help me please....

Thread: help me please....

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  1. Di & La said:

    Exclamation help me please....

    May I ask someone to translate me the Giannis Ploutarxos song " Te eipa kai efuga " in English?
    I would be vary and sincerely grateful ......It's of great importance for me.....thank you in advance
  2. BleakHeart's Avatar

    BleakHeart said:


    The lyrics in Greek. Anybody who wants to give it a try is welcome to, I'll have time only later in the night...
    "I have fear for nothing and I have hope for nothing, I am, therefore, free."

    Nikos Kazantzakis
  3. geomac's Avatar

    geomac said:


    Bleak, let me do this ; I was on the same post
  4. BleakHeart's Avatar

    BleakHeart said:


    Of course, don't even ask! Go for it!

    I'm working on another song right now, and it will take some time...
    "I have fear for nothing and I have hope for nothing, I am, therefore, free."

    Nikos Kazantzakis
  5. geomac's Avatar

    geomac said:


    Hard to translate but I'll give a try. Any corrections are welcome

    Τα είπα κι έφυγα
    I said what I had to say and afterwards I went away

    Το μεγάλο αντίο που είχα πει τ' αποκλείω
    I ban the great farewell that I had said
    Ήταν τέλος που δεν το απέφυγα
    I didn't avoid it and it was the end
    Θα'χες μια ευκαιρία αν δεν είχα στοιχεία
    You would have had an oportunity if I hadn't had data (evidence)
    Στ'άκρα ο θυμός τα είπα κι έφυγα
    In extreme anger I said what I had to say and afterwards I went away
    Στ'άκρα ο θυμός τα είπα κι έφυγα
    In extreme anger I said what I had to say and afterwards I went away

    Τα είπα κι έφυγα
    I said what I had to say and afterwards I went away
    Είπα πως ξέφυγα
    I said that I escaped
    Μα δεν αλλάζουν της καρδιάς τα δεδομένα
    But the data of heart do not change
    Δεν έχω όνειρα ούτε ταυτότητα
    I have no dreams nor identity
    Είμαι ένας άνθρωπος μισός χωρίς εσένα
    I'm like a half/incomplete man without you
    Όσα και να είπα ξέχασέ τα
    (No matter) whatever bad things I must have said, forget it (them)!
    I love you

    Είχα πάρει τους δρόμους με φορτία στους ώμους
    I had taken the roads having burdens on my shoulders
    Κρύος ο καιρός και όμως έκαιγα
    The weather was cold but though I was burning
    Στου μυαλού μου τη δίνη παρελθόν είχες γίνει
    In the maelstrom of my mind you had become a past
    Ένιωθα καλά που τα'πα κι έφυγα
    I was feeling good when I said what I had to say and afterwards I went away
    Ένιωθα καλά που τα'πα κι έφυγα
    I was feeling good when I said what I had to say and afterwards I went away

    Τα είπα κι έφυγα
    I said what I had to say and afterwards I went away
    Είπα πως ξέφυγα
    I said that I escaped
    Μα δεν αλλάζουν της καρδιάς τα δεδομένα
    But the data of heart do not change
    Δεν έχω όνειρα ούτε ταυτότητα
    I have no dreams nor identity
    Είμαι ένας άνθρωπος μισός χωρίς εσένα
    I'm like a half/incomplete man without you
    Όσα και να είπα ξέχασέ τα
    (No matter) whatever bad things I must have said, forget it (them)!
    I love you
    Last edited by geomac; 04-30-2010 at 11:29 AM.
  6. BleakHeart's Avatar

    BleakHeart said:


    A few minor feedback...

    Quote Originally Posted by geomac View Post
    Τα είπα κι έφυγα
    I said what I had to say and afterwards I went away
    Because it's the title (and just because of that) perhaps you should consider something briefer? say "I spoke out and left"

    Το μεγάλο αντίο που είχα πει τ' αποκλείω
    I ban the great farewell that I had said
    I believe the meaning here is "leave outside/aside" rather than ban in the traditional sense...

    Ήταν τέλος που δεν το απέφυγα
    I didn't avoid it and it was the end
    I think it was not THE end (the one and only) but rather AN end (one of many).

    Κρύος ο καιρός και όμως έκαιγα
    The weather was cold but though I was burning
    "still" instead of "though"?
    "I have fear for nothing and I have hope for nothing, I am, therefore, free."

    Nikos Kazantzakis
  7. geomac's Avatar

    geomac said:


    thank you , Bleak

    This forum helps us a lot , especially your ,,genuine" translations of the lyrics of the songs. Maybe after several years we will be able to ,,palevw pia" () even the ,,spoken" language.
  8. BleakHeart's Avatar

    BleakHeart said:


    Thank you back, don't mention it, I feel honored to help

    You should bare in mind that sometimes, when you find difficulty with a song, there is an inceasingly good chance that you are actually thinking it right, and instead the songwriter had it wrong; the lyrics' quality on many aspects has dropped greatly in recent years, so it's not unlikely that errors are encountered...
    "I have fear for nothing and I have hope for nothing, I am, therefore, free."

    Nikos Kazantzakis
  9. Di & La said:


    Thank you for the translation......a lot Really do appreciate that.....thanks again
  10. NikiLas's Avatar

    NikiLas said:


    Geomac, BleakHeart - you guys are awesome!
    thanks a lot!!!