short interview video

Thread: short interview video

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  1. Katina's Avatar

    Katina said:

    Default short interview video

    can i please ask for the english translation for this video with the romanian text as well? thank you!
  2. baby_girl_'s Avatar

    baby_girl_ said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Katina View Post
    can i please ask for the english translation for this video with the romanian text as well? thank you!
    You've already translated this song...It's the same song, only this time the version posted on youtube is in russian
    here is the link with your translation
  3. baby_girl_'s Avatar

    baby_girl_ said:


    Ohhhh sorry, i didn't pay attention to your request, you wanted the translation of the interview, not the song...sorry
    Last edited by baby_girl_; 11-22-2009 at 09:37 AM.
  4. baby_girl_'s Avatar

    baby_girl_ said:


    Aşa îi cântă Cleopatra lui Ghiţă în limba rusă. La cei 7 ani ai săi micuţa a reuşit să înveţe deja o limbă străină, iar acum şi fanii săi din Rusia înţeleg dorul pe care i-l poartă lui Ghiţă.
    This is how Cleopatra sings to Ghiţă in russian. At only 7 years, the little one has already managed to learn a foreign language, and now her russian fans can understand how much she misses Ghiţa.

    Pavel Stratan: Ideea mi-a venit direct după ce am lansat-o în limba română, dar nu mi-a ajuns timp suficient s-o traduc.. pentru că limba rusă e un pic altfel. Acuma am simţit eu că i-a venit timpul să o lansez.
    Pavel Stratan: The idea came to me directly, right after the song was launched in romanian, but I didn't have enough time to translate it...because russian language is a bit different. Now i felt it was time for it to be launched.

    Chiar dacă este elevă în clasa 1, micuţa artistă îşi face timp şi pentru şcoală, dar şi pentru muzică.
    [/b] Although she's in 1st grade, the little artist makes time for school, but also for music.[/b]

    Cleopatra Stratan: Am primit azi 10 la educaţie fizică ..în loc de 8 am primit 10.
    Cleopatra Stratan: Today I got a 10 at Physical Education...instead of 8 I got 10.

    Pavel Stratan: Eu tot când eram ca tine numai 10 primeam la educaţie fizică..
    Pavel Stratan: Me too when I was at your age, at pshysical education I received only 10..

    Cleopatra Stratan: 9 la test, dar nu mai primesc nouraşi cu soare..cum ţi-am promis.. nu mai primesc..
    Cleopatra Stratan: 9 at the test, but I no longer receive little sunny I have promised to you.. I no longer receive...

    Pavel Stratan:Taticu’ când era clasa 1 primea…cea mai mare nota era 5, dar la tine e 10..
    Pavel Stratan: When your daddy was in first grade he received...the highest score was 5, but yours is 10..

    Cleopatra Stratan: 10 e mai mare decât 5 dacă vrei să ştii..
    Cleopatra Stratan: 10 is bigger than 5, if you want to know..

    Pavel Stratan: nu, nu, nu mai este, 5 e mai mare decat 10..
    Pavel Stratan: no no, not anymore, 5 is bigger than 10..

    în fiecare zi când ajunge acasă, Cleopatra îi povesteşte tatălui său nu doar despre note, ci şi despre colegii de clasă.
    Every day when she gets home, Cleopatra tells his father not only about the notes, but also about her classmates.

    Cleopatra Stratan: într-o zi Ioan a fost cuminte, pe urmă în altă zi s-o schimbat..şi tot aşa mai departe şi ieri, da nu s-o schimbat încă mai cuminte..tot aşa..
    Cleopatra Stratan: One day John was good, then, next day he has changed..and so on, yesterday too, but he's still not good..he's the same

    Dar s-a obişnuit cu colegul său şi ca orice elev Cleopatra se gândeşte acum la vacanţa de iarnă. Cântăreaţa va avea la Chişinău un concert de colinde.
    But she got used to his colleague and like any other schoogirl now Cleopatra thinks at winter holiday. The singer will have a carol concert in Chişinău.

    Pavel Stratan: Le cântă minunat, foarte frumos…mi-au plăcut toate colindele ei, tot…aaa, e încântată ..
    Pavel Stratan: She sings them great, very beautiful...I liked all her carols, all...uhh and she's very excited abut this..

