samebody can write this yemen song

Thread: samebody can write this yemen song

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  1. Dandan said:

    Smile samebody can write this yemen song

    Hello, sambody could write the letter of this song from Yemen with arabic characters. i'm study arabic lenguage and i want to have the song written to understanding better:

    Shukran jazilan.
    Last edited by Dandan; 08-01-2010 at 05:13 AM. Reason: xd
  2. Daydream's Avatar

    Daydream said:


    I understand that you're studying the Arabic language, but the Yemeni dialect is very difficult for most people to understand and usually when people study Arabic they start with the Standard Arabic (Fusha)?
    Anyways here you go, I did my best:

    اضاع الله من ضيعوني بمرحبا و الركن
    Atha3 Allah mn thaya3oni b mar7aba wl rakan
    For those who have lost me though I leaned on you for support may God return the favor

    ياراعيه في جبل صويتك الهب شجوني اثار من كل الشجن
    Ya ra3eya fe jabal sowetik alhab shjoni athar kol al shajan
    Oh shepherd on the mountain your voice moves me and makes me curious
    re3aya is the girl on the mountain that goes from field to field with the sheep and like gets water and stuff so I put shepherd cuz I couldn't think of a better word

    من حين قلتي اضاع الله من ضيعوني بمرحبا و الركن
    Mn 7een golti atha3 allah mn thay3oni b mar7aba wl rakan
    Now I am curious from the moment you said “For those who have lost me though I leaned on you for support may God return the favor”

    من حين قلتي اضاع الله من ضيعوني بمرحبا و الركن
    Mn 7een golti atha3 allah mn thay3oni b mar7aba wl rakan
    Now I am curious from the moment you said “For those who have lost me though I leaned on you for support may God return the favor”

    ابكي من اهلي على حب المطامع نسوني اشكي غبوني لمن؟
    Abki mn ahli 3ala 7ub al ma6ami3 nasoni ashki ‘3oboni l men
    I cry from my parents' greed in forgetting about me, to whom shall I complain?

    اهلي جفوني و من كاس الغصص جرعوني متاعبي و الحزن
    Ahli jafoni o mn kas al ‘3o9a9 jara3oni mata3ebi wl 7azan
    My family was harsh with me and made me drink from the tragic cup of my pain and sadness
    Not literally making her drink, but it means that they were cruel with her and instead of helping they are making her life worse

    اهلي جفوني و من كاس الغصص جرعوني متاعبي و الحزن
    Ahli jafoni o mn kas al ‘3o9a9 jara3oni mata3ebi wl 7azan
    My family was harsh with me and made me drink from the tragic cup of my pain and sadness

    من حين قلتي اضاع الله من ضيعوني بمرحبا و الركن
    Mn 7een golti atha3 allah mn thay3oni b mar7aba wl rakan
    Now I am curious from the moment you said “For those who have lost me though I leaned on you for support may God return the favor”

    امانة الله قوليلي قولي اشهدوني عن ضيق حالش وعن
    Amanat Allah goleli goli esh-hodoni 3n theeg 7alish w 3an?
    For God's sake tell me, tell me what is upsetting you?

    امانة الله قوليلي قولي اشهدوني عن ضيق حالش وعن
    Amanat Allah goleli goli esh-hodi 3n theeg 7alish w 3an?
    For God's sake tell me, tell me what is upsetting you?

    اكثر والشوم و الخيبه و بيه زوجوني قبضو بي ابخس ثمن
    Akthar w al shoom wl 5ayba o beh zawjoni, gbthoo be ab5as thaman
    The biggest fault was that they married me off to an ugly man, and they took a cheap profit from it

    و بالحلي و الثياب الفاخره لابسوني ياليت كانت كفن
    W bl 7ulay wl theyab al fa5era labsoni ya layt kant kafan
    And in jewelry and luxurious clothes they dressed me, I wish it were a shroud
    kafan is the shroud the white cloth used to wrap people in for burial

    و بالحلي و الثياب الفاخره لابسوني ياليت كانت كفن
    W bl 7ulay wl theyab al fa5era labsoni ya layt kant kafan
    And in jewelry and luxurious clothes they dressed me, I wish it were a shroud

    الصدق ياراعيه والله خابت ظنوني من حادثة الزمن
    Al sidg ya ra3eya wallah 5abt thononi mn 7adithat al zaman
    Honestly oh shepherd, my calculations are down with this current issue
    He doesn't predict things going any better for her

