Abbas Uthman - 3 songs [*]

Thread: Abbas Uthman - 3 songs [*]

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  1. LLLS said:

    Default Abbas Uthman - 3 songs [*]

    Hello all!
    I again need your help with translation from arabic to english.These songs are performed by a lebanese artist Abbas Uthman (not sure for 2nd). I've found his style very nice.
    Plz could you write the arabic lyrics and translation.
    2ND links are with online listen.
    Note: this thread isn't about 7izbullah, but if its ideology is totally unacceptable for you, don't download/listen these songs and never visit this thread again please.
    Last edited by LLLS; 03-14-2010 at 10:36 AM. Reason: all
  2. noona said:


    I've done the second song..and have downloaded the other two, to try to do.. if there are mistakes i am sorry.. and if i have gotten any ideas wrong im sorry too.

    hope this is ok!
    Last edited by noona; 02-24-2010 at 04:05 PM.
  3. noona said:

    Default rja3na w ma3na nasr jdeed

    رجعنا و معنا نصر كبير
    we have come back with a great and big victory
    irja3na w ma3na nasr kbeer

    حملنا الراية و كبرنا
    holding the flag and saying Allah u Akbar (God is Great)
    i7milna alrayah w kabarna

    سمونا اسود التحرير
    they call us the lions of freedom
    samoona usood elta7reer

    دروس العزة علمنا
    and we have learned the lessons of dignity
    droos al3iza 3alamna

    علمنا كل الاوطان
    we have taught all the homelands/nations
    3lamna kul alaw6aan

    شد الهمة و الايمان
    how to have faith and to gather vigorness
    shad el hima w el'emaan

    و رفعنا راية لبنان
    and we have hoisted the flag of labnaan
    w rfa3na rayat libnaan

    لعيونك يا امتنا
    for your eyes oh our nation
    la3yoonik ya libnaan

    هال ارض اربينا فيها
    this is the land that we have been brought up on
    hal arth irbeena fyha

    دم و روح بنعطيها
    we give her our blood and spirits and souls
    dam w roo7 bn36eeha

    باشهد كل روابيها
    every corner and part of her will bear witness
    basg'had kul irwabeeha

    لما بنرفع رايتنا
    when we hoist/rise the flag
    lama bnirfa3 rayatna

    لا تبكي ارض بلادي
    do not cry oh land of my country
    la tibki arth bilaadi

    مهما ادمر فيك بيوت
    no matter how many houses are destroyed
    mahma adamar feek byoot

    حامل سيفك بوهادي
    holding your sword Abu Haadi
    7amil sayfik bo haadi

    سيف مرصع بالياقوت
    a sword encrused with Sapphires
    sayf mrasa3 bil ya2oot

    زلزل اركان الطغيان
    we shake the very core of tyranny
    zalzil arkaan el6ugyaan

    و رجع عزك يا لبنان
    and bring bak your dignity/honour oh lebnaan
    w rja3 3izak ya lbnaan

    جاهد على الجبه سهران
    labour/fight on the frontier with no sleep
    jahid 3la aljibha sahraan

    سطر مجد عروبتنا
    write down the glory and greatness of our country/arabness
    sadir majd 3roobatna

    يا لبناني لا تهتم
    of lebaani do not care
    ya lbnaani la tihtam

    حدودك حزب الله الغالب
    your borders are 7izb Allah who defeat others/winners
    7doodak 7izb allah algalib

    لاحصن ارضك بالدم
    i'l defend your land with blood
    la'7asin arthak baldm

    ذل الصهيوني الغاصب
    humiliate the rapist Zionist
    thal alshahyooni elgasib

    بعينه و ما ب هون الراس
    in my eyes, and my head isnt enough
    b3nya w ma b yhoon alraas

    نحن فيك ارفعنا الراس
    in you we have held our heads high
    n7n feeki arfa3na alraas

    اصوات المأذن الاجراس
    the sounds of bells and ma2aathin (that which the call of prayers comes form in mosques)
    aswaat elma2athin w alajraas

    عم تشهد على حدتنا
    is bearing witness to our unitedness and oneness
    3am tish'had 3la w7dtna
    Last edited by noona; 02-24-2010 at 04:14 PM.
  4. LLLS said:


