Luna Amara - Rosu aprins

Thread: Luna Amara - Rosu aprins

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  1. FlyAwaySmiling's Avatar

    FlyAwaySmiling said:

    Default Luna Amara - Rosu aprins

    As ususal, corrections are welcome

    N-ai cum sa lasi cum sa uiti
    You can't leave, you can't forget

    Totul in noapte
    Everything in the night
    Oricat ti-ar parea de usor
    However easy it may seem
    Stinge o stea - si ramai pe sub pleoape
    Burn out a star - and remain under the eyelids
    Stinge si luna amara cu un nor
    Also burn out the bitter moon with a cloud

    Rosu aprins - coloreaza-mi tacerea
    Bright red - colour my silence
    Rosu aprins - pe un suras ce s-a stins
    bright red - on a smile that died
    Rosu aprins - sa-mi ascunda durerea
    Bright red - to cover my pain
    In noapte ma pierd - cu noaptea te iert
    I lose myself in the night - with the night I forgive you

    Te ascund intre coaste ce dor
    I hide you between hurting ribs
    Cu luna amara
    With the bitter moon
    Cand tot ce-mi doresc e rosu aprins
    When everything I long for is bright red
    Nu vreau sa te pierd in lumea de-afara
    I don't want to lose you in th eoutside world
    Ramai neschimbata - rosu nestins!
    Remain unchanged - unextinguished red!
    Rosu aprins - coloreaza-mi tacerea
    Bright red - colour my silence
    Rosu aprins - pe un suras ce s-a stins
    bright red - on a smile that died
    Rosu aprins - sa-mi ascunda durerea
    Bright red - to cover my pain\
    In noapte ma pierd - cu noaptea vreau sa te iert
    I lose myself in the night - with the night I want to forgive you
    Last edited by FlyAwaySmiling; 07-26-2010 at 06:50 AM.
    "Life is not about the numbers of breaths you take, but more about the moments which take your breath away"...
  2. ioana's Avatar

    ioana said:


    N-ai cum sa lasi cum sa uiti
    You can't leave, you can't forget

    Totul in noapte
    Everything in the night
    Oricat ti-ar parea de usor
    However easy it may seem
    Stinge o stea - si ramai pe sub pleoape
    Burn out a star - and remain under the eyelids
    Stinge si luna amara cu un nor
    Also burn out the bitter moon with a cloud

    Rosu aprins - coloreaza-mi tacerea
    Bright red - colour my silence
    Rosu aprins - pe un suras ce s-a stins
    bright red - on a smile that HAS died
    Rosu aprins - sa-mi ascunda durerea
    Bright red - to cover my pain
    In noapte ma pierd - cu noaptea te iert
    IN THE NIGHT I LOSE MYSELF - with the night I forgive you

    Te ascund intre coaste ce dor
    I hide you between hurting ribs
    Cu luna amara
    With the bitter moon
    Cand tot ce-mi doresc e rosu aprins
    When everything I long for is bright red
    Nu vreau sa te pierd in lumea de-afara
    I don't want to lose you in the outside world
    Ramai neschimbata - rosu nestins!
    Remain unchanged - unextinguished red!
  3. FlyAwaySmiling's Avatar

    FlyAwaySmiling said:


    Multumesc pentru corectari
    "Life is not about the numbers of breaths you take, but more about the moments which take your breath away"...
  4. ioana's Avatar

    ioana said:


    cu placere..