    و في فتن ناس مثلش في الدموع احرقوني محد سليم المحن
    O fe fetn nas mithlish fel dmoo3 a7rgoni ma7ad saleem el m7n
    And there are lovely people like you who burn me with their tears, nobody is free from trouble

    و في فتن ناس مثلش في الدموع احرقوني محد سليم المحن
    O fe fetn nas mithlish fel dmoo3 a7rgoni ma7ad saleem el m7n
    And there are lovely people like you who burn me with their tears, nobody is free from trouble

    حتى اخوتي دي من ثدي الوالده شاركوني حنانها و اللبن
    7ta a5wti de mn thadi al walda sharakoni 7ananha wl laban
    Even my brothers who shared the same womb as me and were partners with me in breastfeeding

    نسيو حقوقي و من كل الحقوق احرموني فرض الاخاء و السنن
    Nseyo 7gogi o mn kol al 7gog a7rmoni farth el e5a2 wl sonan
    Forgot my rights and from all my rights they deprived me from the Fard and Sunnah of brotherhood
    Fard - is what had been revealed by Allah (God) and Sunnah by the Prophet (PBUH) so in this particular song they deprived her of her rights to choose her own husband which has been clearly stated in Fard and Sunnah

    نسيو حقوقي و من كل الحقوق احرموني فرض الاخاء و السنن
    Nseyo 7gogi o mn kol al 7gog a7rmoni farth el e5a2 wl sonan
    Forgot my rights and from all my rights they deprived me from the Fard and Sunnah of brotherhood

    هيا معي تعرفي كل الشواهد حصوني مرابعي و السكن
    Heya m3ee te3refi kul al shawahid 79oni marab3e wl sakan
    Come with me and you will know all of my people, my land, and my house

    عند الذي يعرفو قدري ولا يجهلوني من جدهم ذو يزن
    3ind elthi y3rfo gadri wala yejhloni mn jddhom thu yazan
    We will go by the ones who know me well since the days of Thu Yazan
    Thu Yazan - a Yemeni King

    عند الذي يعرفو قدري ولا يجهلوني من جدهم ذو يزن
    3ind elthi y3rfo gadri wala yejhloni mn jddhom thu yazan
    We will go by the ones who know me well since the days of Thu Yazan

    من ثاراهم لي ديار المبغضين ابعثوني اقول هذا علن
    Mn tharahom la deyar al mob’3ethen ab3thoni agol hatha 3alan
    They sent me off to the haters out of revenge and now I’m publicly declaring it

    رفضت لاكن على حب الكريه ارغموني كم ضاق صدري و ان
    Rafatht lakan 3ala 7ub al kareeh ar’3moni km thag 9adri o an
    I refused to marry him but I was forced to love the man I hated, oh how my chest ached with disapproval

    رفضت لاكن على حب الكريه ارغموني كم ضاق صدري و ان
    Rafatht lakan 3ala 7ub al kareeh ar’3moni km thag 9adri o an
    I refused to marry him but I was forced to love the man I hated, oh how my chest ached with disapproval

    شاحميش و اقتل عاذول الناس لو عارضوني لو هم بكل اليمن
    Sha7mesh o agtol 3athol al nas law 3arathoni law hum bkul al yemen
    I will protect you and kill the envious people who would stand in my way even if they were all over Yemen

    قومي اذا كان يوم النائبات اكرموني و عزمهم ما وهن
    Gawmi etha kan youm al naa2ebat akrmoni wa 3azmahom ma wahan
    If the day of trouble comes along, my tribes’ strength does not fade

    قومي اذا كان يوم النائبات اكرموني و عزمهم ما وهن
    Gawmi etha kan youm al naa2ebat akrmoni wa 3azmahom ma wahan
    If the day of trouble comes along, my tribes’ strength does not fade

    قولي ما قلت يا اهلي والرفاق افهموني كلن عليا رطن
    Goli ma golt le ahli wl refag afhamoni koln 3alaya ra6an
    Tell me what did you say to my family and friends, they all started talking about me

    ياليتهم من علو الحيد هذا رموني و من يموت افتهن
    Ya laytahom mn 3alo al7ayd hatha ramoni o mn ymoot aftahan
    I wish they threw me off the top of this reef, oh who dies is better off

    ياليتهم من علو الحيد هذا رموني و من يموت افتهن
    Ya laytahom mn 3alo al7ayd hatha ramoni o mn ymoot aftahan
    I wish they threw me off the top of this reef, oh who dies is better off

    حبو هواهم و من جنه هوايا احرموني فعلو فعال الخون
    7abo hawahom o mn janat hawaya a7rmoni f3lo fe3al al 5awan
    They loved their desires and from the paradise of my desires they deprived me, just as the doing of a traitor

    ولاكن الصبر حد الله يرحم غفوني و منتهى كل ظن
    O lakn al sabr 7ad allah er7am ‘3foni o mntaha kul than
    Patience is asked of us by God, He will forgive my mistakes and all the doubts will stop

    ولاكن الصبر حد الله يرحم غفوني و منتهى كل ضن
    O lakn al sabr 7ad allah er7am ‘3foni o mntaha kul than
    Patience is asked of us by God, He will forgive my mistakes and all the doubts will stop

    يا دره الحسن يا اغلي من نياني عيوني ديارها انا لش وطن
    Ya dorat al7osn ya a’3la mn nayani 3youni deyarha ana lesh wa6an
    Oh pretty lady, more precious than my eyes' home, I am a whole nation for you

    بفرشلش القلب و اخبيش داخل جفوني يا مهجتي و البدن
    Bafreshlsh al galb wa a5besh da5il jofoni ya mohjati wl badan
    I'll open up my heart for you, and I'll hide you inside my eyelids, oh my happiness and body

    بفرشلش القلب و اخبيش داخل جفوني يا مهجتي و البدن
    Bafreshlsh al galb wa a5besh da5il jofoni ya mohjati wl badan
    I'll open up my heart for you, and I'll hide you inside my eyelids, oh my happiness and body

    يا مهجتي و البدن
    Ya mohjati wl badan
    Oh my happiness and body

    يا مهجتي و البدن
    Ya mohjati wl badan
    Oh my happiness and body

    يا مهجتي و البدن
    Ya mohjati wl badan
    Oh my happiness and body
    Ya reitni 2amle b sha3rak, kel lama ashta2lak atsa7sel w ashoufak ♥
  3. Dandan said:


    yes, im study fusha and something of egypcian. but i like understand the dialects and when i listen this song look like very interesting the music and the instruments and ritme that theirs used, how the people talk arab in every place. Thank you very much for translation, are you yemeni?. Its a pitty that Yemen its closed to students in my country, because of problems with trives and the goverment of yemen.
  4. Daydream's Avatar

    Daydream said:


    Wow it's very admirable that you are taking your time out to learn so many different dialects in the Arabic language I wish you luck with it dear. No need to thank me for the translation it's my pleasure and no I'm not Yemeni lol. I wonder, if you don't mind my asking, what country are you from? I didn't know Yemeni was banned in schools
    Ya reitni 2amle b sha3rak, kel lama ashta2lak atsa7sel w ashoufak ♥
  5. Dandan said:


    I am spanish, and you ?. Are you studying arabic lenguage?, im study filology, this going to be my second year. I study fusha but i think that is like to learn Latin to learn french, Italian or spanish lenguage. The same with fusha an dialects. Its certain that dialect its people talk and because of this, is more usefull, but fusha could help to understand dialects.
  6. Daydream's Avatar

    Daydream said:


    oh no Im not studying Arabic lol unless we count ATL, that would be my only form of studying Arabic and I totally agree about starting with the core of the language to learn the language and for your first question, Lebanese
    Ya reitni 2amle b sha3rak, kel lama ashta2lak atsa7sel w ashoufak ♥
  7. ebpullman's Avatar

    ebpullman said:

    Default What a lonely song it could be?

    Does it still really happen in Yemen? I always heard the khutbah about it

    If I'm the girl, I would retaliate and do rebellion?
  8. Daydream's Avatar

    Daydream said:


    I think there are always old-fashioned people around, but I don't think it's as common as it used to be and as years pass it'll become less and less common.. I was surprised by the song too because it makes it sound really bad.. not just forcing her into a marriage with someone she doesn't love, but also taking a profit from it just mind boggling really.. as if forcing her wasn't enough. And I don't know about retaliation and rebellion, it may work for some and for others it may not.. Especially depending on the person's upbringing. Fear can take a huge role in how these situations play out.. I guess I can't give a direct answer to your question because I've never been over there Sorry
    Ya reitni 2amle b sha3rak, kel lama ashta2lak atsa7sel w ashoufak ♥