Grazia Di Michele - Anja del settimo cielo

Thread: Grazia Di Michele - Anja del settimo cielo

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  1. animamia said:

    Default Grazia Di Michele - Anja del settimo cielo


    I love the song very much. Could anyone please post the Italian lyrics, and if possible. translation of its into English?

    Grazie mille!
  2. Ligeia's Avatar

    Ligeia said:


    That's a lovely song! I didn't find the lyrics and I wrote them down listening to the song, I might have missed something so I apologize for any inaccuracy.

    Anja del settimo cielo/ Anja of seventh heaven
    il settimo cielo un'estate crollò/ one summer the seventh heaven collapsed
    fuori non fece rumore/ outside it made no sound
    ma fu assordante per lei che si alzò/ but it was deafening for her that woke up
    Come un oscuro presagio / Like a dark omen
    fu un lento naufragio nella verità/ a slow wreck into the truth
    dentro ai suoi occhi stupore/ in her eyes (there were) wonder
    paura ed amore per lui che non sa./ fear and love for him that doesn't know

    c'è chi l'ha vista volare tra i campi/ some saw her flying among the fields
    quando il sesto cielo si aprì/ when the sixth sky opened up
    uno squarcio di azzurro tra i lampi/ a patch of sky-blue among the lightnings (I don't know if "patch" is right, the meaning is a rip, an opening)
    lui la strinse al suo corpo e partì/ he held her to his body and then (he) left

    Anja l'inferno in terra/ Anja, hell on earth
    la chiamano guerra lontano da qui/ they call it war away from here
    da queste croci nel gelo/ from these crosses in the freezing cold
    togliendosi il velo il quinto cielo svanì/ taking off his veil the fifth heaven disappeared
    Ma più della fede è la rabbia/ but more than faith is anger
    che vede e non crede e non prega più/ that sees and can't believe and doesn't pray anymore
    per un futuro di sabbia/ for a future of sand
    mentre il quarto cielo precipita giù/ while the fourth heaven falls down

    C'è chi l'ha vista distesa tra i campi/ some saw her lying among the fields
    quando neanche la luna brillò/ when even the moon didn't shine (stopped shine)
    e la pioggia bagnava i suoi fianchi/ and the rain soaked her hips
    mentre il terzo cielo bruciò/ while the third heaven burned down

    Anja che guarda la strada/ Anja looking at the road
    ma lui è un ritorno che non tornerà/ but he's a return who won't coming back
    Anja è una via senza uscita/Anja is a dead end
    il secondo cielo si dissolverà/ the second heaven will dissolve

    C'è chi l'ha vista finita la guerra/ Some saw her after the war
    con lo sguardo fisso nel blu/ staring at the blue
    a cercare chissà quale stella/seeking who knows what star
    la risposta che non basta più/ an answer that is no longer enough

    Anja del settimo cielo/ Anja of seventh heaven
    un sogno lontano pensarla da qui/ a distant dream think about it from here
    Anja soltanto un cielo e solo una luna/ Anja just one heaven and only one moon
    lasciatela lì/ leave it there (I don't know if it's right, but the meaning is to leave it alone, where it is now)
    Anja soltanto un cielo e uno ora e basta/ Anja only one heaven, just one now and that's all
    lasciatelo lì/ leave it there
    "-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
    "-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."

    "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"
  3. animamia said:


    Thanks a lot, Ligeia