Fink - Fliegen

Thread: Fink - Fliegen

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  1. elebl said:

    Post Fink - Fliegen

    Okay, this song is short. And ridiculous. But it's so funky! I couldn't find a YouTube video, but trust me on this.

    I snagged the lyrics from somewhere. Whoever wrote 'em didn't capitalize the nouns.





    die fliegen kreisen um den lampenschirm
    The flies orbit the lampshade.
    die fliegen kreisen um den lampe schirm
    The flies orbit the lampshade.
    sonst passiert hier eigentlich weiter nichts
    Otherwise, (it) doesn't really happen here anymore.
    nur manchmal landet eine auf dem küchentisch
    Only sometimes one lands on the kitchen table. ["Occasionally one lands on the kitchen table."]

    die fliegen kreisen um den lampenschirm
    The flies orbit the lampshade.
    die fliegen kreisen um den lampe schirm
    The flies orbit the lampshade.
    sonst passiert hier eigentlich weiter nichts
    Otherwise, (it) doesn't really happen here anymore.
    nur manchmal fliegen welche rauf zum licht
    Only sometimes some fly up into the light. ["Occasionally some fly up into the light."]


    Yeah, that's really the whole song. Gebrumm!
  2. Ray Alpha said:


    Really not much to correct in here :-)