Vama Veche - Buze blonde

Thread: Vama Veche - Buze blonde

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  1. FlyAwaySmiling's Avatar

    FlyAwaySmiling said:

    Default Vama Veche - Buze blonde

    Another Vama Veche song

    In fiecare seara,
    Every night
    O alta fata incearca,
    Another girl tries
    Sa ma faca sa mai simt ceva,
    To make me feel something
    Ochii mei de fiara ,
    My eyes of a beast
    Mananca lacom caprioara ,
    Devouringly eat the deer
    Care zace-n fata mea,
    Which lays in front of me...

    Sufletul meu curge ,
    My soul is pouring
    Si se prelinge pe cearsafuri ,
    And it drips on the sheets
    Ca un fard pe-o fata rea,
    Like makeup on an evil face
    Multe buze blonde ,
    Lots of blonde lips
    Se-aduna noptile sa bea ,
    Gather at night to drink
    Din sufletul de pe podea,
    From the soul on the floor
    Sa bea din sufletul de pe podea.
    To drink from the soul on the floor....

    Draga mea imbraca-te si iesi,
    My dear, get dressed and leave
    Nu, nu stiu cum te cheama
    No, I don't know what's your name
    Dar chiar vreau sa pleci,
    But I really want you to go
    Stiu ca vrei sa-mi dai iubirea ta
    I know you want to give me your love
    Ma faci sa rad
    You make me laugh
    Eu nu stiu ce sa fac cu ea,
    I don't know what to do with it

    Femei, muscati din mine ,
    Women, bite out of me
    Si ajutati-ma cu dragoste,
    And help me with love
    Sa ma dezintegrez,
    To disintegrate
    Vreau sa scap de mine,
    I want to get rid of myself
    Oricum n-am inima n-am suflet ,
    Anyway, I don't have a heart, I don't have a soul
    Nu mai am ce sa pastrez,
    I don't have anything to keep
    N-am inima n-am suflet nu mai am.
    I don't have a heart, I don't have a soul, I don't have anymore.

    Draga mea imbraca-te si iesi,
    My dear, get dressed and leave
    Nu, nu stiu cum te cheama
    No, I don't know what's your name
    Dar chiar vreau sa pleci,
    But I really want you to go
    Stiu ca vrei sa-mi dai iubirea ta
    I know you want to give me your love
    Ma faci sa rad
    You make me laugh
    Eu nu stiu ce sa fac cu ea,
    I don't know what to do with it

    Un baiat cu haine largi ,
    A boy with bagy clothes
    Scria bilete de iubire pe furis.
    Wrote love notes stealthily
    O fata minunata le citea ,
    A wonderful girl was reading them
    Singura pe banca din parc .
    Alone on a park bench.
    De mana alergau catre liceu,
    Running hand in hand towards the high school
    Doi bulgari indragostiti.
    Two snowballs in love
    Fata se topea in bratele lui,
    The girl was melting in his arms
    Baiatul acela sunt eu.
    I am that boy.

    Inger al iubirii ,
    Angel of love,
    De ce nu-mi umpli gaura,
    Why don't you fill the hole
    Prin care sufletul s-a scurs?
    From where my soul drained
    Sunt in proces cu lumea,
    I'm in a suite with the world
    Salveaza-mi sufletul de mine ,
    Save my soul for myself
    Ajuta-ma sa fac recurs
    Help me make a recourse.

    Trebuie sa ma eliberez,
    I have to eliberate myself
    Vreau fluturi in stomac,
    I want butterflies in my stomach
    Pe strazi vreau sa plutesc,
    I want to float on the streets
    Vreau sa numar frunzele de tei,
    I want to count the linden leaves
    Vreau sa patesc din in nou sarutul pe alei.
    I want to experience again the kissing on the paths
    Inchisoarea-n care-s condamnat
    The jail in wich I'm convicted
    Pentru c-am omorat iubirea pas cu pas
    For killing the love step by step
    Nu-i asa ca intr-o zi fata cu ochii cenusii ma va salva?
    One day the girl with gray eyes will save me, isn't it?
    "Life is not about the numbers of breaths you take, but more about the moments which take your breath away"...
  2. j_wilhelm said:


    Great song..I looked it up on youtube..which album is it from?

  3. FlyAwaySmiling's Avatar

    FlyAwaySmiling said:


    The song is from the last album the band released, called "Fericire in rate" (Happiness in installments)...I'm glad you liked it !
    "Life is not about the numbers of breaths you take, but more about the moments which take your breath away"...