    Cleopatra Stratan: Vă aştept să vă cânt cele mai frumoase colinde de Crăciun.
    Cleopatra Stratan: I wait you all to sing to you the most beautiful Christmas carols.

    Here you are, and sorry for my first post, have a nice day
    Last edited by baby_girl_; 11-22-2009 at 09:36 AM.
  5. Katina's Avatar

    Katina said:


    hey thank you!! is it possible to have the same for these interviews, too?
    For this one, I only need the ro and eng up until 01:46
    And this one, only the studio interview at the end

    Last edited by Katina; 11-24-2009 at 07:13 PM. Reason: ,
  6. kmmy's Avatar

    kmmy said:


    i wrote what they say now i only need to transl it (the 1st vid). ill post it in a few min
  7. kmmy's Avatar

    kmmy said:


    1st video:

    Măruţă: Ai crescut foarte mare de când nu ne-am mai întâlnit la emisiune. Tu creşti cât creşte un copil normal în 5, ani tu creşti într-un singur an. Aşa e?
    You grew up so much since i haven't seen you at the show. You grow in 1 year as much as a normal kid grows in 5. Isn't it?
    Cleopatra: Da

    M: Foarte bine. Ai terminat grădiniţa?
    Very good. Have you finished the kindergarten?
    C: Da.
    M: Îţi pare rău?
    Do you feel bad?
    C: Nu îmi pare rău, dar am început şcoala.
    I don't feel bad , but i begun the school.
    M: Ahh şi spune-mi dragă, cum e la şcoală?
    Ahh and tell me dear, how is it at school?
    C: E foarte bine şi învăţ lucruri noi.
    Is very good and i learn new things.
    M: Şi îţi place la şcoală? Te pun copiii să le cânţi?
    And do you like at school? Do kids put you to sing to them?
    C: Nu, nu mă pun.
    No, they don't
    M: Nu te pun? Că toată lumea ştie Cleopatra e cântăreaţă, Cleopatra e cu
    "Ghiţă vino la portiţă".
    They don't? Cause everybody knows that Cleopatra is a singer, Cleopatra is with: ""Ghiţă come to the gate"
    C: Da.

