Denisa Si Babi Minune - Nu pot renunta la tine

Thread: Denisa Si Babi Minune - Nu pot renunta la tine

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  1. JunjouLover's Avatar

    JunjouLover said:

    Default Denisa Si Babi Minune - Nu pot renunta la tine

    I like this song dunno why

    Am crezut de voi pleca undeva departe
    I thought I was gonna leave to somewhere far away
    Inima mea te va uita
    My heart was gonna forget you
    Dar vad ca nu se poate
    But I see that it can't

    Baby Minune:
    Am crezut ca am sa pot
    I thought I was going to be able
    De voi pleca in lume
    To go out in the world
    Din mintea mea sa te scot
    To get you out of my head
    Si am sa uit de tine
    And I'm going to forget about you

    Mr Juve:
    Ca sa plec e tot ce mi-a mai ramas
    All that's left for me to do is to leave
    Plang si nu ma uit in urma
    I cry and don't look back
    Simt ca numai am glas
    I feel I don't have a voice anymore
    N-am ptr ce sa mai raman
    I don't have anything to stay for
    Si-am sa plec in lume
    And I'm going to go out in the world
    Ca poate doar asa am sa pot sa uit de tine
    Cause maybe only that way I'll be able to forget you
    Stiu ca toate vin si trec la timpul lor
    I know that everything comes and passes in its time
    Si trebuie sa trec prin toate
    And I have to go through all the girls
    Chiar daca e greu sau usor
    Even if it's hard or easy
    Si mai stiu ca timpul le rezolva la rand pe toate
    And I know too that time will each of them in turn
    Ca tare as vrea sa te uit dar cred k nu se poate
    Cause as much as I'd like to forget you I think that I can't

    Nu pot renunta la tine
    I can't give you up
    Oriunde as fi in lume
    Anywhere I might be in the world
    Simt in piept inima ta
    I feel your heart in my chest
    Cum bate langa a mea
    How it beats next to mine

    Am pandit a doua zi
    I lied waiting for 2 days
    Si n-am dormit o noapte
    And I didn't sleep a night
    Pe tine eu te voi iubi
    I will love you
    Chiar daca esti departe
    Even if you're far away

    Baby Minune:
    Gandul ca ma vei uita
    The thought that you will forget me
    N-am stiut ca doare
    I didn't know that it hurt (I didn't know that the thought that you might forget me hurt)
    Dorul sa te pot vedea
    The longing to see you
    Acum e sï maï mare
    Now is even bigger
  2. kmmy's Avatar

    kmmy said:


    very good translation but here are some sugestions of the things that in my opinion werent quite right.

    Quote Originally Posted by JunjouLover View Post
    I like this song dunno why

    Am crezut de voi pleca undeva departe
    I thought that if i leave somewhere far away
    Inima mea te va uita
    My heart will forget you
    Dar vad ca nu se poate
    But I see that it can't

    Baby Minune:
    Am crezut ca am sa pot
    I thought I will be able
    De voi pleca in lume
    if i go out in the world
    Din mintea mea sa te scot
    To get you out of my head
    Si am sa uit de tine
    And i will forget about you

    Mr Juve:
    Ca sa plec e tot ce mi-a mai ramas
    All that's left for me to do is to leave
    Plang si nu ma uit in urma
    I cry and don't look back
    Simt ca numai am glas
    I feel I don't have a voice anymore
    N-am ptr ce sa mai raman
    I don't have anything to stay for
    Si-am sa plec in lume
    And I'm going to go out in the world
    Ca poate doar asa am sa pot sa uit de tine
    Cause maybe only that way I'll be able to forget you
    Stiu ca toate vin si trec la timpul lor
    I know that everything comes and passes in its time
    Si trebuie sa trec prin toate
    And I have to go through all the things
    Chiar daca e greu sau usor
    Even if it's hard or easy
    Si mai stiu ca timpul le rezolva la rand pe toate
    And I know too that time takes care of all one by one
    Ca tare as vrea sa te uit dar cred k nu se poate
    Cause I'd like to forget you so badly but I think that I can't

    Nu pot renunta la tine
    I can't give you up
    Oriunde as fi in lume
    Anywhere I might be in the world
    Simt in piept inima ta
    I feel your heart in my chest
    Cum bate langa a mea
    How it beats next to mine

    Am pandit a doua zi
    I lied waiting the 2nd day
    Si n-am dormit o noapte
    And I didn't sleep a night
    Pe tine eu te voi iubi
    I will love you
    Chiar daca esti departe
    Even if you're far away

    Baby Minune:
    Gandul ca ma vei uita
    The thought that you will forget me
    N-am stiut ca doare
    I didn't know that it hurt (I didn't know that the thought that you might forget me hurt)
    Dorul sa te pot vedea
    The longing to see you
    Acum e sï maï mare
    Now is even bigger
    that de has the meaning of if and can be replaced with dacă
  3. JunjouLover's Avatar

    JunjouLover said:


    I hate making stupid mistakes about stuff i already know...
  4. kmmy's Avatar

    kmmy said:


    Don't. It may be frustrating but is just a matter of time and practice. Everything's gonna be better. You'll see