The Beatles - Commonwealth

Thread: The Beatles - Commonwealth

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  1. suzyLee said:

    Unhappy The Beatles - Commonwealth


    I need the lyrics of the unreleased Beatles Song "Commonwealth"

    you can listen to it on:

    unfortunately I don't understand everything, and what i found with google was even less than I understood and i guess a bit wrong too.

    Would be very happy if someone could help me and give me the correct and complete lyrics.

    Thank You!
  2.'s Avatar said:


    Okay, here I found the understandable part of the lyrics, you maybe found this one I don't know..

    Immigrants. Wilson Health said to the immgrants you better get back to the
    commonwealth homes. Yeah, yeah, yeah I said Get back home. Now Enoch Powell was
    said to the folks color of his skin. He said don't care. So he said you better
    get up. He said he said to Enoch Powell.He said you better go home. So Wilson said to.
    We got to swing. We have to go the hill. So Wilson Health said to Enoch Powell
    we got to the commonwealth. Commonwealth yeah commonwealth yeah commonwealth
    yeah commonwealth yeah.
    Commonwealth yeah. If you don't want trouble you got to go home. To Indania.
    I've have enough of that. I'm coming back yeah to England. Dirty Enoch Powell.
    Commonwealth. Commonwealth yeah. Don't you hear me commonwealth yeah. Well I
    check Austria England India. Enoch powell. Oh commonwealth yeag. Oh
    commonwealth yeah. Yeah commonwealth yeah. Commonwealth yeah. It's to common to
    me. I came down the street to New Zealand. Commonwealth. Commonwealth yeah.
    Commonwealth yeah. Enoch Powell commonwealth yeah. Immigrants commonwealth
    yeah. Market.
    Србија и Грчка заувек заједно!
    Ελλαδα και Σερβια για πάντα μαζί!
  3. suzyLee said:


    yeah, that's exactly the one i didn't like that much :-P

    but whatever, next question:who is Wilson Health or Heath?