Asala 2010 Album

Thread: Asala 2010 Album

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  1. Daydream's Avatar

    Daydream said:


    انا انا وانت انت
    I am me and you are you

    لك كيانك ...لي كياني .. ليه جامعني معك .. ما اخضع لقانون كيفك
    You have your identity and I have mine, why do you group me with you? I shall not be subjected to your conforming laws

    سلطتك رايك هواك
    Do you think your love gives you authority?

    انا انا
    I, I

    انا ما اقدر اكون اللي تبيه
    I can not be the one you want

    انا ما اقدر اكون الا انا .. انا انا
    I can not be anything but me, me me

    الهوى احساس ليه متحس فيه؟
    Love is an emotion, why don't you feel it?

    ليه مستكثر علي اكون انا؟
    Why are you overwhelmed by me being myself?

    ضعت انا او حبك اللي ضاع بي
    Am I lost or is it your love for me which has been lost

    في سراب الحلم كم عاشق فنى
    In the mirage within a dream how many lovers have perished

    لاني اللي فزت بك، و لا فزت بي
    I am not winning with you nor you are winning with me

    من خسر نفسه هدم مهما بني
    From the loss of himself he's demolished no matter how he tries to rebuild
    Ya reitni 2amle b sha3rak, kel lama ashta2lak atsa7sel w ashoufak ♥
  2. Daydream's Avatar

    Daydream said:


    بس دقيقه
    Just a minute

    بس دقيقه! يعني مستكثر دقيقه! ياخي شف قلبي فحبك كم صبر
    Just a minute! A minute is not too much to ask for! Especially when comparing how patient my heart has been in your love

    يعني كل كلمه بزعله! موطريقه كيف تزعل ! قبل ماتفهم! قهر!
    So every word I say upsets you! This is not the way, how can you be upset! before understanding compulsion

    انت متظايق؟ انا مو بس ظيقه! اللي في صدري شوي وابنفجر
    You are bothered? I'm not only bothered, what is within my heart is a moment away from exploding

    بس اعرف ان الحقيقه! فالحقيقه مالنا! الا لها! عنها ! مفر
    But you know the truth, the truth is all we have is this, it is inevitable

    مو مبرر إنّا بعدي ماتطيقه الهجر ماهوب عذرٍ للهجر
    It's not a justification I still can't bear the abandonment, I'm afraid there's no excuse for leaving

    والحسايف لو تبرر للخليقه ذنبهم ما تاب من ذنبه بشر
    And if our sensory justifies for the guilty their sins, no humans would repent for their sins

    انصحك بالوصل خِلك بل ريقه ماهو كل فصول هالدنيا مطر
    I advise you the solution is simple, swallow your saliva [take a breath] not every chapter on this world is rain

    بكره تتمنى ترجع هالدقيقه يوم قلت اصبر ولا طقت الصبر
    Tomorrow [in the future] you will wish this minute had returned the day when I say be patient and patience didn't last
    Ya reitni 2amle b sha3rak, kel lama ashta2lak atsa7sel w ashoufak ♥
  3. larosa's Avatar

    larosa said:


    شف عذر
    seek an excuse

    انساها ماقدر.....//i can't forget her
    الوقت تاخر.....//it's too late
    انا قاصد شوفتك..... فالاصعب الاخطر//i want to see you,it's the hardest and the most dangerous
    شف عذر !//so seek an excuse
    اخلق باية طريقه.....كذبه بيضا او حقيقه....//create in any way...a real or a fake lie
    المهم انك تجي..... وغير هذا ماابي.....//the most important is that you come, i don't care otherwise
    ولانسيت؟.....//or did you forget?
    انا لك وش سويت!!!!//what i've done for you
    ياما كذبت لعشانك.... وياما ظحيت لعشانك....//i've always lied for your sake...i've always sacrificed for your sake
    ومن كثر ياما عشانك!!!! نسيت ماقدر//and because of what i've done...i couldn't forget

