Vank- Balada pentru o minune (already translated)

Thread: Vank- Balada pentru o minune (already translated)

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  1. FlyAwaySmiling's Avatar

    FlyAwaySmiling said:

    Default Vank- Balada pentru o minune (already translated)

    Very surprised nobody translated this one yet ...Beautiful song

    Te asteptam, bine-ai venit!/I was awaiting you, welcome!
    Te cunosteam chiar daca noi nu ne-am mai intalnit/I knew you, altough we never met before
    Nu mai credeam in vorbe mari/I didn't believe in big words anymore
    Cum nu mai credeam ca tu vreodata o sa apari/Like I didn't believe you would ever show up
    A fost de-ajuns o clipa sa te stiu/A moment was enough to know you
    O viata si ceva langa tine vreau sa fiu/I'd like to stay by you a life and some more
    Toata dragostea din lume/All the love in the world
    Geloasa pe noi doi ma-ntreaba de-al tau nume/Envious on the two of us asks me about your name

    Pe strazi fugim ca doi nebuni/We run on the streed like two mad men
    Cele mai simple lucruri pentru noi sunt minuni/The simplest things are wonders for us
    Si iti vorbesc si imi vorbesti/And I talk to you and youi talk to me
    Si adormim frumos spunandu-ne povesti/And we fall asleep beautifully telling stories
    Iti multumesc ca in sfarsit/I thank you that at last
    Ziua de maine e un loc mult mai fericit/Tomorrow is a much happier place
    Ce dor mi-era sa te-ntalnesc/ How I was longing to meet you!
    Ce dor mi-era sa-ti spun pe bune "Te ļubesc"/How I was longing to say "I love you" and really mean it !
    Last edited by FlyAwaySmiling; 02-04-2010 at 09:35 AM.
    "Life is not about the numbers of breaths you take, but more about the moments which take your breath away"...