Nancy Ajram - 7 [the whole album is here] 2010

Thread: Nancy Ajram - 7 [the whole album is here] 2010

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  1. Maviii's Avatar

    Maviii said:


    ele btarjim yalli be7ebo sho men elloOo
    sha6er sha6er
    Well done girls .. nancy fans should be so happy now
  2. Gole Yas said:


    taliana sweetz .. I corrected a few things and added the missing lines

    بياع وشاطر
    Baya3 o sha6er
    A seller, good at his job..
    بياع وشاطر
    Baya3 o sha6er
    A seller, good at his job..

    A lier

    بياع وشاطر وبريمو.. خداع وأبصم بالعشرة..
    Baya3 o sha6er o brimo, 5ada3 o ab9om bil3ashara
    A seller, sly, and a primo.. A cheater and I'd stamp it with a ten
    (First three words are all to express that he's a player and ladies men, then "obsem bel 3ashara" is a saying meaning she'd put her money on it, (ten fingerprints) that he's a cheater/traitor )

    كداب وأصلى على قديمة.. لا ليه فى حب ولا فى عشرة..
    Kadab o a9li 3ala adimo.. la leih fil 7ub wala fil 3eshra
    He's a liar and always has been, He doesn't care for love nor about a lifetime together
    *3eshra = companionship

    خاين كبير وده مبدأه.. يعرف يغير وتصدقه..
    5ayen kibeer o da mabda2o.. yi3raf yi’3eer o tsada2o
    He's a big traitor and that’s his principle.. he knows how to show jealousy to the extent that you believe it

    وفى التمثيل مالوش مثيل.. دارس وكمل تعليمه
    Fil tamtheel malosh mitheel.. dares o kamal ta3leemo
    And in his acting there is none like him.. he has studied and perfected his craft
    She's saying here that he has become a pro at being a player
    in lieing, a master and teacher

    مهما يقولك تسمعله وانت مصدق ومسلم
    Ahma y2olak tisma3lo.. wint msadi2 wimsalim
    No matter that he says you listen.. with you believing him and surrendering
    يكدب عليك وتدمعله فى الكدب استاذ ومعلم
    Yikdib 3aleik o tidma3lo, fil kidb ustath o m3alim
    He lies at you and you shed a tear for him, in lies he’s a master and teacher
    هادى اوى نسمه هوا يوعد اوى ويسيب هوا
    Hadi awi nismat hawa, yow3ad awi wiyseeb hawah
    He’s very calm, like a soft breeze, he promises a lot, and then leaves his love
  3. Gole Yas said:


    حكايات الدنيا
    7ikayat eldinya
    Life’s stories..
    من غفوة عنيا ندهنى صوت بحبه
    Min ‘3afwit 3eineya, nadahni 9ot b7ibo
    As my eyes were about to close (go to sleep), a voice I love called out to me
    اخدتنى الحنيه وسهرت الليله بقربه
    A5adatni el7iniya, o s-hirt el laila b2orbo
    Tenderness took over me, and I spent the night beside him
    وصار يجى عبالى غالى وغالى
    O 9ar yigi 3abali ‘3ali, ‘3ali
    And on my mind came a precious, a precious one
    عرفت قيمة حالى عندن وعرفت شو تعبو
    3irifit 2eemit 7ali 3indon, o 3rifit sho ti3bo
    I found out my value to them, and how they tired themselves

    هيك حكايات الدنى بتبتدى من الولدنى
    Heik 7kayat eldini, bitibtidi mi elwaldani
    These are life’s stories.. they start from birth
    تايكبر حدا لازم يتعب حدا
    Tayekbar 7ada lazim yit3ab 7ada
    For someone to grow up, someone has to be tired out
    وسنى بتسابق سنى هيك حكايات الدنى
    O sini bitsabi2 sini heik 7kayat eldini
    And each year races the other.. those are life’s stories..

    هالصوت يسلملى بعده سنينه جداد
    Hal 9awt yislamli, ba3do snino jdad
    May this voice be safe, his years are just new
    **the voice of a newborn
    وعالسمى بيرسملى جوانح فرح وولاد
    O 3alsami yirsimli jwani7 fara7 awlad
    And on the sky it draws for me, the wings of children’s happiness
    ذكريات كتيرة لما كنت صغيرة
    Thikrayat kteera lama kint 9’3eera
    A lot of memories from since I was young
    كانت حدى سريرى الدنى تشتى صلى واعياد
    Kanat 7ad sriri eldini tishta 9ala wa3yad
    The world was next to my bed, going through winters, prayers, and celebrations
  4. Gole Yas said:


    ايه اللى جرالى
    Eih eli garali
    What has happened to me
    ايه اللى جرالى ليه كده بسهر ليالى
    Eih eli garali leih kida bas-har layali
    What has happened to me, why do I stay up all these nights
    كان ليا فين انا كل ده ياشغلى بالى
    Kan liya fein ana kol day a sha’3eli bali
    I didn’t need all this oh you who have occupied my mind

    قلبى وديته راح عذابه ده اللى معملتش حسابه
    Albi wadaito ra7 3athabo da eli ma3miltish 7isabo
    I took my heart and its torture went away, that was something I wasn’t planing
    اه ياقلبى من اللى فينا مين هيحس بينا
    Ah ya albi mein eli feena mein hay7is beena
    Oh my heart, who will feel for us with all the things were going through

    كنت خايفه من غرامك قلبى دوب ددوب كلامك
    Kont 5ayfa min ‘3aramak, albi dawib dob kalam
    I was afraid of your love, my heart has melted through your melting words
    ياما قالوا الحب قادر بكلمه علينا
    Yama alo el7ub ader bkilma 3alaina
    Oh many times they said love can take over with just one word

    كان القلب راضى بوحدتى وبعيش فى حالى
    Kan el alb ra’6i bwi7diti o ba3eesh fi 7ali
    My heart was satisfied with my loneliness, and me living on my own
    وبنظره واحده شغلتنى كان بس مالى
    O bna’6ra wa7da sh’3iltini kan bas mali
    And with one look you ceased my attention, oh what was with me

    قلبى وديته راح عذابه ده اللى معملتش حسابه
    Albi wadaito ra7 3athabo da eli ma3miltish 7isabo
    I took my heart and its torture went away, that was something I wasn’t planing
    اه ياقلبى من اللى فينا مين هيحس بينا
    Ah ya albi mein eli feena mein hay7is beena
    Oh my heart, who will feel for us with all the things were going through

    كنت خايفه من غرامك قلبى دوب ددوب كلامك
    Kont 5ayfa min ‘3aramak, albi dawib dob kalam
    I was afraid of your love, my heart has melted through your melting words
    ياما قالوا الحب قادر بكلمه علينا
    Yama alo el7ub ader bkilma 3alaina
    Oh many times they said love can take over with just one word

    ايه اللى جرالى ليه كده بسهر ليالى
    Eih eli garali leih kida bas-har layali
    What has happened to me, why do I stay up all these nights
    كان ليا فين انا كل ده ياشغلى بالى
    Kan liya fein ana kol day a sha’3eli bali
    I didn’t need all this oh you who have occupied my mind
  5. Gole Yas said:


    لسه جايه اقوله
    Lisa gaya a2olo..
    i came to him and was just about to say..
    لسه جاية اقوله على جوايا سبقنى قالى انتى جوايا
    Lisa gaya a2olo 3ala gowaya saba2ni ali inti gowaya
    I came to him and was just about to tell him what’s inside me, he beat me to it and said “your inside me”
    وقالى على بيداريه روحت راميه نفسى جوا احضانه
    O ali 3ali bidareeh, ro7t ramya nifsi gowa a7’6ano
    And told me what he cares for, I went and threw myself into his embrace
    وقلت عمرى كله علشانه ما دا اللى كنت نفسى فيه
    O olt 3umri kolo 3alashano, ma da eli kont nifsi feeh
    And said that my whole life is for him, this is what I wanted in the first place

    لا عملت حساب للناس ولا حتى لاى كلام
    La 3milt 7sab lilnas wala 7ata l2ay kalam
    I didn’t care about the people, or what was to be said by them
    احساس واتساب يطلع بطبيعته وصله اوام
    E7sas witsab yi6la3 b6abe3to wa9lo awam
    A feeling and it was left to come out naturally
    مجنونة انا بيه وهخاف من ايه
    Magnona ana beih o ha5af min eih
    Im crazy about him, what should I be afraid from
    فى حد يشوف احلامه قصاده ميلمسهاش
    Fi 7ad yeshof a7lamo u9ado mayelmis-hash
    Is there anyone who would see his dreams next to him and not touch them
    ده ساعات الخوف بيضيع لحظة مبيعشهاش
    Da sa3at el5of bi’6i3 la7’6a mabi3ish-hash
    Sometimes fear gets lost for a moment, it doesn’t exist
    ده انا عشت سنين علشان الاقيه
    Da ana 3isht sneen 3ashan ala2eeh
    I have lived many years just to meet him