    آمر انخلقت عشانك.... ولين تعبت قلت ابشر//i've been born to be ordered by you...and when i got tired i said it's ok
    ظمني بلهفة حنانك.... ومر في هالقلب واسهر//hug me with the your tenderness...and pass by this heart,and stay awake
    لاجل الهوى شف حل....//for the sake a the passion,find a solution
    واذكرني وانسى الكل....//remember me and forget about them all
    والتفت لي.....سيدي وسيدك هوانا//tend to me,our passion is my and your master
    وانتبه لي..... دام ما معنا سوانا//and pay intenton to me since we have no other

    انساها ماقدر.....//i can't forget her
    الوقت تاخر.....//it's too late
    انا قاصد شوفتك..... فالاصعب الاخطر//i want to see you,it's the hardest and the most dangerous
    شف عذر !//so seek an excuse
    life is Super good
    (this is bull ****)
    if you seek arabic translation,PM me
  4. Daydream's Avatar

    Daydream said:


    yaay welcome back larosa
    Ya reitni 2amle b sha3rak, kel lama ashta2lak atsa7sel w ashoufak ♥
  5. larosa's Avatar

    larosa said:


    thank you dear daydream,i missed you!!!
    life is Super good
    (this is bull ****)
    if you seek arabic translation,PM me
  6. jnvlv247's Avatar

    jnvlv247 said:


    Thanks Daydream and Larosa

    Can anyone explain the lyrics to Ela Meta? It's the only one I am kind of confused on
  7. jnvlv247's Avatar

    jnvlv247 said:


    Did u guys notice that the album version of Sem W Asal does not have the last verse :P
  8. jnvlv247's Avatar

    jnvlv247 said:


    Waiting for more please
  9. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    Sorry! I was waiting for someone else to explain ila mata to you seeing as Im the one that translated it

    Basically she's saying till when is she going to stay hurting, till when are her questions going to go unanswered, how long must she put up with the pain until her heart says enough and forgets the guy Better?

    Ahmed - can we have an update on the songs left?

    Heres the next one!

    تعبت ارضيك
    I've grown tired from consoling you (trying to please you)

    تعبت ارضيك راضيني ولا تبخل على مغليك
    I've grown tired from consoling you, console me, dont be stingy to your dear
    وحن شوي وحاكيني تراي احساس اناوشاريك
    And be a bit tender, talk to me, I feel too, and am your partner
    طلبتك يانظر عيني تناسى الظن والتشكيك
    I asked for you oh sight of my eyes, forget the doubt
    واذا غيري حكى فيني ترا غيرك حكى لي فيك
    And if another has spokent to you about me, another has spoken to me about you

    خذاني الهم واسيني اعرف الصد مايرضيك
    Grief took me and made me harsh, I know opposing you doesnt make you happy
    وكون انسان واسقيني من انهار الوفا واسقيك
    Be a human, and quench me with the river of loyality, and I'll quench you

    احبك لا تخليني سوالف ضاعت بماضيك
    I love you, dont leave me, talks lost in your past
    ولو تسئل شرايني تقول الله كم اغليك
    And if you ask my veins, they'll say Oh God how dear (he is)

    Ask me if you dont understand anything
  10. ahmedisman's Avatar

    ahmedisman said:


    of course. looks like just one left. yay

    شخص يهتم

    Asala is great. and shes soo beautiful. areed wa7da mthlha.
  11. larosa's Avatar

    larosa said:


    good luck with that ahmed
    life is Super good
    (this is bull ****)
    if you seek arabic translation,PM me
  12. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    Hey what about habibtak il lebnaniye ehhh?
  13. larosa's Avatar

    larosa said:


    syrian girls are like libanese they're all gorgeous,aren't they???
    life is Super good
    (this is bull ****)
    if you seek arabic translation,PM me
  14. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    Lol la2 hayati inti il gorgeous I dont know, everyone tells me middle eastern girls are the best...
  15. Gole Yas said:


    haha .. e7m e7m =P .. lool ..

    here you go ..

