Rashid el Majed ft. Yara - El Maw'ed El Da'ea'

Thread: Rashid el Majed ft. Yara - El Maw'ed El Da'ea'

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  1. misstanya15 said:

    Default Rashid el Majed ft. Yara - El Maw'ed El Da'ea'

  2. incriptedtruth's Avatar

    incriptedtruth said:


    That was quick, the video has just relesed yesterday lol
    here a quick translation

    الموعد الضائع=The lost date

    يا حبيبة مانسيت موعدي الضايع معك
    Oh my love, I didn't forget my lost date with you
    واسمعيني لو دقيقة مثل ماكنت اسمعك
    Just listen to me for a minute,like the way I used to listen to you
    اسمعي عذري وبعدها سوي اللي تشتهين
    Listen to my execuse( reason) the anything you wish, you do
    واعترف لك ياغلاي إني غلطان وحزين
    and I admit my pecious that I'm wrong and sad
    واسمحي لي أحكي فيه اللي حصل
    and Allow me to tell you what happened
    وخففي عني العتاب
    Be easy on me with your reproach
    يمكن في عذري جواب
    May be in my reason an answer for you

    كنت في موعد لقانا جالسة بس انتظر
    On our date, I was setting just waiting
    واحتريتك وماحضرت وكنت ادور لك عذر
    Looking for your coming,but you didn’t,and I was finding (looking for)
    execuses for you
    وصرت أرجف واشعر بحسرة
    I began to trembleand feel remorse
    حسرة إنك ماوفيت
    Remorse that you didn’t keep that promise of you
    وخوفي إنك ما التهيت
    And my fear was it wasn't distraction that got you(meaning that i was scared that you stood me up intentionally -not something urgent distracted you)
    بس تدري .. يالله احكي واسمعك
    But you know what, come on,tell me, let me hear you
    عندها يمكن ألاقي عذر منك وافهمك
    May be then i can find an execuse and understand you


    انا جيتك يالحبيبة..
    قبل موعدنا بدقايق
    I've come my love, minutes before our date
    وكنتي منتظرة وكان الجو رايق
    You have been waiting, and it was so quite
    رحت اسولف عن شجوني
    I went talking about my emotions
    وعن احاسيسي وظنوني
    About my feelings and thoughts
    وقلت لك اني احبك
    and i told you that i love you
    ياللي ماليتن عيوني
    You who fills my eyes( whom I see no other only you)
    كل هاذا كان في لحظة غفيت
    It was at a moment I fell asleep
    وفجأة من نومي صحيت
    Suddenly I woke from my sleep
    ومالقيتك يالحبيبة
    And didn't find you my love


    اه منك وش اقول
    Oh, what do you want me to say
    افرح بحلمك معاي
    Shall I be happy about your dream about me?
    والا ازعل في ذهول
    Or be surprisingly upset
    لا و تبيني مانفعل
    And you don't want me to be mad?
    خلني اصدق وش تقول
    Let me believe what you saying( first)

    صدقيني ذي الحقيقة
    Believe me , the truth is it
    الكذب لالا ما اطيقه
    Laying no, no I can't stand it

    انت تدري اه تدري
    You know ,oh you know
    كيف احبك
    How much I love you
    واني ما اقدر اسيبك
    And I cant let go of you
    لكن الغيرة في قلبي
    But the jelousy in my heart
    غيرت فكري ودربي
    Changed my thought and path

    ياللا ننسى اللي حصل
    Lets forget what happened
    ونجعل الدنيا امل
    And with hope we fill the world
    ونفرح ببكرة سوا
    And we get happy for tomorrow( not sure of ithe sentence seems weak to me)

    ياللا ننسى اللي حصل
    Lets forget what happened
    ونجعل الدنيا امل
    And with hope we fill the world
    ونفرح ببكرة سوا
    And we get happy for tomorrow

    my love

    my love

    enjoy it
    Last edited by incriptedtruth; 12-28-2009 at 05:23 AM.
    Sometimes, Silence can be so LOUD..
  3. misstanya15 said:


    Haha I work fast. And thanks for the translation
  4. incriptedtruth's Avatar

    incriptedtruth said:


    you are welcome
    Sometimes, Silence can be so LOUD..