(*) What is this spanish song?

Thread: (*) What is this spanish song?

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  1. westley said:

    Talking (*) What is this spanish song?

    I dont know what is the name of the song or the artist. but it is presented by a man, older man I guess. and at the beggining is acoustic or spanish guitar and then the man starts to sing. it is very slow song.
    I can not spanish at all but i try to write what i hear..

    momo rei momo rei

    nogo le reifora, togo el reifora
    movo leiro, mongo reiro, movo rei..
  2. MaresLejanos said:


    To be honest, that really tells me something about a song... LOL... But let's try with different songs:

    is it ?
  3. westley said:


    No. it's slow and kind of sad song. maybe tomorrow I find out, my friend had it in his phone so he will tell it. i will let you know anyway
  4. westley said:


    I found it now. It's Gipsy Kings - No volvere