    M: Ce face frăţiiorul tău Cezar? Că ştiu că ai un frăţior.
    How is it doing you little brother Cezar? Cause i know you have a little brother.
    C: I-au crescut deja doi dinţişori, zice mami şi tati, zice chi de la chitară şi intră la tata în birou şi îi rupe strunele de la chitară.
    2 teeth grow already, he says mom and dad, he says chi from guitar and enters to my dad's office and tears off the strings from the guitar.
    M: Maaamă . Toate aceste lucruri le face frăţiorul tău Cezar?
    woow. All these things are made by your little brother Cezar?
    C: Da şi încă tati i-a cumpărat o chităruţă dar a stricat-o deja.
    Yes and daddy bought him a little guitar but he already broke it.
    M. Aiii de mine. Să vedem ce mai strică pentru că pe 1 Decembrie când noi
    avem ediţii speciale, unde vă aşteptăm pe toţi în faţa televizoarelor, lumea o să-l vadă pe frăţiorul tău Cezar în premieră. E bine?
    oh my. Let's see what else he will brake because on December 1st when we have special editions, where we are waiting you in front of the tvs, people will see your little brother Cezar for the 1st time. Is that ok?
    C: Da.
    M: Ne laşi să-l filmăm, să vorbim şi noi cu el, să-l vedem cât de mult seamănă cu tine?
    Do you let us to film him, to talk with him, to see how much does he look like you?
    C: Da.
    M: Bun. Cezar. O să-l vedeţi pe frăţiorul Cleopatrei, pe Cezar pe 1 Decembrie. Să vorbim şi cu tata, nu?
    Ok. Cezar. You will see Cleopatra's little brother, Cezar on December 1st. Let's talk with the father as well, right?
    C: Da.
    M: Bună seara Pavele! Bine-ai venit!Ne era dor de tine. Ce faci? Cum merge treaba?
    Good evening Pavel! Welcome! We missed you. How are you? How is it going?
    P: Bine.
    Everything's fine.
    M: Fii atent că te întreb eu. Casa? S-a terminat la Chişinău?
    Pay attention cause i'll ask you. The house? The house from Chisinau did it finish?
    P: Da.
    M: Deci ai terminat casa, da? Şi lumea întreabă un album nou de la Pavel Stratan? Că oamenilor le place cu : Amintiri din copilărie 1, Amintiri din copilărie 2.
    So you finished the house, right? And people are asking about a new album of Pavel Stratan. Cause people like Amintiri din copilarie 1 (Reminiscences from childhood)
    P: Nu acum. Anul ăsta am încheiat cu albumul care acuma îl lansăm, de colinde. Mai am ceva nou, dar mă tem că o să mi le ia Cezar.
    Not now. This year i ended with the album that we are launching now, with carols. I have smth new but i'm afraid that Cezar will take them.
    M: Mmmhh. Deci la anu e anul lui Cezar?
    Mmmmhh. So next year is Cezar's year?
    P: Eeee nu chiar la anu.
    Eee not really next year.
    M: Peste 2-3 ani va veni vremea lui Cezar, nu?
    In 2-3 years will come Cezar's time, right?
    P: Poate peste 2. Acum dacă are aproape 1 an...
    Maybe after 2. Now he is almost 1 year old
    M: Pe la 3 ani, cum a început şi Cleopatra la 3 ani, hop dă lovitura şi Cezar.
    Around 3 years old, like Cleopatra started at 3, hop and Cezar will be successful as well
    P: Poate.
    M: E primul album de colinde?
    Is the 1st album of carols?
    P: Da. E primul album de colinde şi dacă o să îi placă atât de tare Cleopatrei cum şi mie mi-a plăcut foarte mult cum ne-a reuşit acest album, poate la anu vin cu nişte colinde...
    Yes. Is the 1st album of carols and if Cleopatra will like the album as much as i did maybe next year i come up with some carols...
    M: De acolo de la Chişinău 100%?
    From Chinisau?
    P: Nu, chiar scrise de noi.
    No, written by us.
    M: Aaaa scrise de voi? Colinde noi. Foarte fain.
    Aaa written by you? New carols. Cool
    P: Da.
    M: Spune-mi. Cleopatra ştiu că era o artistă dom'le care umplea Sala Palatului, Sala Polivalentă, Teatrul Naţional unde avea concerte. Anul ăsta o s-o mai vedem undeva la vreun spectacol în Bucureşti?
    Tell me. Cleopatra i know she was an artist who filled Sala Palatului, Sala Polivalenta, Teatrul National when she has concerts. This year will we see her somewhere at some show in Bucharest?
    P: Cleopatra spui tu unde avem concert?
    Cleopatra wanna tell where we have concert?
    M:Cleopatra ai spectacol? Unde dragă, unde te vedem? Ia spune-ne să ştie lumea.
    Cleopatra do you have a show? Where dear, where can we see you? Tell us so that people know as well.
    P: Pe ce dată?
    C: Pe data de 23 Decembrie la Palatul Naţional.
    On December 23 at Palatul National.
    P: La Sala Palatului
    At Sala Palatului
    M: La Sala Palatului?
    At Sala Palatului?
    C: Da.
    M: Pe 23 Decembrie?
    On December 23?
    C: Da.
    M: Cleopatra Stratan? Păi şi Bănică când e? E înainte Ştefan. Deci înainte e Ştefan...mamă. Deci asta e ştire de primă pagină: Ştefan Bănică Jr cântă în deschidere la Sala Palatului pentru Cleopatra
    Cleopatra Stratan? And Banica when he has concert? Stefan is before. So before is Stefan.. oh my. So this is a news for 1st page: Ştefan Bănică Jr sings in the opening for Cleopatra at Sala Palatului
  8. Katina's Avatar

    Katina said:


    Quote Originally Posted by kmmy View Post
    1st video:

    Măruţă: Ai crescut foarte mare de când nu ne-am mai întâlnit la emisiune. Tu creşti cât creşte un copil normal în 5, ani tu creşti într-un singur an. Aşa e?
    You grew up so much since i haven't seen you at the show. You grow in 1 year as much as a normal kid grows in 5. Isn't it?
    Cleopatra: Da

    M: Foarte bine. Ai terminat grădiniţa?
    Very good. Have you finished the kindergarten?
    C: Da.
    M: Îţi pare rău?
    Do you feel bad?
    C: Nu îmi pare rău, dar am început şcoala.
    I don't feel bad , but i begun the school.
    M: Ahh şi spune-mi dragă, cum e la şcoală?
    Ahh and tell me dear, how is it at school?
    C: E foarte bine şi învăţ lucruri noi.
    Is very good and i learn new things.
    M: Şi îţi place la şcoală? Te pun copiii să le cânţi?
    And do you like at school? Do kids put you to sing to them?
    C: Nu, nu mă pun.
    No, they don't
    M: Nu te pun? Că toată lumea ştie Cleopatra e cântăreaţă, Cleopatra e cu
    "Ghiţă vino la portiţă".
    They don't? Cause everybody knows that Cleopatra is a singer, Cleopatra is with: ""Ghiţă come to the gate"
    C: Da.

    M: Ce face frăţiiorul tău Cezar? Că ştiu că ai un frăţior.
    How is it doing you little brother Cezar? Cause i know you have a little brother.
    C: I-au crescut deja doi dinţişori, zice mami şi tati, zice chi de la chitară şi intră la tata în birou şi îi rupe strunele de la chitară.
    2 teeth grow already, he says mom and dad, he says chi from guitar and enters to my dad's office and tears off the strings from the guitar.
    M: Maaamă . Toate aceste lucruri le face frăţiorul tău Cezar?
    woow. All these things are made by your little brother Cezar?
    C: Da şi încă tati i-a cumpărat o chităruţă dar a stricat-o deja.
    Yes and daddy bought him a little guitar but he already broke it.
    M. Aiii de mine. Să vedem ce mai strică pentru că pe 1 Decembrie când noi
    avem ediţii speciale, unde vă aşteptăm pe toţi în faţa televizoarelor, lumea o să-l vadă pe frăţiorul tău Cezar în premieră. E bine?
    oh my. Let's see what else he will brake because on December 1st when we have special editions, where we are waiting you in front of the tvs, people will see your little brother Cezar for the 1st time. Is that ok?
    C: Da.
    M: Ne laşi să-l filmăm, să vorbim şi noi cu el, să-l vedem cât de mult seamănă cu tine?
    Do you let us to film him, to talk with him, to see how much does he look like you?
    C: Da.
    M: Bun. Cezar. O să-l vedeţi pe frăţiorul Cleopatrei, pe Cezar pe 1 Decembrie. Să vorbim şi cu tata, nu?
    Ok. Cezar. You will see Cleopatra's little brother, Cezar on December 1st. Let's talk with the father as well, right?
    C: Da.
    M: Bună seara Pavele! Bine-ai venit!Ne era dor de tine. Ce faci? Cum merge treaba?
    Good evening Pavel! Welcome! We missed you. How are you? How is it going?
    P: Bine.
    Everything's fine.
    M: Fii atent că te întreb eu. Casa? S-a terminat la Chişinău?
    Pay attention cause i'll ask you. The house? The house from Chisinau did it finish?
    P: Da.
    M: Deci ai terminat casa, da? Şi lumea întreabă un album nou de la Pavel Stratan? Că oamenilor le place cu : Amintiri din copilărie 1, Amintiri din copilărie 2.
    So you finished the house, right? And people are asking about a new album of Pavel Stratan. Cause people like Amintiri din copilarie 1 (Reminiscences from childhood)
    P: Nu acum. Anul ăsta am încheiat cu albumul care acuma îl lansăm, de colinde. Mai am ceva nou, dar mă tem că o să mi le ia Cezar.
    Not now. This year i ended with the album that we are launching now, with carols. I have smth new but i'm afraid that Cezar will take them.
    M: Mmmhh. Deci la anu e anul lui Cezar?
    Mmmmhh. So next year is Cezar's year?
    P: Eeee nu chiar la anu.
    Eee not really next year.
    M: Peste 2-3 ani va veni vremea lui Cezar, nu?
    In 2-3 years will come Cezar's time, right?
    P: Poate peste 2. Acum dacă are aproape 1 an...
    Maybe after 2. Now he is almost 1 year old
    M: Pe la 3 ani, cum a început şi Cleopatra la 3 ani, hop dă lovitura şi Cezar.
    Around 3 years old, like Cleopatra started at 3, hop and Cezar will be successful as well
    P: Poate.
    M: E primul album de colinde?
    Is the 1st album of carols?
    P: Da. E primul album de colinde şi dacă o să îi placă atât de tare Cleopatrei cum şi mie mi-a plăcut foarte mult cum ne-a reuşit acest album, poate la anu vin cu nişte colinde...
    Yes. Is the 1st album of carols and if Cleopatra will like the album as much as i did maybe next year i come up with some carols...
    M: De acolo de la Chişinău 100%?
    From Chinisau?
    P: Nu, chiar scrise de noi.
    No, written by us.
    M: Aaaa scrise de voi? Colinde noi. Foarte fain.
    Aaa written by you? New carols. Cool
    P: Da.
    M: Spune-mi. Cleopatra ştiu că era o artistă dom'le care umplea Sala Palatului, Sala Polivalentă, Teatrul Naţional unde avea concerte. Anul ăsta o s-o mai vedem undeva la vreun spectacol în Bucureşti?
    Tell me. Cleopatra i know she was an artist who filled Sala Palatului, Sala Polivalenta, Teatrul National when she has concerts. This year will we see her somewhere at some show in Bucharest?
    P: Cleopatra spui tu unde avem concert?
    Cleopatra wanna tell where we have concert?
    M:Cleopatra ai spectacol? Unde dragă, unde te vedem? Ia spune-ne să ştie lumea.
    Cleopatra do you have a show? Where dear, where can we see you? Tell us so that people know as well.
    P: Pe ce dată?
    C: Pe data de 23 Decembrie la Palatul Naţional.
    On December 23 at Palatul National.
    P: La Sala Palatului
    At Sala Palatului
    M: La Sala Palatului?
    At Sala Palatului?
    C: Da.
    M: Pe 23 Decembrie?
    On December 23?
    C: Da.
    M: Cleopatra Stratan? Păi şi Bănică când e? E înainte Ştefan. Deci înainte e Ştefan...mamă. Deci asta e ştire de primă pagină: Ştefan Bănică Jr cântă în deschidere la Sala Palatului pentru Cleopatra
    Cleopatra Stratan? And Banica when he has concert? Stefan is before. So before is Stefan.. oh my. So this is a news for 1st page: Ştefan Bănică Jr sings in the opening for Cleopatra at Sala Palatului
    oh you did the whole interview thank you so very much kmmy Sorry I keep asking for translations, but I like to add them to my cleo site so that other people, besides romanian fans can understand.
    p.s I like your new avatar - is it you?
  9. kmmy's Avatar

