identify song

Thread: identify song

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  1. AlinaBordeanu's Avatar

    AlinaBordeanu said:

    Smile identify song

    Can anyone please tell me who sings this song and which is its title?i know only these lyrics from the song... thank you

    Pou na se vro
    Pou na se psakso
    Einai allazo
    Gia va ...
  2. geomac's Avatar

    geomac said:


    alina, cred ca e: Στέλιος Ρόκκος - Πού να σε βρω

    p.s. pe youtube nu e
  3. AlinaBordeanu's Avatar

    AlinaBordeanu said:


    Ms mult geo, asta e melodia.Dar am gasit-o si pe youtube
  4. geomac's Avatar

    geomac said:


    o,da, nu cautasem cu litere latine pe youtube ; se pare ca si unii greci prefera alfabetul latin
  5. AlinaBordeanu's Avatar

    AlinaBordeanu said:


    poti te rog sa-mi traduci versurile? ca mai traduc si eu din cand in cand, dar mai fac si greseli

    Σκοτάδι κι απόψε κι ο δρόμος μου μοιάζει-
    αδιάβατος μοιάζει, κλειστός.
    Πού πήγανε όλοι, κανένας δεν ξέρει
    κι εγώ μες στους δρόμους τρελός.

    Πού να σε βρω, πού σε ψάξω
    τι να αλλάξω για να ‘ρθεις εδώ;
    Τι να σου πω, τι να σου γράψω
    όλου το κόσμου τα σ’ αγαπώ; (x2)

    Σκοτάδι κι απόψε κι εγώ στο λιμάνι
    τα πλοία που φεύγουν κοιτώ.
    Ανάβω τσιγάρο και σαν το χαρμάνη
    με δυο ρουφηξιές το πετώ.

    Πού να σε βρω, πού σε ψάξω
    τι να αλλάξω για να ‘ρθεις εδώ;
    Τι να σου πω, τι να σου γράψω
    όλου το κόσμου τα σ’ αγαπώ; (x3)

    App poti traduce in engleza sau romana, ambele imi sunt de folos
  6. geomac's Avatar

    geomac said:


    asteapta un pic; tocmai am tradus alt cantec (Peggy Zina - Krima)
  7. geomac's Avatar

    geomac said:


    My translation

    Iata, am reusit in engleza ; cred ca e usor de inteles; daca nu , pot sa scriu si in romana

    It is darkness again this night and the road seems to me...
    ...seems to be impassable, closed.
    Where did everyboby go, nobody knows
    And I remained like a crazy man on the streets.

    Where could I find you, where may I seek for you
    What changes should I make so as you come back here?
    What should I tell you, what sould I write to you,
    The all ,,I love you"s of the whole world??

    It is darkness again this night and I am in the harbour
    Watching the ships who leaves.
    I light a cigarette and like an addict badly in need of a smoke
    I throw it after two gulps.

    Where could I find you, where may I seek for you
    What changes should I make so as you come back here?
    What should I tell you, what sould I write to you,
    The all,,I love you"s of the whole world??

  8. geomac's Avatar

    geomac said:


    E intuneric si in seara asta si strada imi pare...
    ...imi pare de netrecut, inchisa (blocata).
    Unde au plecat toti, nimeni nu stie
    Si eu am ramas singur pe strazi ca un nebun.

    Unde te-as putea gasi, unde (sa) te caut?
    Ce sa schimb in mine ca sa te fac sa vii aici?
    Ce sa iti spun, ce sa iti scriu -
    Toate declaratiile de dragoste care se spun in intreaga lume ??

    E intuneric si in seara asta iar eu sunt intr-un port
    Uitandu-ma la vaporasele care pleaca.
    Aprind o tigara si, ca un dependent de fumat incurabil,
    O arunc doar dupa doua pufaituri.

    Unde te-as putea gasi, unde (sa) te caut?
    Ce sa schimb in mine ca sa te fac sa vii aici?
    Ce sa iti spun, ce sa iti scriu
    Toate declaratiile de dragoste din toata lumea ??

  9. AlinaBordeanu's Avatar

    AlinaBordeanu said:


    Ms mult inca o data, imi este de ajuns cea in engleza
  10. AlinaBordeanu's Avatar

    AlinaBordeanu said:


    Ms oricum pt efort
  11. geomac's Avatar

    geomac said:


    e ok dar fiind romani am zis sa traduc si in romana, a fost ca o provocare si o placere pentru mine, mai ales ca nu o mai facusem pana acum (evident ca intelegeai in engleza , nu asta era problema); si mai ales ca in romana am putut sa exprim mai bine traducerea , cred