Greatest Romanian song ever?

Thread: Greatest Romanian song ever?

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    ebpullman said:

    Default Greatest Romanian song ever?

    What is the greatest song written in Romanian language? Could you tell me the English translation of the title?

    I'm not asking for the lyrics but could you tell me why it was your favourite and what is feeling when you heard this song?

    thank you so much

  2. Euridike said:


    Hard to tell! too many good songs I really like "Dragostea" by Vama veche, it's about love and sea, very romantic song, but not like those with lots of cliche, like "I loved you I lost you I miss you" :P However, nice song about losing someone you love is "Chiar daca" by Florin Chilian.
    While dreaming of summer, I prefer listening to "Omul plajei", "Vama veche", "Vara asta" by Vama veche.
    "Lady in black" by Iris is something totally different from what I mentioned above, but it really impressed and involved me too
  3. Euridike said:


    Ax, and English translations - "Dragostea" - "Love", "Chiar daca" - "Even if", "Omul plajei" - "Man of the beach", "Vama veche" - "Vama veche", "Vara asta" - this summer", and "Lady in black" is "Lady in black"
  4. AnOnYmUs said:


    I don't know which is the greatest romanian song but here is a good rap romanian song:

    Sisu si Puya - Asta e pentru (This is for)
    The song is called by some people the unofficial anthem of Romania
    This is a song for the citizens of Romania, and against the Romanian government. You can understand from the song what I am talking about. Any questions? Just ask and I will respond :P

    Asta e pentru cei care au plecat departe,
    This is for those who went away
    Departe de familiile de acasa infometate.
    Far from home hungry families
    In tari occidentale, care vor saraci,
    In Western countries, that want the poor
    Amarati, sa munceasca pe bani putini in draci.
    The poor, to work hard on little money
    Asta e pentru cei care desi nu au,
    This is for those who although don't have,
    Nu fura, nu inseala si nici in cap nu dau.
    Don't steal, don't cheat and don't kill.
    Desi sunt furati, zi de zi sunt inselati,
    Although they are stolen and cheated every day
    De un guvern ce ii transforma in ratati!
    By a government that converts them into losers!
    Asta e pentru cele care stiu ce inseamna,
    This is for those that know what it means
    Sa fi o nevasta buna si cum sa fi o mama!
    To be a good wife and how to be a mother
    Asta e pentru cei plecati in razboi,
    This is for those gone into war
    Desi stiu bine, arabii nu au nimic cu noi!
    Although I know good, the Arabs have nothing to do with us
    Pentru cateva sute euro in buzunar,
    For several hundred euros in the pocket
    Moare un roman traieste bine un american!
    Dies a Romanian and lives good an American
    Asta e pentru cei din inchisori,
    This is for those in prison
    Care sunt acolo ca sa scape adevaratii infractori.
    Which are there for the real criminals to escape.


    Asta e pentru cei ca mine, si cei ca tine,
    This is for those like me and like you
    Pentru cei din autobuz, si aia din limuzine.
    For those on the bus and those from limo's
    E povestea oamenilor care inca incearca,
    It's the story of people that are still trying
    A celor despre care ar trebui sa se vorbeasca.
    Of those about it should be talking.
    Asta e pentru cei ca mine, si cei ca tine,
    This is for those like me and like you
    Pentru cei din autobuz, si aia din limuzine.
    For those on the bus and those from limo's
    E povestea oamenilor care inca incearca,
    It's the story of people that are still trying
    A celor despre care ar trebui sa se vorbeasca.
    Of those about it should be talking.


    Asta e pentru copiii din orfelinate,
    This is for the children in orphanages
    Si pentru toti cei care sunt lasati mereu deoparte.
    And for those who are always left aside
    Pentru parintii nostri, mame si tati,
    For our parents, mothers and fathers
    Pentru prieteni, veri, surori si frati.
    For our friends, cousins, sisters and brothers
    E pentru cei ce sunt un sange si o credinta toti,
    It's for those who are all one blood and one faith
    Cei de prin cartiere, cuminti sau hoti.
    For those from the slums, good or thieves.
    Pentru pustii si copiii care cresc,
    For kids and children who grow up
    Pentru romanii care au urcat pe Everest.
    For Romanians that climbed on Everest
    E pentru cei de care ar trebui sa se vorbeasca,
    It's for those about it should be talking
    Dar sunt lasati uitati, e mentalitatea romaneasca.
    But they are left forgotten, is the Romanian mentality
    Asta e pentru romanii care sunt intre straini,
    This is for Romanians that are between foreigners
    Si pentru toti cei care au murit ca noi sa fim,
    And for all who died for us to be
    Liberi, sa decidem, nu sa ucidem,
    Free, to decide for us, not to kill
    Idei care ne fac ce suntem.
    Ideas that make us what we are
    E pentru cei care nu se tem de ce urmeaza,
    It is for those who are not afraid of what will be
    Pentru familia si fii nostri de acasa.
    For our family and our sons from home


    Asta e pentru cei ca mine, si cei ca tine,
    This is for those like me and like you
    Pentru cei din autobuz, si aia din limuzine.
    For those on the bus and those from limo's
    E povestea oamenilor care inca incearca,
    It's the story of people that are still trying
    A celor despre care ar trebui sa se vorbeasca.
    Of those about it should be talking.
    Asta e pentru cei ca mine, si cei ca tine,
    This is for those like me and like you
    Pentru cei din autobuz, si aia din limuzine.
    For those on the bus and those from limo's
    E povestea oamenilor care inca incearca,
    It's the story of people that are still trying
    A celor despre care ar trebui sa se vorbeasca.
    Of those about it should be talking.

    P.S. I kinda forgot the grammar and some words so my English is not so good. I hope I didn't made any big mistakes. :P
    P.P.S. I will post other good songs when I will have some free time
    Last edited by AnOnYmUs; 04-08-2010 at 06:21 AM.