    kmmy said:


    i did the whole interview bcs i kinda finished it before seeing that u want only till min 1.46

    tnx no, its not me
  10. Katina's Avatar

    Katina said:


    fair enough any chance you could also do the other one? but just the interview in the studio, not the news clip
  11. kmmy's Avatar

    kmmy said:


    At the begining of the interview the news presenter was amazed by her purse and he said that he is curious to know what does she have in it, boys are usually curious about the content of women's purses.

    After she showed what she has in her purse, the woman told her that she is very beautiful and thinks that Pavel is very proud of her and that Lucian (her co presenter) has a boy of the same age and he would like to bring him to her concert so that they can talk and maybe learn him sing. Pavel realized that they already know each other.. they have been colleagues at kindergarten for a while.

    The next question was about what she will sing at the concert from December 23 and she said that she will sing the most known and loved romanian carols and her favorite one is "Steaua sus rasare" and she was asked to sing a bit from it but after, with the intervention of Pavel she sings another one.

    Pavel was asked how did he have the idea of making the song "Ghita" in russian language and if he thinks that it will be successful in Rusia. He said that this idea came up suddenly and he didn't do it because he wants Cleopatra to have success in Rusia, in fact he doesn't want her to travel to Rusia so much.

    The last question was for Cleopatra. She was asked where she feels like home, in Chisinau (Moldova) or in Bucharest (Romania) and her answer was that she feels like home in both.
  12. Katina's Avatar

    Katina said:


    multumesc kmmy
  13. kmmy's Avatar

    kmmy said:


    you r welcome