poţi auzi raiul plângând?
    lacrimile unui înger
    lacrimi ale unui înger
    lacrimile unui înger

    opreşte fiecare ceas
    stelele sunt în stare de soc
    râul nu va fugi către mare
    nu te voi lăsa să zbori
    nu voi spune la revedere
    nu te voi lăsa să pleci de lângă mine


    aşa că ţine-te, fii puternică
    în fiecare zi speranţa va creşte
    sunt aici, nu te teme
    micuţo, nu renunţa
    nu renunţa!

    acoperă-mi ochii
    acoperămi ochii
    spune-mi că acele vorbe sunt o minciună

    here you are sweety...enjoy
  9. Katina's Avatar

    Katina said:


    thank you very very much for helping me again!
  10. ioana's Avatar

    ioana said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Katina View Post
    thank you very very much for helping me again!
    anytime i can...it is my pleasure
  11. Katina's Avatar

    Katina said:



    miine va veni
    o astept (asa imi pare,
    ca e de genul feminin).

    azi lucrurile si-au schimbat primul strat de culoare
    alunecind tot mai mult inspre gri.
    pina la apus de soare
    mai e foarte putin.
    inca mai trag speranta
    (cum as trage cortina?)
    miine, cu singuranta, va veni.

    acum, lucrurile s-au deformat,
    pierzind din substanta.
    sint moi, flescaite,
    as inventa o altfel de instanta
    cu alte biblii, alte juraminte,
    as inventa un palat
    din cuvinte
    dar nu am timp!
    daca tocmai atunci, in secunda plapinda
    cind as uita sa stau la pinda
    miine, maiestuoasa
    miine ar veni!

    miine nu a venit.
    miine nu vine.

    nu se face niciodata miine
    sperantele, tot mai putine -
    numaratoare inversa spre zero absolut...
    o, mi-e atit de rusine
    ca nici bucata mea de piine
    nu va ma fi aici sa vada
    fericitul eveniment,
    explozia de poezie,
    facerea de om din lut,
    albastra zapada
    cind va fi sa fie...

    miine nici astazi nu a venit.
    mai am trei pasi
    pina la plus infinit.
  12. Katina's Avatar

    Katina said:



    copilule strain, al nu stiu cui,
    copilule intilnit pur si simplu pe strada,
    de ce plingi cu atita putere?
    lacrimile tale imi destrama inima
    ca acidul sulfuric, ca disperarea.
    nu-ti varsa toate lacrimile,
    vei avea nevoie si mai tirziu.
    pastreaza-ti o lacrima pentru prima iubire,
    una pentru intiia infringere,
    alta pentru intiiele nedreptati...

    si tot asa,
    calculeaza probabilitatea
    a toate ce ti s-ar putea intimpla
    si pune cite-o lacrima deoparte.
    vei vedea ce putin plins iti va ramine
    pentru ora aceasta-ntristata,
    ti se va reaminti risul, surisul,
    otelindu-te intr-o hiperputere
    nici intr-un fel aparata

    de virstele tale viitoare, distincte,
    trepte-ntr-o ciorba numita viata
    pe care ai s-o gusti,
    ai s-o digeri
    sau ai s-o lasi neterminata,
    in orice caz compozitia ei
    n-ai s-o intelegi niciodata...
  13. Katina's Avatar

    Katina said:



    cind dragostea se va-ndura de mine
    sa nu-mi mai dea tircoale, flaminda,
    cind niciun cintec nu va mai durea
    si niciun dor nu va mai sta la pinda,

    cind stelele, chiar stelele din cer
    vor inceta sa-si strige-n jos magia
    cind voi uita temperatura-nalta
    si prea-tristetea si prea-bucuria,

    cind totul, totul se va linisti
    si jindul spre-absolut imi va da pace,
    cind zeul-timp se va lasa vazut
    si-si va muta privirile incoace

    cind tu, chiar tu, nu vei mai fi decit
    o rana vindecata si straina
    si pentru faptul de-a te fi pierdut
    nu voi mai fi eu singura de vina,

    atunci de-abia
    chiar dis-de-dimineata
    voi invata primul meu pas
    spre viata.
  14. Katina's Avatar

    Katina said:



    tu esti stapin peste opt note muzicale,
    eu printre literele din alfabet ma ascund.
    simple si vii sint melodiile tale
    eu caut ceva mai profund.

    tu ajungi totdeauna la stele
    eu pe-orbita lui Venus alerg
    literele sint prea multe, ma-mpiedic de ele
    si cuvintul magic nu mai stiu sa-l aleg.

    hai sa ne unim fortele, hai sa ne unim
    muzica si textul fac cintec
    poate se naste ceva sublim
    din al dragostei pintec.

