I've translated this song for anyone who may be interested.
you can hear it here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjYrEysDt2k

Tantas experiencias que traen los aņos
So many experiences that years bring
Tantas alegrias y tantos desengaņos
so much joy and so many disappointments
Sigo dando vueltas tras de tus pasos
I keep going behind your footsteps
Hasta hacerte mio seguire esperando
until make you mine.. I will keep waiting

y tus seras la luz que brilla por mi camino
and you will be the light shining on my way
La ilusion que alguna vez perdi
the illusion that I once lost
Mi unica razon para seguir
my only reason to keep going

Sobrevivire por este amor que te tengo
I will survive because of this love I have for you
Sobrevivire porque te llevo muy dentro
I will survive because I take you deep inside
Sobevivire aunque se oponga la vida
I will survive even the life opposes
Sobevivire hasta sanar mis heridas
I will survive until heal my wounds

porque te tengo a ti
because I have you

Tantas son las pruebas que yo he vivido
so many are the test that I have lived
En las que he ganado, en las que he perdido
in which I have won, in which I have lost
Mi Corazon quisera hoy estar contigo
my heart would like to be with you today
Y estar a tu lado
and be by your side
para tener tu abrigo
to have your warmth