80's dance song

Thread: 80's dance song

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  1. pshrrobot said:

    Default 80's dance song

    I've got an 80's song stuck in my head, but I can only remember the tune and a few words of the lyrics. The chorus starts of with a guys voice going "Ooooo!" and then a guitar riff da dum dum duuuuum , with a keyboard then that sounds briefly like a police siren from europe. The main singer is a woman and she sounds similar to Lene Lovich, but I don't think she is.

    The only lyrics I can think of go something like "anything, anywhere ...... I miss you" but I could be wrong. I have had very little luck sorting this out on Google. If you can help, please let me know!!
  2. neimelliw said:


    The chorus starting with Ooooo made me think of the Communards - Don't leave me this way. It is from the 80s but otherwise I'm not so sure how well it matches your description.