Ibnati series

Thread: Ibnati series

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  1. najla's Avatar

    najla said:

    Default Ibnati series

    hi all! can someone translate this part for me it's in fus7a:

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0356...eature=related 6:15

    thanks in advance
  2. Gole Yas said:


    Sweetz if you mean the content of the letter which is from his wife .. here it is ..
    It starts from 5:50

    مأساة عمري بدأت حين دخل فاضل * على حياتي كطبيب نسائي
    My life tragedy began when Fa’6el came into my life as a gynecologist
    وهو صديق زوجي رياض
    He’s my husband Reyadh’s friend
    كل أصدقاء زوجي هم سبب مأساتي
    All my husbands friends where the reason of my tragedy
    وانا وحيرتي وضياعي وكتماني
    Me, with my confusion, lost, with my concealment
    بستثناء منير*
    Except Muneer
    للأسف انا جميلة احب زوجي وزوجي يعبدني
    Unfortunately, I’m beautiful, I love my husband, and my husband worships me
    فجمالي خلق مأساتي
    My beauty created my tragedy
    لكنني كنت اقاوم
    But I used to resist
    إلا مع فاضل
    Except with Fa’6el
    ما اكتبه الآن لن يراه أحد
    What I write now is something no one will see
    لأنني سأنتصر في النهاية
    Because in the end I will be victorious
    ولكنني أدونه للتاريخ
    But im writing this down for history
    حين اني اضطررت عند اصابتي في القلب
    Because when I was hit in my heart, I had to chose..
    ان اختار احدا يقرأه اذا ما وافتني المنيه
    I had to chose someone to read this when I pass away
    واختياري هو ابنتي "لانا"
    And my choice was my daughter “Lana”
    التي اعبدها بعد الله
    Who I worship, after God
    بعدما خسرت اختها
    After I lost her sister
    فعذرا رياض، لم أخبئ عليك أمرا طوال زواجنا
    So excuse me Reyadh, I have never hidden anything from you throughout our marriage
    إلا هذا الأمر
    Except for this
    لأنني كنت أخاف
    Because I was afraid
    أخاف ماذا اقول وماذا اتصرف
    Afraid of what to say, and how to act
    هو صديق زوجي
    He’s my husbands friend
    وهو محتال يلمس ويتحسس بتبرير
    Hes a fraud, and touches my feminine parts, with an excuse
    كان يداعب مكاني الحساسة
    He used to fiddle with my sensitive parts
    وانا لا أجرئ على ممانعته
    And I didn’t dare oppose him
    كان يتحجج بالفحص
    He used to use the excuse of “a checkup”
    والطبيب النسائي هو الأقرب إلى المرأة ومكانها الحساسة بعد زوجها
    And a gynecologist is the closes thing to a women and her sensitive parts, after her husband
    ولم أكن أجرئ على مكاشفة رياض
    And I didn’t dare tell Reyadh
    فرياض كان دائما يستخف افكاري المتطرفة
    Reyadh always used to tease me about my thoughts
    وفاضل كان صديقه
    And Fadhel was his friend
    قلت في نفسي
    I told myself
    ربما انا مخطأة فيما اشعر
    Maybe im wrong with what I feel
    ولكن لا
    But no
    ما اشعره حقيقي
    What I feel is real
    فاضل يريدني
    Fadhel wants me
    وانا اخجل من نفسي الآن
    And im ashamed of myself now
    رافقني بمأساة ابنتي الأولى
    He was with me through the tragedy of my first daughter
    قلت من العيب ان اثير هذا الموضوع
    I told myself it wasn’t right to stir up the subject now
    وحين حملت مرة اخرى
    And when I got pregnant again
    كان من المستحيل ان اطلب تغييره
    It was impossible to ask that he be changed
    فهو الذي تابع لي حملا وميلادا
    He was the one who witnessed my first pregnancy and birth
    واتعبني بأخلاقه الدنية
    And he tired me with his low manners
    ارجوك يا ربي
    Please God
    Help me
    بعد ان اضع مولودي الثاني سأضع حدا
    After giving birth to my second child ill put a stop to this
    ولكن قلبي اصيب
    But my heart was struck
    خفت ان اموت دون ان يدري احدا
    I feared I would die before anyone knew
    لا اريد لابنتي ان تقع فريسة امثاله حين تكبر
    I didn’t want my daughter to be a prey for people like him
    ربما وقعت فريسته
    Maybe she was
    انا خائفة
    Im afraid
    اشعر كأنني خنت رياض
    I feel like I have cheated on/betrayed Reyadh
    سامحني رياض
    Forgive me Reaydh
    سامحيني ابنتي
    Forgive me my daughter
  3. najla's Avatar

