Again, out of too much boredom ....

Vama Veche- Cantec prost
Vama Veche- Bad Song

zidurile stiu ca ne-am iubit/The walls know how much we loved each other
usile trantite ne-au privit/The slammed doors watched us
toate sambetele astea-n care ma prefac ca ma distrez/All these Saturdays I pretend I'm having fun ...
adormeam ca pruncii pe covor/We fell asleep on the carpet like infants
nu stiam c-avem si dormitor/We didn't knew we also had a bedroom
un sarut dura pe-atunci cat discurile cu Pink Floyd/One kissed used to last as long as the Pink Floyd records
ne-am iubit atat de mult incat am declansat razboi.../We loved each other so much that we started war...

R: as vrea sa-ti scriu ceva frumos/I'd like to write something beautiful
dar e un cantec fara rost/But this song is pointless
pentru noi filmul s-a terminat/For us, the movie is over...
as vrea sa-ti spun adio dar/I'd like to tell you "Adieu!" but
pana si asta e-n zadar/Even this makes no sense
nu `ntelegi ca-i genericul.../Don't you understand that these are the credits...

filmul nostru l-as vedea din nou/I'd watch our movie again...
din pacate nu-i pe video.../Unfortunately it's not on a VHS...
aveai tu o scena-n care ma-njurai si eu radeam/You had a scene when you insulted me and I laughed
imi spunea-i ca daca nu ma potolesc m-arunci pe geam/You told me that if I don't calm down you'll throw me out the window
R: as vrea sa-ti scriu ceva frumos/I'd like to write something beautiful
dar e un cantec fara rost/But this song is pointless
pentru noi filmul s-a terminat/For us, the movie is over...
as vrea sa-ti spun adio dar/I'd like to tell you "Adieu!" but
pana si asta e-n zadar/Even this makes no sense
nu `ntelegi ca-i genericul final.../Don't you understand that these are the credits at the end

nimeni nu m-a strans in brate ieri/Nobody hugged me yesterday
cred c-am adunat vreo 300 de ieri/I think I gathered about 300 "yesterdays"
casa asta mica a devenit un frigider/This little house has become a frige
un fir lung de par dac-as mai gasi, rujul tau maro sau fardul tau gri... m-as mai incalzi, m-as mai incalzi.../If I would find a long strand of hair, your brown lipstick or the day blush I would feel warmer...I would feel warmer

recunoastem ca-i un cantec prost/Admit that this is a bad song
recunoastem ca si noi am fost.../Admit that we also were...

doua inimi vor rula acelasi film la nesfarsit/Two hearts will play the same movie forever
lumea asta pare plina doar de prosti ce s-au iubit/This world looks like it's full of fools that were in love

R: as vrea sa-ti scriu ceva frumos/I'd like to write something beautiful
dar e un cantec fara rost/But this song is pointless
pentru noi filmul s-a terminat/For us, the movie is over...
as vrea sa-ti spun adio dar/I'd like to tell you "Adieu!" but
pana si asta e-n zadar/Even this makes no sense
nu `ntelegi ca-i genericul final.../Don't you understand that these are the credits at the end
... nimeni nu m-a strans in brate ierï..../Nobody hugged me yesterday...