Portuguese song: Kaoma - Bantu

Thread: Portuguese song: Kaoma - Bantu

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  1. shhora's Avatar

    shhora said:

    Default Portuguese song: Kaoma - Bantu

    Hola !!

    can someone post the lyrics and translate this song please

    thanks a lot
  2. algebra's Avatar

    algebra said:


    I tried it a little ago when someone from Romania asked for the lyrics and at ??? she talks about some african people that I can't identify, since "bantu" and "congos" are such african tribes. Do not hope it to make much sense, this is a party-up song - a good old one indeed - so words are there to sound nice.

    Alforria is what the liberty of slaves (mainly the black ) was called when slavery was allowed in Brazil. So a slave could be free only if he payed for and alforria was just a official document that states that this one was not a slave anymore.

    Note that people can make music using cans, like one of Coke. Many brazilian songs have this context, mainly in Axé because, cans can produce some similar to the sound of drums.

    Bantu ê
    Bantu ê de lata pra tocar tu-ban
    Bantu, with cans in hands to make melody
    É bom
    bantu ê
    Bantu is good, ê
    bantu ê ô ê ô

    Bantu é uma canção de alegria
    Bantu is a song for the joyness
    For the liberty
    For the alforria
    ???, congôs
    ??? and congôs
    Numa festa em harmonia
    celebrating in a party, in harmony
    Bantu é amor ê ô
    Banto is love
    Bantu é união
    Bantu is union
    Gente linda
    Bantu is beautiful people
    Bantu is courage
    Tens ainda
    You'll still find
    desta terra
    in this land
    Passos firmes
    firm steps(=perseverance)
    Marcas tristes
    Sad past traces
    Bantu é amor ê ô
    Bantu is the love

    @Crisa I remember you did a request of what the song meant and I absolutely forget, pardon me . Here you are. As we say "better later than never"

    By the way romanians have no problems with our weird portuguese sounds ã, ãe, ão, õe and I wounder why so many romanians like this song, you guys count 3 people from Romania I remember asking for this song.
    Last edited by algebra; 11-28-2009 at 07:21 PM.
    O coração da gente chega lateja
    A gente só deseja passar bem
    Com você meu bem
    No xenhenhém
    No xenhenhém
    No xenhenhém
  3. gbasfora's Avatar

    gbasfora said:


    Banto é uma canção de alegria
    Liberdade alforria
    Cabindas, benguelas , congôs


    Pelo que sei Cabindas e benguelas referem-se a cidades/lugares em Angola. No google tem
  4. algebra's Avatar

    algebra said:


    Olá gbasfora

    Muito obrigado pela correção. É impossivel advinhar essas palavras só ouvindo e não sei como você conseguiu :D, e segundo pesquisa do Google nós dois estamos ambos certos ;). Eu pensei que eram povos porque antes só achei na pesquisa os congôs. Mais uma vez, obrigado. É bom ter alguem por perto pra corrigir as bobagens que aparecem

    Last edited by algebra; 12-04-2009 at 06:13 PM.
    O coração da gente chega lateja
    A gente só deseja passar bem
    Com você meu bem
    No xenhenhém
    No xenhenhém
    No xenhenhém
  5. gbasfora's Avatar

    gbasfora said:


    You are welcome.

    Foi fácil de conseguir. No vídeo abaixo dá pra entender bem a letra.

  6. delduvath said:


    Sorry for digging up old posts but thanks for the translation, and by the way another guy from Romania :P.
    Thank you once more!
  7. algebra's Avatar

    algebra said:


    Lol :P
    O coração da gente chega lateja
    A gente só deseja passar bem
    Com você meu bem
    No xenhenhém
    No xenhenhém
    No xenhenhém
  8. Crisa said:


    Quote Originally Posted by algebra View Post

    @Crisa I remember you did a request of what the song meant and I absolutely forget, pardon me . Here you are. As we say "better later than never"

    By the way romanians have no problems with our weird portuguese sounds ã, ãe, ão, õe and I wounder why so many romanians like this song, you guys count 3 people from Romania I remember asking for this song.

    Hi Algerbra !

    Don't worry , there's no problem. I totally forgot about that request . And sorry for my late reply , I haven't seen this thread ...until today

    I think we like it because it's very catchy and when it came out it was broadcast a lot on the radios, and I like it because I like Portuguese a lot
  9. algebra's Avatar

    algebra said:


    O coração da gente chega lateja
    A gente só deseja passar bem
    Com você meu bem
    No xenhenhém
    No xenhenhém
    No xenhenhém
  10. jolica said:


    This song refers to candomblê bantu, a religion. Bantu is a large african ethnographic and language group, that includes Angola territory. Most slaves in Brazil came from this territory, and with them, bantu languages as kimbundu and kikongo, the religion and the music.