Sakis Rouvas - Oneira trela

Thread: Sakis Rouvas - Oneira trela

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  1. asasas said:

    Thumbs up Sakis Rouvas - Oneira trela

    Nihta pantu ki ise allu
    Monos ego se nostalgo
    Mes sti siopi erhese esi
    Etsi nomizo ke se aggizo
    S' agapo, mu les arga psithirista

    Onira trela tha do ksana
    Tha su milo psihi ke soma ego gia dio
    Onira trela kathe vradia
    Emis mazi, de thelo na rthi to proi

    Nihta pantu, s' anazito
    Ftiahno stigmes, mazi su zo
    Shedia polla kano gia mas
    S' agaliazo, se kitazo
    S' agapo, tha su po
    Ki as mi t' akus

    Onira trela....
    Last edited by asasas; 08-17-2010 at 10:26 AM.
  2. uboika's Avatar

    uboika said:


    I've translated this song form Greek to Russian...Now i'll try to make a translation from Greek to English ;-))
    There may be some mistakes...

    Crazy Dreams

    Night is everywhere
    and you're so far
    I'm alone and I miss you
    In the silence you're coming
    I think so and I touch you

    "I love you" you whisper

    Crazy dreams. I'll come again,
    I'll talk to you. Soul and body for two of us
    Crazy dreams
    Every night we're together
    I don't want morning to come

    Night is everywhere
    I'm looking for you
    Building bridges for us
    Dreaming of moments when we're togheter
    I hug you, I look at you

    "I love you" - I'll say, even if you will not hear me

    Crazy dreams. I'll come again,
    I'll talk to you. Soul and body for two of us
    Crazy dreams
    Every night we're together
    I don't want morning to come