Hadi hadi nazlanma, Nazan Oncel

come on, don't play hard to get

Şimdi zaman nedense böyle
Bir öyle bir de böyle
Hem yazı hem tura olmaz
Ya beni vur ya da gel, üzme
Deli eder adamı bu denge
Bu hava, bu eda, bu neş'e

now, for some reason, time is like this
up and down
you can't get both heads and tails
either shoot me or come, don't upset me
this balance makes you crazy
this showing-off, these manners, this joy

Öyle bakma
Öyle durma
Öyle yapma
Gel gel

don't look like that
don't stop like that
don't do like that
come, come

Hadi hadi, nazlanma hadi hadi
Bana bunu yapmazdın hani hani

come on, don't play hard to get, come on
what happened, you wouldn't do this to me

Hadi hadi durma
Hadi hadi yapma

come on come on, don't stop
come on come on, don't do

Hani nerede, çarem nerede
Canım kalır düştüğü yerde
Bana başka bir şey sorma
Ya beni bırak ya da dur, gitme
Deli eder adamı bu denge
Deli eder bu hava, bu neş'e

show me where, where is my remedy?
my soul stays where i drop (dead) - i didn't understand this verse either..
don't ask me any other thing
either leave me ot stop, don't go
this balance makes you crazy
this showing-off this joy makes (someone) crazy