geia sou :)can someone translate to english :)

Thread: geia sou :)can someone translate to english :)

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  1. turkish-beauty's Avatar

    turkish-beauty said:

    Default geia sou :)can someone translate to english :)

    omega vibes filos
  2. coccinellaseptempunctata's Avatar

    coccinellaseptempunctata said:


    Quote Originally Posted by turkish-beauty View Post
    omega vibes filos
    I don't know the song you are talking about and I can't help you.
    I found this on you tube:

    Is this the one?
  3. turkish-beauty's Avatar

    turkish-beauty said:


    yeah ))) can u translate it for me )
  4. coccinellaseptempunctata's Avatar

    coccinellaseptempunctata said:


    Ένα φίλο, ψάχνω να βρω ένα φίλο
    one friend, I am looking for one friend
    Να’χει μια αρμαθιά, χίλια δυο σπαθιά
    To have a string (= group of similar things), one thousand and two swords
    Να χορεύει, με το φως να συγγενεύει
    To dance, to be related to light
    Να έχει πάρει ευχή, να αναγεννηθεί
    To have blessing to be reborn

    Ένα φίλο, τι δε δίνω για ένα φίλο
    one friend, what don’t I give for one friend
    Να έχει ξυραφιά μέσα του βαθιά
    To have a razor slash deep inside him
    Να γελάει και μπουρίνι να ξεσπάει
    To laugh and a cloudburst to blow up
    Να έχει στην αφή δυνατή επαφή
    to have in the feel strong touch
    πες τα χρυσόστομε και εγώ στο υπόσχομαι
    “say it golden- mouth” * and I promise you
    να ζήσω απλά να λέω αλήθεια
    to live simply to say the truth
    φίλε και πρόγονε του έρωτα απόγονε
    friend and forefather, love’s offspring
    έλα κοντά γίνε συνήθεια
    come close, become a habit

    ένα φίλο, έχω αγάπη μου ένα φίλο
    one friend, I have my love one friend
    που έχει μια ψυχή δίχως αμυχή
    that has a soul without scratch
    με οδηγάει και όπου θέλει αυτός με πάει
    he is leading me and he takes me wherever he wants
    έχει άγιο ήχο πλάγιο
    he has a saint, an indirect sound
    με οδηγάει και όπου θέλει αυτός με πάει
    he is leading me and he takes me wherever he wants
    έχει την ευχή να αναγεννηθεί
    he has the blessing to be reborn

    ένα φίλο…
    one friend...

    *πες τα χρυσόστομε = greek expression that means that at last one said something everyone was thinking about but no one said before
  5. turkish-beauty's Avatar

    turkish-beauty said:


    efharisto para poli coccinellaseptempunctata ve milena sana çok teşekkür ederim 2tercümede lazımdı bana çok çok sağoool i'm trying to learn greek language