Nema Takve- Denis Bjelosevic

Thread: Nema Takve- Denis Bjelosevic

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  1. CrnaGoraaaa said:

    Default Nema Takve- Denis Bjelosevic

    I cannot find the lyrics to this song anywhere I look! I really tried. If anyone could please translate it for me, I'd truly appreciate it!
  2. tedinkyyy's Avatar

    tedinkyyy said:


    Ne, nema, nema takve, kao sto si ti
    No,there isn't another (girl) like u
    ne, nema, nema takve, pravi dinamit
    no,there isn't another, a real dynamit
    vatreno srce i kosa ti plava
    heart of fire, and ur blond hair
    curo, ti si ljepota prava
    girl,ur a real beauty

    Ne, nema, nema takve, kao sto si ti
    ne, nema, nema takve, moja ljubavi
    not here isn't another, my love
    vatreno srce i kosa ti plava
    curo, ti si svima strava
    girl,ur mm..kinda like great for all

    Zovu te ulice, u grad se spremas
    Streets are calling u, ur preparing to go to the centre
    pazljivo svoje haljine biras
    ur choosing carefully ur dresses
    jos malo sminke i nota parfema
    a little bit more make-up and parfume
    znas da tebi ravne nema
    u know that there's nobody as u.

    Predat' se neces nikome lako
    U won't give in to anybody easily
    bolje nijedan nego svako
    better noone than everybody
    prolazi dan, noc je pred tobom
    day is going away, night is in front of u
    u gradu ces da napravis lom
    in the centre u'll break out (partying)

    Pleses do zore s picem u ruci
    U dance till dawn with a drink in hand
    pravi se momci znaju po muci
    (can't really get the sense of that)
    dodju do tebe, a ti kazes NE
    they come to u and u say "no"
    trazis oci, oci sudjene
    ur looking for the eyes that are ur destiny

    * pravi se momci znaju po muci - literally real men are known for their sorrow but I believe the
    sense is different.
    * grad is usually city,but i think here is meant as the centre of the city,as it's used in Serbian
    Eins.. hier kommt die Sonne
    Zwei..hier kommt die Sonne
    Drei.. hier kommt die Sonne
    Ich hab' keine Lust.