    كل كلمة قلها لسه فكراها وكل لمسة منه حساها
    Kol kilma alha lisa fakraha, o kol limas mino 7asaha
    I still remember every word that came out from him, and I can still feel every touch
    حياتى احلى بين ايديه هو ده الى حبه خدنى فى ثوانى
    7ayati a7la bein eideih howa da eli 7ubo 5adni fi thawani
    My life is more beautiful in his hands, his love is the one who took me away in seconds
    وهو ده اللى قربه خانى احب عمرى باللى فيه
    O howa da eli 2orbo 5alani a7ib 3umri bili feeh
    And his closeness is what made me love my life and whats in it
  6. Gole Yas said:


    بعد مارتبت ترتيباتى ان انت طلعت من حياتى
    Ba3d ma ratibt tartibati ena ent 6li3t min 7ayati
    After I got my things straight, after you went out of my life
    اخترت ارجع معاك اهاتى اصلى محرمتش
    E5tart arga3 ma3ak ahati a9li ma7rimtish
    I chose to take my woes back to you, I didn’t stop
    اه ما انا غاوية اتعب ياناس عيونى علشان الحب صدقونى
    Ah mana ‘3awya at3ib ya nas 3yoni, 3alashan el7ub sada2oni
    Oh people, my just tiring my eyes all for the sake of love, believe me
    ما انا لو حبيت تابت عيونى يعنى ما اجرمتش
    Mana law 7abeit tabit 3yoni ya3ni ma agramtish
    If I love my eyes will have repentance, so this means I did nothing wrong

    مش قولتلى اسكتى هتصرف ادينى سكت
    Mosh iltili iskiti hta9araf adini sakat
    Did you say “be quiet and ill handle is”, well here, im quiet
    علقتنى سيبتنى فى الهوا وكمان هتلت
    3ala2tini sibtini fil hawa o Kaman hatilt
    O kept me hangind, you left me, and still I was there
    شوف كام مرة غلط ياحبيبى وانا فوت
    Shof kam mara ‘3ili6 ya 7bibi wana afawit
    Look how many mistakes you made my love, and still I move along
    حتى معادنا كان الساعة ستة ستة واهى ستة وتلت
    7ata ma3adna kan elsa3a sita, sita, o hiya sita o thilth
    Even our date was at 6 oclock, 6, and now its 6:20
    طب عارف يااسمك ايه خلاصه الموضوع
    6ab 3aref ya ismak eih 5ola9at elmaw’6o3
    Oh who who I have forgotten your name, do you know what this means..
    اول ما اول اوكى لازم تقول مسموع
    Awal ma oul ok lazim t2ol masmoo3
    When I say “ok?” you sure “yes!”

    سيبتنى ومشيت سبع ليالى مسالتش يوم رحمت حالى
    Sibtini o msheit sab3 layali mas2altish youm r7amt 7ali
    You left for 7 nights, not asking about me, not showing mercy
    عندك مشكلتى حلهالى اسبوع ولا همك
    3indak mishkilti 7ilhali, esbo3 wala hamak
    You have my problem, solve it for me... a whole week and you didn’t care!
    قلبك غلطان وانا اللى اجيله والله برافو شد حيله
    Albak ‘3al6an wana eli ageelo wallah bravo shad 7ailo
    Your heart is wrong and im the one coming to him, well, bravo, he has kept strong
    عارف لو جيت وهتحميله ذنبك على جمبك
    3aref law geit o hat7milo thanbik 3ala ganbik
    You know if you came to it, your sin is still yours
  7. Gole Yas said:


    Quote Originally Posted by VivaPalestina View Post
    I think this song hasnt been done Wow, khaliji and egyptian, ma fi shaami? My try:

    يا كثر
    How often

    ياكثر ماشلت فى قلبى عليه
    How often he upset me
    ياكثر ما قلت ماسامح خطاه
    How often did I say I wont forgive his mistakes
    من اشوفه ترجف اضلوعى
    When I see him my hands shake
    تبيه واثرى هذا كله من حرة هواه
    They want him, and I know this is all from the freedom of his passion
    اخلق الاعذار من لمسة ايديه
    I create excuses from his hands touch
    والمس جروحى واداري هواه
    I touch my wounds and I know his love
    هو فى ضعفى وضعفى انى ابيه
    Is my weakness and my weakness is I want him
    وانت عارف انى ما اعشق سواه
    And you know I dont love another