    poate cintecul ce da sa rasara
    ma va salva de rotire
    si-am s-ajung pe planeta ta intr-o seara
    irumpind de iubire.

    tu, oricum, ai vioara -
    eu am milioane de carti
    poezia din mine vrea companie
    de sunete rupte-n bucati

    asa, ca hainele pe care le sfisii
    sa respiri liber sub soare.
    gindul meu te are pe tine
    intr-o nesfirsita rabdare.

    tu, oricum, ai vioara fantastica
    sau vioara perena ce-ti sint
    si nu-nteleg cum de stie ea
    toate melodiile acestui pamint.

    cintecul, cintecul trebuie intrupat
    sa las versul stingher nu mai pot
    chiar daca tu n-ai idee de mine
    sintem in toate
    un tot.
  15. ioana's Avatar

    ioana said:


    what's with all those songs katina?
  16. tigress_tim's Avatar

    tigress_tim said:


    aaa Katina aaaaa u'r killing us..now i know why u opened this thread to be sure we never get bored ha?? i wonder from where u get these songs...and us till haven't answered me....why do u need them??
    " Don't take life too seriously, no one gets out alive. "
  17. tigress_tim's Avatar

    tigress_tim said:


    Ok here is one.. the rest will do later..or ioana perhaps i'm too lazy right now


    cind dragostea se va-ndura de mine
    when love will endure of me
    sa nu-mi mai dea tircoale, flaminda,
    not to lurk around me, with hunger
    cind niciun cintec nu va mai durea
    when no song will hurt anymore
    si niciun dor nu va mai sta la pinda,
    and no longing will lurch me any more

    cind stelele, chiar stelele din cer
    when the stars, even the stars on the sky
    vor inceta sa-si strige-n jos magia
    will stop casting their magic downwards
    cind voi uita temperatura-nalta
    when i will forget the high temperature
    si prea-tristetea si prea-bucuria,
    and the over sadness and over joy

    cind totul, totul se va linisti
    when everything will calm down
    si jindul spre-absolut imi va da pace,
    and the craving towards infinity will let me alone
    cind zeul-timp se va lasa vazut
    when the god of time will let himself seen
    si-si va muta privirile incoace
    and will move his glances to me

    cind tu, chiar tu, nu vei mai fi decit
    when you, even you, won’t be more than
    o rana vindecata si straina
    a cured and alien wound
    si pentru faptul de-a te fi pierdut
    and for the fact of having you lost
    nu voi mai fi eu singura de vina,
    I won’t be the one to blame alone

    atunci de-abia
    only then
    chiar dis-de-dimineata
    right at the crack of the dawn
    voi invata primul meu pas
    will learn my first step
    spre viata.
    towards life
    " Don't take life too seriously, no one gets out alive. "
  18. ioana's Avatar

    ioana said:


    i'm in the same mood but i'll try to do my best..
  19. ioana's Avatar

    ioana said:


    COPILULE- child

    strange child, of noone i know,
    child met simply on the street,
    why do you cry with so much power?
    your tears are crumbling my heart
    like the sulfuric acid, like the despair.
    don't spill all your tears,
    you'll need them later also.
    keep a tear for your first love,
    one for the first defeat,
    another for the first unjustices...

    and so on,
    calculate the probability
    of all that might happen to you
    and put away for each one tear.
    you'll see how less cry it will remain to you
    for this sad hour,
    it will be reminded to you the laugh, the smile,
    steeling you in a hyperpower
    in no way defended

    of your future ages, single,
    steps in a soup called life
    which you'll taste,
    you'll digest
    or you'll let it unfinished,
    in any case her composition
    you'll never understand...
  20. ioana's Avatar

    ioana said:


    MIINE- Tomorrow

    tomorrow will come
    i am expecting her (so it seems to me,
    that is of feminine genre).

    today things have changed their first layer of colour
    sliping more and more towards grey.
    until the sunset
    is very less.
    i still hope
    (how would i draw the curtain?)
    tomorrow, definetly, she'll come.

    now, things have deformed themselves,
    losing from substance.
    they are soft, flaccid,
    i would invent so other sort of instance
    with other bibles, other oaths,
    i would invent a palace
    from beautiful
    but i don't have time!
    if just then, in the frail second
    when i'd forget to stay at wait
    tomorrow would come.

    tomorrow didn't came.
    tomorrow doesn't come.

    it never turns out tomorrow
    hopes, just less-
    countdown to absolute zero..
    o..i'm so ashamed.
    that not even my piece of bread
    won't be here to see
    the happy event,
    the explosion of poetry
    the making of man from clay
    the blue snow
    when it would be to be...

    tomorrow not even today hasn't came
    i have three more steps
    until plus infinit.