Would love some help

Thread: Would love some help

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  1. jader1927 said:

    Post Would love some help

    Hi all,

    I need to know the name of a song/artist which has a quirky woman with a British accent who sounds like she is speaking to her friends all the way through the music about boyfriends, relationships and life. It has kind of light jazzy music playing with a female vocal singing
    "doodadoododa" (something like that) in the background. I think the song came out around the mid to late 90's or early 2000. It was like a chilled club lounge kind of tune.

    I know this is a challenging question. Thanks!!
    Last edited by jader1927; 06-02-2010 at 05:21 PM. Reason: Desperate
  2. liannalondon said:


    could it he from 80's? if so could be either
    Christina Is that all there is
    or Christina Things fall apart
  3. jader1927 said:


    Hi there thanks for your reply and links but unfortunately it's not
    this artist. it was a song definately from the 90's and the
    female sounded Afro American with a cockney acscent I have
    tried searching everwhere for it with no luck but I know
    it's out there somewhere!