    Thanks a lot for your help, noona!
    Quote Originally Posted by noona View Post
    and have downloaded the other two, to try to do..
    It will be more then great, and again thanks a lot, you really helped me.
  5. noona said:


    Quote Originally Posted by LLLS View Post
    Thanks a lot for your help, noona!It will be more then great, and again thanks a lot, you really helped me.
    your welcome honey. Bear with me for a couple of days, i have a deadline tonight, but I'l do it tomorrow for you inshallah!
  6. noona said:

    Default Sayajna Libnaan

    I really did try my best..
    there are a few bits that are underlined where i couln't catch the words of the songs.. if there are any mistakes I am sorry.. please feel free to correct them for me!

    سيجنا لبنان و احمينا ترابه
    sayajna libnaan w i7mayna trabah
    we've put a wall/guard arounf Libnaan and have protected its earth/ground

    و العزة عنوان فصفحات كتابه
    w al3iza 3inwaan f sf7aat kitaabah
    and dignity/greatness has become the title in the pages of its book/history

    النجوم العنا ما بتنطال باتنور كل الاجيال
    alnjoom al3ina ma btin6aal .. bitnawir kil elajyaal
    the stars that we have are not extinguished, they enlighten all the generations

    يا وطني ارجعنا لك ابطال الاعداء ما هابوا
    ya wa6ani irja3na lak ab6aal, ala3da2 ma haabo
    oh my land/nation we have come back to you as heroes, the enemies did not scare us/

    هال الجيش الي الارض احتل
    hal jayish ali alarath a7tal
    this army has not laid seiged ti the land

    شاف الويل و شاف الذل
    shaaf alwayil w shaaf elthul
    he has seen humiliation and woe

    لو المزارع .... بيظل يزحف على اركبه
    lo elmzaari3 .... bi ythal yiz7af 3ala rkbah
    if the farmer .... he would continue to crawl on his knees
    there is a word here that i cant make out.. sorry

    وينك يا مقاوم وينك رد الاخطار
    wainak ya mqaawim wanak rad ala56aar
    where are you oh resistant where are you the dangers have come back

    بعدا سهران عينك ع خطوط النار
    ba3da sahraana 3aynak 3a 56oo6 alnaar
    your eyes stay awake with no sleep on the lines of fire

    انت الهمة و النخوة انت الجبار
    inta elhima w alna5wa ant eljabaar
    you are the energy, the pride, you are the mighty one

    مسلم و مسيطي اخوي عم يحموا الدار
    muslim w msee7i i5wee 3am yi7mo aldar
    muslims and christians together as brothers are protecting our homes

    رايات العزة علوا شعب المغوار
    rayaat el3iza 3alu sha3b almigwaar
    the flags of dignity and greatness have raised the hopes of the surviving/resisting nation

    الجيش الصهيوني ذلوا بعزم و اصرار
    aljaysh alsahyooni thalu b3azm w israar
    with all determination we will humilate the zionist army

    مقاومنا الغالي ظلوا شعلة الثوار
    ma2wimna algaali thalu shi3lat elthuwaar
    our precious resister remains the light/burning candle of our rebels

    و ......................., برعد و اعصار
    w ................. bra3d w a3saar
    and ........................ with thunder and the force of a tornado
    there was a bit here that i couldnt get either .. im sorry!

    يا بلادي لا تهتم في عندنا اسود
    ya blaadi la tihtam fe 3indna usood
    oh my country do not care/fear, for we have people like lions

    في عندهم عزة و همة ليحموا الحدود
    fe 3indhum 3iza w hima liya7mo al7dood
    who have determination/greatness and energy to protect the borders

    و موعدهم نصر و فرحة عزة و صمود
    w mow3idhumnasr w far7a.. 3iza w sumood
    and the resukt will be victory and happiness, greatness/determination and the ability to stay true/steady

    و الارض تلبس طرحة و نرش الورود
    w alarth tilbis 6ar7a w nrish elwrood
    and the ground/land will wear the veil of a bride, and we will throw rose petals

    ع حبك يا موطنا اتربوا الاجيال
    3a 7ubak ya maw6ina itraboa alajyaal
    the generations have been brought up/raised loving you

