Class - Ce pot sa fac

Thread: Class - Ce pot sa fac

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  1. JunjouLover's Avatar

    JunjouLover said:

    Default Class - Ce pot sa fac

    Omg, I love this sonnnggg, it's so catchy, so I wanted to translate it. ;D

    Ce pot sa fac sa ma iubesti?
    What can I do for you to love me?
    De mine sa te indragostesti.
    For you to fall in love with me
    Ce pot sa fac?Nu te-am uitat.
    What can I do? I haven't forgotten you
    O viata pe tine te-am asteptat.
    I've waited for you my whole life

    Eu te-am iubit dar tu nu m-ai crezut
    I loved you but you didn't believe me
    O voce imi spunea ca eu merit mai mult.
    A voice was telling me that I deserve more
    Nu m-ai iubit,nu ai stiut sa dai tot ce ai.
    You didn't love me, you didn't learn to give all that you have
    Stiu ca oricine mai poate gresi si mi-as dori sa pot din nou iubi.
    I know that anyone can make a mistake and I'd like to be able to love again
    Sa fim din nou ca la inceput.
    For us to be like at the beginning
    Plini de dorinta.
    Filled with desire

    Refren X 2

    Imi amintesc cat de mult ne certam.
    I remember how much we'd fight
    Acum am vazut ca doar eu te iubeam.
    Now I saw that only I loved you
    M-ai inselat si am aflat ca dragostea doare.
    You cheated me and I found out that love hurts
    Stiu ca oricine mai poate gresi si mi-as dori sa pot din nou iubi.
    I know that anyone can make a mistake and I'd like to be able to love again
    Sa fim din nou ca la inceput.
    For us to be like at the beginning
    Plini de dorīnta.
    Filled with desire
  2. dya said:


    Perfect translation! Congratulations
  3. JunjouLover's Avatar

    JunjouLover said:


    Mwahahah! Ty