    ابتليت بحب جعله يبتغى
    I was burdened with a love that made him want
    ويعصى طيبته بحراته معاك
    And stopped being tender
    اذكر انك ما تنام الا اجيك
    I remember you never used to sleep till I came
    صيرت انا الحين ما اغفى بلاك
    Now I cant sleep without you
    ما ابيك اليوم واللى بعده واللى بعده ياملاك
    I dont want you today, or the day after, or the dayafter my angel
    حسبى الله على الهوا
    May God give me patience for this love
    وحسبى عليك
    And may God forgive you
    الله ياخدنى
    And may God take my life
    والا ما خداك

    من اشوفه ترجف اضلوعى
    When I see him my hands shake
    **when I see him my ribs shake..
    This is metaphorically saying “I shake all over” .. then in the next line where is says “they want him” meaning as the ribs (heart) shake .. the heart wants him

    تبيه واثرى هذا كله من حرة هواه
    They want him, and I know this is all from the freedom of his passion
    *they want him, and this is all from the heat of his love/passion

    والمس جروحى واداري هواه
    I touch my wounds and I know his love
    I touch my wounds.. and humor/give excuses for his love

    ويعصى طيبته بحراته معاك
    and he disobeys his kindness from him heat (problems) with you

    ما ابيك اليوم وباجر تحتري واللى بعده واللى بعده ياملاك
    I dont want you to wait for me today, or the day after, or the dayafter that my angel

    الله ياخدنى
    And may God take my life
    والا ما خداك
    But not yours ((because she loves him.. as it says she shakes and wnts him and makes up excuses n bla bla bla =P))
    Last edited by Gole Yas; 05-30-2011 at 04:10 PM.
  8. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Gole Yas View Post
    من اشوفه ترجف اضلوعى
    When I see him my hands shake
    **when I see him my ribs shake..
    This is metaphorically saying “I shake all over” .. then in the next line where is says “they want him” meaning as the ribs (heart) shake .. the heart wants him


    7obi, I skipped out the last line, I didnt know how to do it...
  9. Gole Yas said:


    the LAST song needed to be done

    عينى عليك
    3aini 3alaik
    My eyes are on you..
    عينى عليك انا عينى عليك..... بحن ليك انا بحن ليك
    3aini 3alaik ana 3aini 3alaik..... Ba7in leik ana ba7in leik
    My eyes are on you, my eyes are on you..... I long for you, I long for you
    هيمانه يانا امانة عليك..... ريحنى متسبنيش كده
    Haymana yana amana 3alaik..... Raya7ni matsibneesh kida
    Im in love, oh please..... Give me comfort, don’t leave me like this

    مالى بدوب انا مالى بدوب..... وانا يادوب كده وانا يادوب
    Mali badob ana mali badob..... wana yadob kida wana yadob
    What wrong with me oh whats wrong with me.... and like this im just barely.. just barely..
    حالا من لحظه فى لحظه ادوب والحب يعمل كل ده
    7alan min la7’6a fi la7’6a adob.. wil 7ub ya3mil kol da
    I melt immediately, in just a moment I melt.. and love has done all this

    جرالى ده اللى جرالى ليه هو انت تطلع مين يابيه
    Garali da eli garali laih, howa ent ti6la3 mein yabeih
    Why has this happened to me, oh who are you so this happens to me!
    شوقك وصلى حصلى ايه وده باينله ده ده اللى اسمه ايه
    Sho2ak wa9ali 7a9ali eih, o da bayenlo dad a eli esmo eih
    Your longing has reached to me and what has it done!.. oh to him who I don’t know what his name is

    الحب صياد القلوب ياماما ياماما دوب قلبى دوب
    El7ob 9ayad 2loob yamama yamama dawab albi dob
    Love hunts hearts, oh mother oh mother, it has melted my heart
    وبالامارة مش عارفة انام ولا انا عارفة كام ولا انا فاهمة ليه
    Bil2amara mosh 3arfa anam wala ana 3arfa kam wala ana fahma leih
    And with all this I cant sleep, I don’t understand how much, and don’t know the reason

    عينى عليك انا عينى عليك..... بحن ليك انا بحن ليك
    3aini 3alaik ana 3aini 3alaik..... Ba7in leik ana ba7in leik
    My eyes are on you, my eyes are on you..... I long for you, I long for you
    هيمانه يانا امانة عليك..... ريحنى متسبنيش كده
    Haymana yana amana 3alaik..... Raya7ni matsibneesh kida
    Im in love, oh please..... Give me comfort, don’t leave me like this

    مالى بدوب انا مالى بدوب..... وانا يادوب كده وانا يادوب
    Mali badob ana mali badob..... wana yadob kida wana yadob
    What wrong with me oh whats wrong with me.... and like this im just barely.. just barely..
    حالا من لحظه فى لحظه ادوب والحب يعمل كل ده
    7alan min la7’6a fi la7’6a adob.. wil 7ub ya3mil kol da
    I melt immediately, in just a moment I melt.. and love has done all this

    شايفه الحياة متزوقه مزاجى حلو مروقه
    Shayfa el7aya mitzawa2a, mazagi 7ilew mrawa2a
    I have seen life, tasted it, im in a good mood, all eased out
    معقولة من اول لقا حاسة انى عرفاك من سنين
    Ma32ola min awal lu2a, 7asa eni 3arfak min sneen
    Is it possible that from the first time I met youi felt like ive known you for years

    استنى على مهلك ياعم هو انت ايه معندكش دم
    Estana 3ala mahlak ya 3am, huwa enta eih ma3indaksh dam
    Wait, oh come down uncle (referring to him), don’t you have any blood in you
    قبل ما تمشى من المكان انا عايزة اقولك كلمتين
    2abl ma timshi min elmakan, ana 3ayza a2olak kilmitain
    Before you leave this place, I want to tell you a few words..

    عينى عليك انا عينى عليك..... بحن ليك انا بحن ليك
    3aini 3alaik ana 3aini 3alaik..... Ba7in leik ana ba7in leik
    My eyes are on you, my eyes are on you..... I long for you, I long for you
    هيمانه يانا امانة عليك..... ريحنى متسبنيش كده
    Haymana yana amana 3alaik..... Raya7ni matsibneesh kida
    Im in love, oh please..... Give me comfort, don’t leave me like this

    مالى بدوب انا مالى بدوب..... وانا يادوب كده وانا يادوب
    Mali badob ana mali badob..... wana yadob kida wana yadob
    What wrong with me oh whats wrong with me.... and like this im just barely.. just barely..
    حالا من لحظه فى لحظه ادوب والحب يعمل كل ده
    7alan min la7’6a fi la7’6a adob.. wil 7ub ya3mil kol da
    I melt immediately, in just a moment I melt.. and love has done all this

    whole album completed .. enjoyy people
  10. Gole Yas said:


    edited my post.. i added the last line.. didnt notice it lol
  11. larosa's Avatar

    larosa said:


    all the album is done,thanks to Gole Yas great job dear
    life is Super good
    (this is bull ****)
    if you seek arabic translation,PM me
  12. songlover26's Avatar

    songlover26 said:


    Hats Off to Larosa & Gole Yas...
    Guys don't you think they deserve Applause
    Hip hip Hurray
  13. Layla's Avatar

    Layla said:


    Just wanted to say:

    Thank you to all the translators! You're simply GREAT!
  14. Sakiye's Avatar

    Sakiye said:


    you all did a great job thanks!
  15. taliania's Avatar

    taliania said:


    woow amazing job!!thank u so much!!
  16. Vengo511 said:


    Wow! Amazing job yet again you guys. Shukran
  17. Gole Yas said:


    pleasure to help... enjoy sweetiezzz =D
  18. Lilah88's Avatar

    Lilah88 said:


    Thanks so much!! Well done also! :]
  19. NNA for life's Avatar

    NNA for life said:


    Nancy Ajram-asaad Allah mesak

    Ass3d Allah Mesak
    May Allah grant you a good evening

    As3ad Allah masak yalli malakni hawak
    Ya aghla min 7ayati wish 7ayati balak
    Ajma3 e7sasi wajeek, abeek fi 3umri abeek
    Amshi bi5i6wat 7anini watmana ligak

    Tihodnak lahzat 7anani walga fi 3einik makani
    Tise3id bshofik 3yoni warwi b7oubi zhamak

    ------>Kaal ho na ho<------
    ------>Lebnan ya 2it3it sama<------
    ------>La 2ilaha 2illa allah<------
  20. NNA for life's Avatar

    NNA for life said:


    Nancy Ajram - Kol Ma Tedy

    Ya habibi kol ma tidi kol ma takhid
    Mankorsh Abadan enak feek hiniyeh
    Matolsh ana zalmak enta eli zalemni
    Dayman tkon ghaltan tigi 3alaya

    Bat'hamil tol omri wadari wagi ala nifsi ashan ardeek
    W lama ahtaglak tibea maaya leih ya habibi ana mush bala2eek
    Mathonsh alaya aseebak wabaed anak
    Wala laila tidar feeha taeesh min ghairi
    Ana saab alaya aolak mush mirtaha
    Walla da ana ala tabaak katar khairi

    ------>Kaal ho na ho<------
    ------>Lebnan ya 2it3it sama<------
    ------>La 2ilaha 2illa allah<------