Hatem Fahmy - Shouf

Thread: Hatem Fahmy - Shouf

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  1. songlover26's Avatar

    songlover26 said:

    Default Hatem Fahmy - Shouf

    Help needed for Hatem Fahmy song


  2. miss daisy's Avatar

    miss daisy said:


    شوف عشان انا و انت نكون على نور
    shoof 3shan ana wenta nkoon 3la noor
    look, so that we're both clear

    و متحسبش ان انا مغرور
    w mt7sebsh en ana ma3'ror
    and so that you don't think I'm arrogant

    انا بطبعى واحد غيور مليش فى ده اختيار
    ana b tab3y wa7ed 3'ayoor, malish f da e5tyar
    I'm naturally jealous and I don't have a choice in that

    طب لا مبعترفش بكلمه اصحاب
    tab la, mab3trfsh b kelmet as7ab
    and no, I don't admit friendship

    حبيبي بقفل عليه ميت باب
    7abibi ba2fel 3aleh miit bab
    I lock my loved one in a hunderd doors

    و فى الكلام ده معنديش عتاب
    w fi el kalam da m3andish 3etab
    and in this topic I don't have blames

    مفيش عندى هزار
    mafish 3andy hezar
    I don't have joking

    و الله غلط صح بقي يا حبيبي
    wallahi 3'alat sa7 ba2a ya 7abibi
    whether it's wrong or write,baby

    اللى عايزنى ياخدنى على عيبي
    elli 3ayzny ya5odny 3la 3eiby
    who wants should take me the way I am

    ادينى قولت فهمت اوعى تيجي يوم تقول اى اعزار
    adiny olt fahemt, ew3a tigy youm t2ool ay a3zar
    here, I said it and made you understand, don't you ever come to me and tell me excuses

    ايه مش انا القلب اللى روحك فيه
    eh, mesh ana ely alb elly ro7ak fih
    what?! aren't I the heart that you love dearly?!

    و قولت عمرك ما تضحي بيه
    w olt 3omrah ma tda7y bi
    and you said you would never sacrifice it?!

    خلاص اثبتلي اللى قولت عليه بفعل مش بكلام
    5alas esbetly elly olt 3aleh b fe3l msh bekalam
    ok, then prove what you said with actions, not talking

    لا بلاش بقي تضيقلي فى عنيك
    la balash ba2a tdaya2ly 3enek
    no, don't tighten your eyes

    و تعمل انى كده جى عليك
    w te3mel eny keda gay 3alek
    ana pretend that , this way I'm being unfair to you

    بدل ما تفرح بخوفي عليك داخلى دور خصام
    badal ma tefra7 b 5ofi 3alek da5ely dor 5esam
    instead of being happy that I worry about you, you're mad at me

    و الله غلط صح بقي يا حبيبي اللى عايزنى ياخدنى على عيبي
    wallahi 3'alat sa7 ba2a ya 7abibi
    whether it's wrong or right,baby

    ادينى قولت فهمت اوعى تيجي يوم تقول اى اعزار
    adiny olt fahemt ew3a f youm tigy t2ool ay a3zar
    here, I said it and made you understand, so don't you ever come to me oneday and say any excuses

    شوف عشان انا و انت نكون على نور ...... طب شوف عشان انا و انت نكون على نور
    shoof 3shan ana wenta nkoon 3la nour..tab shoof 3shan ana wenta nekoon 3ala noor
    look, so that we're both clear..ok, look, so that we're both clear

    شوف عشان انا و انت نكون على نور
    shoof 3shan ana w enta nekoon 3la noor
    look, so that we're both clear

    طب لا مبعترفش بكلمه اصحاب
    tab la, mab3trfsh b kelmet as7ab
    and no, I don't admit friendship

    حبيبي بقفل عليه ميت باب
    [i]7abibi ba2fel 3aleh miit bab[/b]
    I lock my loved one in a hundred doors

    و فى الكلام ده معنديش عتاب
    [i]w fel kalam da ma3andish 3etab[/b]
    and in this topic I don't have blames

    مفيش عندى هزار
    mafish 3andy hezar
    I don't have joking

    شوف عشان انا و انت نكون على نور و متحسبش ان انا مغرور انا بطبعى واحد غيور مليش فى ده اختيار
    shoof 3shan ana wenta nekoon 3la noor w mat7sebsh en ana ma3'ror ana btab3y wa7ed 3'ayoor malish f da e5tyar
    look, so that we're both clear, and so that you don't think I'm arrogant, I'm naturally jealous and I don't have a choice in it

    طب لا مبعترفش بكلمه اصحاب حبيبي بقفل عليه ميت باب و فى الكلام ده معنديش عتاب مفيش عندى هزار
    [i]tab la mab3trfsh b kelmet as7ab, 7abibi ba2fel 3ale miit bab we fel kalam da ma3andish 3etb mafish 3andy hezar[/b]
    and no, I don't admit friendship.I lock my loved one in a hundred doors, and this topic I don't have blames, I don't have joking
  3. miss daisy's Avatar

    miss daisy said:


    by "friendship'" here..he means the friendship between his loved one and other guys because he's jealous..
  4. songlover26's Avatar

    songlover26 said:


    Fantastic .... Perfect

    Thanks Farah

    I owe U one
  5. miss daisy's Avatar

    miss daisy said:


    you're welcome
  6. songlover26's Avatar

    songlover26 said:


    Congrats You just received my 250th "THANKS"
    Last edited by songlover26; 08-17-2010 at 07:05 AM.
  7. miss daisy's Avatar

    miss daisy said:
