Moein - Parichehr

Thread: Moein - Parichehr

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  1. lidor578 said:

    Default Moein - Parichehr

    how are you?
    i need you to translate some songs to english please

    4.andy-tang a gurub
    6.faramarz assef-haji 1 2 3

    i know its hard but i very want it..
    thanks a lot!!
    Last edited by afsaneh; 09-06-2012 at 05:55 AM. Reason: Thread titles should contain song and artist name.
  2. veryclever1980 said:


    معین - پریچهر
    Angel Face

    Here is the youtube link for it:

    ميخونم به هواي تو پريچه
    Mikhunam be Havaa ye to paricheh(r)
    I sing for the sake of you, angel face
    چه قدر خالي جاي تو پريچه
    Cheghadr khaali ye jaaye to
    How empty this place is without you, angel face
    دلم كرده هوايت واي پريچه
    Delam kardeh havaayat, vaay
    I want to be with you (now), oh angel face
    دلم تنگه برايت
    Delam tangeh baraayat
    I miss you so much

    تو رو ميطلبم لحظه به لحظه
    To ro mitalabam lahzeh be lahzeh
    Every now and then I seek for you
    تويي تاب و تبم لحظه به لحظه
    Toyi taab o tabam lahzeh be lahzeh
    Every now and then I am in the grip of fever (for you)
    چشات شهر منه كه شهر قصه است
    Cheshaat shahre maneh, ke shahr e ghesseh ast
    Your eye is my world, which is the world of stories
    براي هر شبم لحظه به لحظه
    Baraaye har shabam lahzeh be lahzeh
    for every night of mine, every now and then *

    تو از هزارو يك شبي پريچه
    To az hezaar o yek shabi
    You're from 1001 nights**, angel face
    بجز تو زندگي هيچه پريچه
    Be joz to zendegi hicheh
    Without you, this life is worth nothing, angel face
    يه دنيا همه هيچه واي پريچه
    Ye donyaa hameh hicheh, vaay
    This world is worth nothing, oh angel face
    دنيا بي تو هيچه
    Donyaa bi to hicheh
    The world is worth nothing without you

    من از نگاه تو شب و شناختم
    Man az negaah e to shab o shenaakhtam
    I discovered (the mystery of) the night with the help of (the beauty of) your eyes
    غزل ديدم و عاشقانه ساختم
    Ghazal didam o aasheghaaneh saakhtam
    I've found the (most complicated) sonnet and I've made it amorous
    تو هر بيت غزل قصه چشمات
    Tou har beyt e ghazal ghesseh cheshmaat
    In every line of the sonnet, there was the story of your eyes
    دلم قافيه شد قافيه باختم
    Delam ghaafiyeh shod, ghaafiyeh baakhtam
    My heart became the rhyme (of the sonnet), but I've missed the true rhyme (of it)

    شب چشم تو قیمتی ترینه
    Shab e cheshm e to gheymati tarineh
    The night in your eyes is the most precious one
    به انگشتر عمر من نگینه
    Be angoshtar e omr e man negineh
    It's like a diamond for the ring of my life
    همه دنیای من فقط همینه
    Hameh donyaa ye man faghat hamineh
    All of my world is just this...
    همین شرقی ترین شب زمینه
    Hamin sharghitarin shab e zamineh
    This (is) the most oriental night of the earth***

    تو معجون گل و مخمل نوري
    To maajun e gol o makhmal e noori
    You're the confection of flowers and the velvet of light shade
    پريواره قصه هاي حوري
    Parivareh, ghesseh haaye houri
    (You're) like the fairy of fairytale
    تموم قصه ها بي تو ميميرن
    Tamoum ghesseh haa bi to mimiran
    Every story perishes without you
    كه تو حوصله سنگ صبوري

    Ke to hoseleye sangeh sabouri
    For you're the most patient story teller
    * Traditionally, Persian people likes to tell stories at night, because of the mysteries of the night
    ***The poet signified the black eyes of the beloved to the Oriental night
    ***The translations have been done by Bijan Kardouni AKA veryclever1980***
  3. lidor578 said:


    what about the others? ):
  4. lidor578 said:


  5. lidor578 said:


  6. lidor578 said:


  7. astorias's Avatar

    astorias said:


    i don't have the lyriCs or the songs,
    I'll helP iF i find theM! !
    ـــ★ـــ it seeMs likE every day's the saMe...
    aNd i'm leFt to discoVer on my owN...
    It seemS like everythinG is graY...
    and there's No coloR to beHold..
  8. lidor578 said:


    please..there are some songs..

    in addition:
    andy-tang a gorub
    faramarz asef-haji
  9. lidor578 said:


  10. lidor578 said:


    please ):
  11. lidor578 said:


  12. lidor578 said:

