Culcha Candela - Monsta

Thread: Culcha Candela - Monsta

Tags: culcha candela, monsta, monster, pop, rock
  1. elebl said:

    Post Culcha Candela - Monsta

    This song has a great beat, like most of Culcha Candela's music. No poetics here, folks. Just a flirty little club hit.

    As always, I'd love it if you could help correct my mistakes so we can get a decent translation in the house. Danke!


    Die Nacht ist jung und ich will was erleben
    The night is young, and I want to experience something.
    Roll auf der Piste denn ich muss mich bewegen
    Roll down the track, I gotta be on the move.
    Ich seh ne - Top-Braut
    I see a -- foxy lady,
    und sie - mich auch
    and she -- sees me, too.
    Sie winkt mich zu sich rüber - verdammt ich tick aus
    She waves me over -- damn, I lose it!

    Diegedie Gedanken spieln verrückt als ich ihr näher komm
    The-the-the thoughts are goin' crazy as I get closer.
    Bitte Bitte kannst du mir verraten wo du her kommst
    Please, oh, please, can you tell me where you come from?
    Doch sie lächelt mich nur an denn sie will nur spielen
    She only smiles at me 'cause she just wants to play.

    Sie hat den - Monsta-Body
    She's got a -- monster body
    mit dem - Monsta-Blick
    with her -- monster look,
    und ihr - Monsta-Boom Boom
    and her -- monster "boom boom"
    gibt mir den Kick
    gives me a kick. ["and I get a kick out of her monster 'boom boom'"]
    Sie ist ein - Monsta..Monsta
    She's a -- monster... monster!
    Sie macht mir Angst doch ich weiß wie sie tickt
    She scares me, still I know how she ticks.
    Sie ist ein - Monsta..Monsta
    She's -- a monster... monster!
    Sie macht mir Angst doch ich weiß was ich will
    She scares me, but I know what I want.

    Ey Killerlady ich lad dich gern ein
    Hey, killer lady, I'd like to ask you out.
    du musst von nem andern Stern sein
    You've got to be from another star.
    so ungeheuer Monsta-sexy
    So immensely monster-sexy,
    Ich hab dich zum Fressen gern
    I just want to eat you up!
    So scharf wie Rasierkling'n
    Sharp as a razor blade,
    willst du mich zum explodier'n bring'n
    do you want to make me explode?

    Fahr deine Krallen aus
    Extend your claws,
    Kratz mir den Rücken auf
    scratch my back open,
    Zeig mir nochmal deine Piercings
    show me your piercings one more time!
    Ich füll ihr Champusglas nochmal nach
    Once again, I fill up her glass of champagne.
    Sie guckt mich an und lacht
    She looks at me, smiles,
    und sagt ich sei der geilste Junge dieser Welt
    and says I'm the coolest dude in the world,
    doch das wird nichts ändern denn sie steht auf Männer
    but nothing's gonna change, since she's into men.
    Wait, what?!

    Sie hat den - Monsta-Body
    She's got a -- monster body
    mit dem - Monsta-Blick
    with her -- monster look,
    und ihr - Monsta-Boom Boom
    and her -- monster "boom boom"
    gibt mir den Kick
    gives me a kick. ["and I get a kick out of her monster 'boom boom'"]
    Sie ist ein - Monsta..Monsta
    She's a -- monster... monster!
    Sie macht mir Angst doch ich weiß wie sie tickt
    She scares me, still I know how she ticks.
    Sie ist ein - Monsta..Monsta
    She's -- a monster... monster!
    Sie macht mir Angst doch ich weiß was ich will
    She scares me, but I know what I want.

    Sie ist gefährlich doch ich komm nicht von ihr looooooooooooos
    She's dangerous, but I can't get awaaaaaaaay from her.
    Meine Sucht nach ihr ist einfach viel zu grooooooooooooooooß
    My desire for her is simply too huuuuuuuuuge.

    Ich hatte grad 1,2,3,4 Drinks an der Bar
    I'd already had one, two, three, four drinks at the bar.
    war mental schon fast Game Over
    In my mind, it was already "GAME OVER."
    auf einmal seh ich dieses Vollweib-Monsta
    Suddenly, I see this monster of a woman!
    Sie fragt: Gehn wir zu mir?
    She asks, "Are we going to my place?" ["going to me"]
    Ich sag: Bleib erstmal hier
    I say, "First, let's stay here."
    Ich lad sie ein wir trinken Sekt, Rum, Wodka, Wein und Bier
    I invite her over, and we start drinking bubbly, rum, vodka, wine, and beer.
    Auf einmal passiert was Unglaubliches
    Suddenly, something unbelievable happens!
    Ich trau meinen eigenen Augen nicht
    I can't believe my eyes.
    Die Braut teilt sich auf
    The girl divides!
    Alles verschwimmt, sie setzt sich drauf auf mich
    Everthing swims, she sits up on top of me.
    Ich denk: Wow sie hat noch n Gesicht
    I think, "Wow, she's still got the look!
    Hammer geil ich hab doppeltes Glück
    Freakin' awesome, I'm so lucky.
    Wen soll ich zuerst küssen dich oder dich
    Who should I kiss first, you or you?
    Oh Mann bin ich Monstadicht
    Oh man, I'm monster-tight!"

