Karma - Kraljica leda

Thread: Karma - Kraljica leda

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  1. rarr3 said:

    Default Karma - Kraljica leda

    kraljica leda boluje od tuge
    suze i tama, vjerne su je sluge
    srce ko kamen, ne biga ni plamen
    sad odledio...
    kraljica leda ranjena do bola
    srce je stalo puklo je na pola,
    zbog tebe sada, u postelju pada,
    i mlada umire...

    u tjelu mom je severni pol
    od kada tebe djelim sa drugom
    svake mi noči ledena bol
    dušu probija...

    u kocku leda zaledit ču to
    to ludo srce što zatebe tuče,
    jer svaki pogled na tebe i nju
    mene ubija...

    Tjelo moje je ledeni brijeh
    Od kad me tvoja ljubav ne grije
    Oči je moje pokrio snijeg
    Da ne gledam te
  2. milijana's Avatar

    milijana said:

    Wink Karma - Queen of ice

    Queen of ice is ill from sadness
    tears and darkness are hers faithful servants
    heart of a stone cannot be melted even by
    a flame now..
    Queen of ice wounded so hard
    heart has stopped, it broke into two
    because of you now, she falls to her bed
    and dies young...

    There is a North pole in my body
    ever since I've been sharing you with the other
    every night I have icy pain
    stabbing my soul...

    Into the ice cube I will freeze that
    that crazy heart that beats for you
    because every glance at you and her
    is killing me...

    My body is iceberg
    ever since I've lost the warmth of your love
    the snow has covered my eyes
    so I can't see you
    Last edited by milijana; 09-04-2012 at 12:15 PM.
  3. rarr3 said:


    thx for the translation!
  4. milijana's Avatar

    milijana said:


    You are more than welcome Rarr3, wow...that is one very old translation..
  5. rarr3 said:


    I saw this thread again and noticed that I forgot to thank you.....thank you
  6. yosis's Avatar

    yosis said:


    Quote Originally Posted by rarr3 View Post
    I saw this thread again and noticed that I forgot to thank you.....thank you
    milijana IS the best
  7. milijana's Avatar

    milijana said:


    Thank you guys