"Copile nu fi prost, orasul e departe !"
"Child, don't be stupid, the town is far away!"
Asa-mi spunea razand cel ce vindea de toate.
That's what the one who sold everything used to tell me, laughing
"Tu nu ma pacalesti, am sa ajung acolo,
"You won't fool me, I'll get there,
M-asteapta strada mea si Calul din Marlboro."
My street and the horse from Marlboro are waiting...

Cand am pornit la drum, am intalnit o proasta,
When I began the road, I met a stupid woman,
Am incercat sa fug, mi-a devenit nevasta.
I tried to run, she became my wife
De-atunci si pan-acum in oras eu ratacesc,
Since then untill now, I've been straying trough the town
E fum si este scrum si simt ca-nebunesc.
It's smoke and there are ashes and I feel like I'm going mad

Dar, ce pot sa fac? Ce pot sa fac?
But what can I do? What can I do?
"Batrane...", m-a-ntrebat un pusti julit in coate,
"Old man...", a young boy with scratched elbows,
"Mai e mult spre oras, caci vad ca vinzi de toate?"
"Is there much longer to the town, because I see you sell anything?"
Am vrut sa-l ratacesc: "Sa nu apuci spre sosea!"
I wanted to get him lost: "Don't go towards the road!"
"Batrane esti fricos, gasesc eu si strada ta!"
"Old man, you are a coward, I'll find you're street too!"
L-am intrebat plangand; "Dar Calul din Marlboro?"
I asked him, crying:"How about the horse from Marlboro?"
El mi-a raspuns razand:"Vedem noi mai incolo!"
He answered, laughing :"We'll talk about it later!"
De-atunci si pan-acum spre oras eu ratacesc,
Since then untill now I've been straying towards the town...
E fum si este scrum si simt ca-nebunesc.
It's smoke and there are ashes and I feel like..... I'm going mad!