    Sie hat den - Monsta-Body
    She's got a -- monster body
    mit dem - Monsta-Blick
    with her -- monster look,
    und ihr - Monsta-Boom Boom
    and her -- monster "boom boom"
    gibt mir den Kick
    gives me a kick. ["and I get a kick out of her monster 'boom boom'"]
    Sie ist ein - Monsta..Monsta
    She's a -- monster... monster!
    Sie macht mir Angst doch ich weiß wie sie tickt
    She scares me, still I know how she ticks.
    Sie ist ein - Monsta..Monsta
    She's -- a monster... monster!
    Sie macht mir Angst doch ich weiß was ich will
    She scares me, but I know what I want.

    Sie macht mir Angst doch ich weiß was ich will
    She scares me, but I know what I want.
    Sie ist ein - (Eyjeay..Eyjeay)
    She's a -- oh yeah, oh yeah!
    Sie macht mir Angst doch ich weiß was ich will
    She scares me, but I know what I want.
  2. TheNuttyOne's Avatar

    TheNuttyOne said:


    The night is young I want to experience something
    I head for the dance floor since I need to move
    I see an awsome chick
    And she sees me too
    She waves me over - d*mn I go crazy

    The thoughts go crazy while I approach her
    Please, please can you tell me where you come from
    But she only smiles at me because she only wants to play

    She has a monster body
    With a monster look
    And her monster boom-boom
    Gives me a thrill
    She is a monster, monster
    She creeps me out but I know what she wants
    She is a monster, monster
    She creeps me out but I know what I want

    Hey Killerlady, I'd like to invite you
    You have to be from another planet
    So extremely sexy
    I really fancy you
    As sharp as a razorblade
    You want to make me explode

    Extend your claws
    Pierce my back with them
    Show me your piercings once again
    I once again fill her champagner glass
    She looks at me and laughs
    And says I am the most awesome boy in the world
    But that won't change anything since she's into men

    She has a monster body
    With a monster look
    And her monster boom-boom
    Gives me a thrill
    She is a monster, monster
    She creeps me out but I know what she wants
    She is a monster, monster
    She creeps me out but I know what I want

    She is dangerous but I can't help it
    My addiction to her is much too strong

    I just two, three or four drinks at the bar
    Mentally I was already close to Game Over
    Suddenly I see this awesome chick
    She ask: My place or yours?
    I say: At first stay here
    I invite her, we drink champagner, rum, vodka, wine and beer
    And suddenly something incredible happens
    I barely dare to believe my eyes
    The chick starts to divide
    Everything blurs, she sits herself on me
    I think: Wow, she still has a face
    Wow, I am twice lucky
    Who should I kiss first - you or you
    Man, I am so drunk

  3. elebl said:


    Thanks for the help! I have a few questions, if you don't mind:

    -"Sie hat noch n Gesicht" sounds weird in both English and German. Is there a special meaning behind this, or is it just a strange lyric?

    -How is "Piste" used in other contexts? I was under the impressed that it was a long track (like a racetrack).

    -Is "dicht" slang for drunk, kind of like "blau"? Could you say, for example, "Er war so affendicht"?

    Again, thanks. This was a fun song to translate.
  4. Ray Alpha said:


    "Sie hat noch n Gesicht" sounds weird in both English and German. Is there a special meaning behind this, or is it just a strange lyric?
    You have to see the context. He is completely drunk, "alles verschwimmt", "the girl divides" and then she has a second face.

    To understand the special meaning behind this in full extent, you should also have "1,2,3,4 drinks at the bar" and then "start drinking bubbly, rum, vodka, wine, and beer". After this look at a girl of your choice. I guarantee, she will have two faces. .

    How is "Piste" used in other contexts? I was under the impressed that it was a long track (like a racetrack)
    "Auf die Piste gehen" is a common idiom for "To go clubbing".

    Is "dicht" slang for drunk, kind of like "blau"? Could you say, for example, "Er war so affendicht"?
    Exactly. Affendicht or even "Monstadicht"
  5. nahnou's Avatar

    nahnou said:


    Quote Originally Posted by elebl View Post
    -"Sie hat noch n Gesicht" sounds weird in both English and German. Is there a special meaning behind this, or is it just a strange lyric?

    In this context "noch" means "one more" or "another" (a second):

    Ich denk: Wow sie hat noch n Gesicht
    I think, "Wow, she's got two faces!
  6. elebl said:


    Thanks for the slang tips, Ray Alpha. Those kinds of things are good to know, especially when translating club music!

    nahnou, that makes perfect sense! I couldn't wrap my brain around why she'd lose her face, but her having two faces syncs up nicely with the lyrics that follow.