Vama Veche - VST (Vreau sa ma trezesc)

Thread: Vama Veche - VST (Vreau sa ma trezesc)

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  1. FlyAwaySmiling's Avatar

    FlyAwaySmiling said:

    Default Vama Veche - VST (Vreau sa ma trezesc)

    I see that there's a new trend going on around here with translating Vama Veche songs, so I'll just have to follow it because I LOVE Vama Please correctmy grammar, I know I have some issues with the tenses

    Vreau sa ma trezesc din somn
    I want to wake up
    Intr-un pat de femeie frumoasa
    In the bed of a beautiful woman
    Sa miroasa a mar si-a zori
    To smell like apple and dawn
    Si a tot ce-i mai bun intr-o casa
    And like all that is better in a house
    Sa-mi sopteasca:"Vrei un ceai?"
    She would whisper me: Would you like a cup of tea?"
    Eu sa-i spun "Te iubesc!"
    I'd tell her :"I love you!"

    E oare cineva
    Is there anybody
    Care sa-mi poata da
    Who can give me
    Asa ceva macar de ziua mea?
    Something like this at least on my birthday?
    Fetelor n-ati putea
    Girls, could you
    Sa m-ajutati cumva
    Help me some how
    Sa pot sa strig si eu: "Uite-o, e ea!"
    So that I can shout:"Look, it's her!"

    Sa iesim in soare afara
    We'd go out in the sun
    Si sa mergem la piata impreuna
    And go to the market together
    Ea sa ceara un kil de mere
    She would ask for a kilo of apples
    Eu s-o tin nebuneste de mana
    I would madly hold her hand
    S-avem bani noi amandoi
    We'd both have money
    Dar sa plateasca ea.
    But she would pay.


    Si cand merg peste 80
    And when I drive over 80 (km/h)
    Sa-mi spuna: "Te rog mai incet!"
    She would tell me :"Please, slower!"
    Sa strige: "Imi place, zau, dar ai
    She would scream:"Seriously, I like it, but please
    Grija te rog de carnet!"
    Take care of the licence!"
    Eu sa pun o frana brusca
    I would brake all of a sudden

    Si sa ne sarutam...
    And we would kiss...


    Martea cand sunt mort de beat,
    On Tuesday, when I'm drunk as hell
    Sa ma duca usor pan' la pat
    She would bring me , slowly, to the bed
    Si apoi sa ma dezbrace
    And then she would undress me
    Eu sa strig; "Asta chiar ca imi place!"
    I would shout:"I really like this!"
    Sa se supere nitel:
    She would get a little upset:
    "Astazi nu esti al meu!"
    "Today you're not mine!"


    Si atunci cand ne certam
    And when we would fight
    Cand eu urlu si ea e furioasa
    When I yell and she is furious
    Sa imi strige "Vreau copiii!!!"
    She would shout me :"I want children!"
    Si sa fie cu mult mai frumoasa
    And she would be a lot more beautiful
    Eu sa nu stiu ce sa spun
    I would not know what to tell her
    Si s-o intreb: "Ne casatorim?"
    And ask her :"Will we get married?"

    "Life is not about the numbers of breaths you take, but more about the moments which take your breath away"...
  2. Euridike said:


    I'm not a native speaker, so Your translation seems perfect to me Just wanted to say that I love Vama Veche too and this is a very nice song
  3. FlyAwaySmiling's Avatar

    FlyAwaySmiling said:


    I actually am a native speaker )...But I'm only 15, so my experience in translating is...well, limited ...I'm glad you like Vama Veche...Your translations very good ...Good luck with improving your Romanian !
    "Life is not about the numbers of breaths you take, but more about the moments which take your breath away"...
  4. Euridike said:


    You are? Ah that's great! I wish I knew English so well when I was 15 I'm trying to do my best with learning Romanian, but I'm studying on my own and it's pretty confusing sometimes..
    Last edited by Euridike; 03-29-2010 at 04:47 AM. Reason: missed word