i need this song lyrics in english and romanian pls.

Thread: i need this song lyrics in english and romanian pls.

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  1. ercmnt said:

    Default i need this song lyrics in english and romanian pls.


    i ll be glad if anyone helps.
  2. Crisa said:


    Here you go :

    Proconsul -Cerul / The sky

    Pasii mei s-au ascuns in umbra ta
    Nu ne-am mai vazut de mult
    In urma lor a ramas glasul pe care
    Uneori il mai ascult
    Te-am visat in oglinda cum zambeai
    Cu chipul tau curat
    Lumea s-a schimat de cand ne-am despartit
    Si mi-e greu, mi-e tare greu sa uit de tine.

    My steps have hidden into your shadow
    We haven't seen each other for a long time
    Before them has remained the voice
    That sometimes I listen
    I've dreamed of you the mirror , smiling
    With your clean face
    The world have changed since we separate
    And it's hard, it's hard to forget you

    Daca cerul ar putea sa te-aduca in viata mea
    As culege in palma o stea sa te am pe tine
    Am sa-ti spun cand ai sa vii vorbe pe care le stii
    Ti le-am spus si cred ca vrei sa le-asculti din nou.

    If the sky could bring you in my life
    I would cull a star in my palm to have you
    I will tell you when you'll come, words that you know
    I've told them and I believe that you want to listen them again

    Lumea mea s-a inchis in clipa in care
    M-ai sarutat de ramas-bun
    Ma intreb, pedepsit sa fiu eu oare
    Sa nu te mai vad acum
    Am trecut peste tot ce mi-a fost drag
    Dar atunci nu m-am gandit
    Lumea s-a schimat de cand ne-am despartit
    Si mi-e greu, mi-e tare greu sa uit de tine.

    The world has closed in the moment
    You kissed me good-bye
    I wonder, am I cursed
    Not to see see you
    I have passed over everything I loved
    But then I haven't thought
    The world have changed since we separate
    And it's hard, it's hard to forget you


    Acum cand noapte vine te vreau iar langa mīne
    Parfumul tau pe perna ma rascoleste.

    Now when the night comes I want you close to me
    Your perfume on the pillow torments me
