Hatim Iraqi - Mo3jab[*]

Thread: Hatim Iraqi - Mo3jab[*]

Tags: 3raqi, hatem, hatim, iraqi, ma2jib
  1. ahmedisman's Avatar

    ahmedisman said:

    Default Hatim Iraqi - Mo3jab[*]

    Gole Yas did a great job on this. thanks!!

    معجب song title


    Mo3jab yabo dam yil3ab
    I admire you oh you with the sizzling blood (metaphorically speaking - hot)
    Latib3id 3ani tgarab
    Don’t go to far from me, come close
    Ya3jibni ktheer a39abi
    I like how my nerves work
    O yzeed akthar e3jabi
    And my admiration increases
    Wilgalib ‘3airik ma 7ab
    And the heart loved no one other than you
    Mo3jab yabo dam yil3ab
    I admire you oh you with the sizzling blood (metaphorically speaking - hot)

    T3jbni akthar min tz3al
    I like you more when you are sad
    Wadri bza3lik tidalal
    And I know when you are sad you like being pampered
    Ya 7bibi o tbga elajmal
    Oh my love, and you stay the most beautiful
    Kilmin shafak yit3athab
    Everyone who sees you gets tortured
    Mo3jab yabo dam yil3ab
    I admire you oh you with the sizzling blood (metaphorically speaking - hot)

    T3jbni akthar witshidni
    I like you more, and you pull me to you
    Marat in t3andni
    Whenever you are stubborn with me
    Ya 3mri eli ts3idni
    Oh you are my life, you make me happy
    Warta7 weyak min at3ab
    And I feel comfort with you whenever I am tired
    Mo3jab yabo dam yil3ab
    I admire you oh you with the sizzling blood (metaphorically speaking - hot)

    T3jbni akthar watmana
    I admire you more, and I wish
    Bil7ob weyak at-hana
    That in love I will be blessed/happy with you
    Galbi l’3airak ma’3ana
    My heart sang for no one other than you
    O lajl 3yonak at’3arab
    And just for your eyes I would be a foreigner ((meaning that he would travel/leave.. just for her))
    Mo3jab yabo dam yil3ab
    I admire you oh you with the sizzling blood (metaphorically speaking - hot)

    if you need anythin else lemi kno ..
    enjooyyyy =D
    Last edited by larosa; 08-21-2010 at 04:58 PM.
  2. Gole Yas said:


    hehe .. you should put the other one in a new thread too .. i forgot the name of the song =P not Hamoodi .. the second one you asked for =D
  3. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    And can you change the tilte to mo3jab? Thank you!!
  4. ahmedisman's Avatar

    ahmedisman said:


    i did viva! shoufee? http://www.allthelyrics.com/forum/ar...q-al-6ool.html

    and ill change the name. Mo2jab
  5. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    Lol thank you But you put a 2 instead

    j/k j/k 3am bimz7 ma3ak la ti2tolni!!