    اعلى رايات ارفعنا بهمة ي (... )ا
    a3la raayaat irfa3na bihima ........
    we held our flags highly and with all energy oh ....
    smth sorry

    صان الارض و ما لانوا بكل الاحوال
    sanu alarth w ma laanu bkil ela7waal
    they have protected the land, and have never softened in any cercumstances/states

    عم يحموها و ... روح المنشغال
    3am yi7mooha ... w roo7 almnshgaal
    they are protecting it.... with the spirit of a fighter/resister
    and again
  7. LLLS said:


    Thank you noona again!
    I'm sorry, but what about the first song (mahma tsid elma7an). Maybe you could help me with it when you'll have some time?
    Last edited by LLLS; 03-10-2010 at 01:54 AM.
  8. noona said:


    Quote Originally Posted by LLLS View Post
    I'm sorry, but what about the first song (mahma tsid elma7an). Maybe you could help me with it when you'll have some time?
    Im sorry its taking a bit of time! Umm, I've scribed it, all i need to do now is translate it for you.. inshallah inshallah tmrw it will be done! inshallah
    Last edited by noona; 03-06-2010 at 03:48 PM.
  9. noona said:


    مهما تزيد المحن
    mahma tzeed elm7an
    how ever much adversity increases

    و جراحك يا وطن
    w jraa7ik ya wa6an
    and your wounds oh my homeland

    روحي و دمي ثمن
    roo7i w dami thaman
    my soul and my blood will be the price

    عزك يا لبنان
    3izik ya libnaan
    for your dignity oh lebnaan

    تموز الي كان على حدودك رمز الوفا
    tamooz eli kan 3ala 7doodik ramz alwafa
    During July and on your borders were the codes/signal of loayalty

    و ايار الي كان على جرحك لمست شفا
    w Ayaar ili kaan 3l# jr7k lamsat shifaa
    and during May there was a healing touch on your wounds

    ثوره و ما بتنتهي
    thowra w ma btintihi
    a revoloution that will never end

    مهما طال المدي
    mahma 6aal elmada
    who ever long term it is

    ما زال حزب الله
    ma zaal 7izb allah
    Hizbullah is still

    متربس بالعدى
    mitrabis bil 3idaa
    involved/clashing with the enemies

    كرمالك يا لبنان
    kirmaalik ya libnaan
    for your sake oh lebnaan

    كم شبر من تراب لبنان بتسوا الدني
    kam shibr mn traab libnaan btiswe eldini
    how many inchs of lebnaan is equal to the world

    قدام الريح ابطاله ما يتحني
    idaam elree7 ab6aalh ma byt7ini
    in front of the wind, the heros do not bend

    كانوا ضد الفتن... خلف السيد حسن
    kaanu thid elfitan.. 5ale elsayid 7asan
    ere against all temptaions, behind Mr 7asan

    شعب ما بيرتهن.. شعب الشعب الجبار
    sha3b ma byirtahan.. sha3b elsha3b aljabaar
    a nation/people who can't be held hostage.. people/a nation who are mighty

    ابدا ما بينهال
    abadan ma biynhaal
    never to be humiliated or brought down

    الانجيل الحب عنا و القران الهدى
    elinjeel al7ub 3ana w elquraan elhuda
    the Gospel is love about us, and the Quraan is guidance
    im not sure i got the gospel bit right.. sorry

    و الفادي كان علمنا حب الفدى
    w elfaadi kaan.. 3alamna 7ub elfida
    and the redeemer was.. and has taught us the love of giving things up for the sake of our country

    حتى يحب البشر يوم سنين الظفر
    7ata y7ib elbashar yoom isneen elthafr
    until humans love the days od the hardship years

    احرار متحدين.. على حب متفقين
    a7raar miiti7deen.. 3ala el7ub mitifqeen
    free people all united..and on love we all agree

    كرمالك يا لبنان
    kirmaalak ya libnaan
    for your sake oh Lebnaan
    Last edited by noona; 03-09-2010 at 03:33 PM.
  10. noona said:


    as usual.. if there are mistakes.. please someone correct them... and if i have got any of the idealogy wrong im sorry again!
  11. LLLS said:


    Thank you again! I really appreciate your work.