English to turkish translation- The worlds number 1 love story film

Thread: English to turkish translation- The worlds number 1 love story film

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  1. deli kizlar said:

    Post English to turkish translation- The worlds number 1 love story film

    Hi could anybody translate this into turkish please?
    I know it's a challenge because it's a very long letter but its on of my favourite films, please help.
    The english is tricky maybe to translate can anybody help me please?


    My Dearest Love,

    I couldn't sleep last night because I know your so far away from me now,
    but i am happy because i know that what we have is real.
    When i see your picture i smile so much
    and i remember how we spent the summer together,
    learning from each other and growing in love.
    The best love is the kind that weakens the soul
    it makes us reach for more.
    It puts a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds.
    And that is what you have given me,
    that is what i hope to give to you forever.
    I love you
    i will be seeing you soon
    always remember
    this love is unbreakable

    I'm not writing this letter to tell you what you already know,
    it's to tell you how much you move me
    how you changed me
    you made me a woman by loving me
    and for that i am eternally grateful, literally.
    If you can promise me anything,
    promise me whenever your sad, or unsure or you lose complete faith
    try and see yourself through my eyes.
    Thankyou for the honour of being my true love
    I'm a woman with no regrets,
    how lucky am i
    you made my life
    It's amazing, the love inside
    take it with you.

    Just know this,
    our love is like the wind.
    I can't see it but i can feel it.
    Take love, multiply it by infinity,
    take it to the depths of inifinity,
    and you will still have only a glimpse of how i feel for you.
    and even though we fight,
    i would rather fight with you than make love with anybody else.
    There are millions of people in this world,
    and its just you who i want.
    I realised the moment we kissed,
    that there is no other person for me,
    your the one i need to be with for all of my life.
    When you realise you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody
    you realise you want it to start as soon as possible.
    I didn't tell you this before
    but that moment, when we kissed
    when the only thing in my mind was you and me
    and i realized that you was the only person i was supposed to kiss for the rest of my life.
    and for 1 moment
    i got this amazing feeling
    and i wanted to laugh,
    and i wanted to cry,
    because i felt so lucky that i had found you,
    and i was so scared that you was going to go away at the same time.
    you complete me
    i just want to make you smile when your sad
    i could be the girl who grows old with you,
    all i want to do is grow old with you

    p.s. i will always love you
  2. deli kizlar said:


    Please anybody?
    I need a person who can challenge themselves and show their great english skills? My boyfriend wrote me a beautiful letter and i want to take some of the most loving things i know and do the same for him. Anybody know how to translate this?

    Please please please help, i would really appreciate it.