    شخص يهتم
    Someone who cares

    مادفنك الحزن ياقلبي....
    Oh heart didn’t sorrow burry you
    انقض غباره وقم....
    Shake off the dust and get up
    باقي للفرح باقي....
    There is still much left for happiness, there is still much left
    وباقي لك امل.....
    And there is still hope for you
    بين البشر ... شخص بك يهتم
    Between the people.. someone to care for you

    لملم شتات المشاعر خل نروح.....
    Gather the bits and pieces of feelings, and lets go
    نمشي في كل الطرق الين اجيه....
    Walk on all the paths.. until I reach him..
    كم رسمه الشوق في بالي وكم....
    Oh many times longing has drawn a picture of him in my mind, oh many times..
    آه وكم..... بين البشر... شخص بك يهتم
    Oh and how many.. between the people.. is there to care for you

    يكفي من دنيا المحبه هالجروح
    From the world of love, these wounds are enough
    هذاك خلّي اللي احبه وله ابوح
    He’s the one who I love and tell everything to
    متعشمٍ انه يزيل الهم وآه...
    He has hope to take away the concern.. and ohh..
    الاهم.... بين البشر... شخص بك يهتم
    Whats more important.. is that between all the people.. theres someone to care for you

    شوقي يبني له من اللهفه صروح
    My longing for him is building towers/palaces
    شفته فحلمي وصرت اتبع طموح
    I saw him in my dream.. and started to follow ambitions
    متخيلٍ انا نعيش بفرح آه.....
    He’s imagining that we live in happiness.. ohh
    وبنبتسم.... بين البشر... شخص بك يهتم
    and we’ll smile........ between all the people.. theres someone to care for you
  16. Gole Yas said:


    and yup.. 5aleeji songs .. haha im too late i kno ..

    heres the last one ..

    شرهه وعتب
    Reproach and blame

    لاعلي شرهه ولاحتى عتب لاتقول ولاتعيد ولاتزيد
    Don’t reproach or blame me, don’t say, don’t repeat, and don’t add
    كل شيٍ صار قي ساعة غضب قدر الله والله يفعل مايريد
    Everything happened in a moment of anger.. this is what God has written as destiny, and God shall make what he wants
    مابقى غير اشتياقي والتعب في غيابك لين النار الحديد
    Nothing is left other than my longing and fatigue, in your absence, the fire melted the metal
    ناظر بعيني تعرف اللي يحب ياقرب الاحباب لاحبال الوريد
    Look into my eyes and you’ll know who I love, oh how close the loved ones are to the heart
    المحبه نار وضلوعي حطب والمسافه سجن والاحساس قيد
    Love is fire, and my ribs are wood, distance is a jail and emotions are a limitation
    مانويت البعد صدقني كذب الظروف اللي تسيرنا اكيد
    I never intended on distance, believe me it’s a lie.. circumstances carry us along the way
    من ورا قلبي ترا الفرقا غصب ما لهذا الجرح لو فارقت عيد
    With my heart I swear separation is inevitable, this wound has no celebration with you being away
    ايه احبك لكن البعد انكتب حبني لكن من بعيد لبعيد
    Yes I love you, but separation has been written for us, love me but from a far distance
  17. jnvlv247's Avatar

    jnvlv247 said:


    Shakhs Yehtam has the best lyrics
  18. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    Haha ma tiz3ali ya amar, akeed you're gorgeous kaman!! Walaw kam Gole Yas 3indna?
  19. Gole Yas said:


    hehe .. enti elajmal 7bibtii
  20. larosa's Avatar

    larosa said:


    Quote Originally Posted by VivaPalestina View Post
    Lol la2 hayati inti il gorgeous I dont know, everyone tells me middle eastern girls are the best...
    *cheeks blushed* thank you ya a7la falstiniyya,yeah they are actually
    too bad i'm not a middle eastern
    life is Super good
    (this is bull ****)
    if you seek arabic translation,PM me