    najla said:


    Thanks again Gole Yas for ur great help

    Can someone translate this part too? : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhEc7...eature=related from 5.39 till the end. I'ts kinda urgent

    thanks in advance
  4. Gole Yas said:


    Man sitting down:
    I’ve just been telling this woman how a man can marry a women of such beauty (referring to her) and have the heart to divorce her

    And Ive been telling him that that man has no heart
    how are you Mhanna

    Mhanna (black jacket):
    Good, welcome

    Man sitting (brown jacket):
    I apologize, I have intruded and the madam has come to see you, but I have heard about her from Wajdi, Camelias friend.

    By the way, Camelia is an extraordinary lady

    Brown jacket man:
    She suits Zahi right?

    Please would someone explain to me what’s happening

    Ill explain, I have come to make you understand,
    Mhanna, as you know, my ex husband Fadhel is someone who I know very well (know his true identity),
    Now circumstances have led him to be in a relationship with your daughter,
    Why? I don’t know
    My daughters feelings, and his sons feelings (referring to the son of the man in a brown jacket), is a complicated story, but ill make you understand


    Lana (Girl on bed):
    After tomorrow, at 9 oclock at night, the meeting of lovers, Fadhel and I, my enemy and I, me and the reason of my mothers misery,
    Maybe I ask him for a ?*sory I don’t know what she says*?
    Rabea wont stop it

    Other girl:
    But rabea doesn’t talk to you

    Don’t interrupt me when im dreaming

    Other girl?
    Its called a dream? This is what YOU call it
    Its name is a nightmare with a dead end

    Our whole life is a dream, and it reaches somewhere

    Other girl:
    But your dream reaches out to the grave Lana!

    My dream came out from a grave, my mothers grave,

    Other girl:
    Your eyes are frightening me

    His eyes are the ones that should be afraid
    After tomorrow at 9 oclock at night, youll call his son and wife, and you’ll tell them where to go, and what to see


    And this is what I did Mhanna, Rabea is now out of the game

    Mhanna (man in black):
    So your hand is reaching out (taking part in something), through your husband

    Man in brown:
    And you have planned out the story with Nayla just like you told us

    Woman standing:
    Ok then, stop everything at its limit mr. (talking to mhana)

    Mhanna (man in black):
    I cant, if Lana knew that we found out, I cant know her reaction

    Woman standing:
    Then you let her do whatever she wants?

    Mhanna (man in black):
    Ill let her think that sh’es doing wat she want

    Man in brown:
    How so?

    Mhanna (man in black):
    I have a plan


    Mhanna (man in black):
    Hello? Nayla!
    Yes? How did you get my number. Oh from Najeeb. What? Ok, ok ill deal with it.


    Mhanna (man in black):
    The appointment is after tomorrow, 9 oclock at night, at Fadhels apartment

    Woman sitting:
    He has changed it for sure, its not the same one that was when I was with him

    Woman standing:
    (talking to mhana) whats your plan?

    Madam jamal?..

    Woman sitting (Madam jamal):


    Girl on phone (Lana):
    And im burning inside more than you, but I have a small request
    I command? Hehe, thanx a lot, I wanted to ask, emm, I don’t know how to say this, but, do you have, uh, do you have things for different moods, get them ready my love, because you and I intend to … tonight
    Ok.. at 9.. bye my love
    *She hangs up*