I hope I won't butcher this one too

Iris - Vis pierdut
Iris - Lost dream

Cand ma uit la mine cel ce-a fost/When I look back at the one I used to be
Ani in sir, rebelul fara rost/[B]Years in a row, the pointless rebel/B]
Nu am trait decat pentru o zi/I lived only for a day
Nu m-am mirat a fi/I didn't wonder to be.

Am pierdut si nici ca am stiut/I lost and I didn't even notice
Zilele-au fost un joc neintrerupt/The days were an continuous game
Nu am stiut decat sa uit mereu/I only knew to always forget
Ca maine voi fi tot eu/That tomorrow I'll still be myself

Tot ce-am vrut a fost ca timpul sa mai stea/All that I wanted was that the time would linger
Nu mai mult ca viata mea/Not longer than my life
Nu imi pare rau de anii ce-au trecut/I don't regret the years that passed by
Ei mi-au dat ce n-am avut/They gave me what I didn't have

Tot ce-am vrut a fost ca timpul sa mai stea/All that I wanted was that the time would linger
Nu mai mult ca viata mea/Not longer than my life
Nu imi pare rau de anii ce-au trecut/I don't regret the years that passed by
Toti plecam ca un vis pierdut/We all leave like a lost dream