Need help plz!! Techno song

Thread: Need help plz!! Techno song

Tags: music, songs, techno
  1. mcano22 said:

    Exclamation Need help plz!! Techno song

    So i heard this dance/techno song in a mall today and aske what it was and they didnt know cause it came from a burnt CD labeled "Dance Classes". It has a really awsome beat that goes like:
    dun. dun. dadun. dun. da. dun. dun. dun. dun. and just repeats itself like 100 times.

    It's a very attractive dance song and im pretty sure its new, kind of like a Tiesto/Guetta type style.

    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated
  2. DJ Maxx's Avatar

    DJ Maxx said:


    Could be one of hundreds with that description. Although this is an old one, Compare it to this

    Darude - "Sandstorm"
  3. Bejarano Rich said:


    Quote Originally Posted by mcano22 View Post
    So i heard this dance/techno song in a mall today and aske what it was and they didnt know cause it came from a burnt CD labeled "Dance Classes". It has a really awsome beat that goes like:
    dun. dun. dadun. dun. da. dun. dun. dun. dun. and just repeats itself like 100 times.

    It's a very attractive dance song and im pretty sure its new, kind of like a Tiesto/Guetta type style.

    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated
    I am also looking for this song. I heard it at a football game. So fun. It is just as you said like a tiesto/guetta type of beat and very repetitive. If you find out what the name is let me know as well. I will do the same. It is not the sandstorm, but i feel like it has that European, polkie...waltie type of rhythm.