Fishy Sleeps

Thread: Fishy Sleeps

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  1. leigh said:

    Smile Fishy Sleeps

    Please help - want to find out who wrote this song so I can buy it as an MP3.

    The chorus goes:

    Fishy sleeps, fishy sleeps, fishy sleeps, feed the fish.

    The start of the song has the singer talking saying:

    When John Richard first showed me this song it did not thrill me, but the title sort of got to me and we worked together on a few changes and the more I got into the song the more it grew on me, listen to this, this is a stange idea.

    Then the start goes:

    Lay your head down little one,
    Your eyes are sleepy and the sun has gone,
    to send the fish a lulaby.

    The song is from the late 60's early seventees and the singer sounds american but may be wrong.

    Please help!


  2. ~BAYBEE CICI~ said:
