Lotfi Double Kanon - America (Algerian)

Thread: Lotfi Double Kanon - America (Algerian)

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  1. hoojacks's Avatar

    hoojacks said:

    Default Lotfi Double Kanon - America (Algerian)

    salaam 3lykum

    ana min amrika, wa raani raayeh naqraw darija dziri. nesme3 Lotfi wa nheb moosiqa ta3h bezzaf.

    yemken wahd shakhs min dzayr iqder itarjim had:


    shukran bezzaf
  2. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    3aslema! I'm sorry I cant help you Ana nheb darja kaman, wa rani nhader il darja, wa laken i'm no where near as good as you yet

    Just wanted to tell you, have you heard Lotfi - Ghaza Ghaza? I have the lyrics + translation for those iza bidek

    ELEEF (our ATL darija dziri teacher) is taking a small break, bas when she comes back I'll tell her to check this for you
  3. ELEEF's Avatar

    ELEEF said:


    Wa 3aleykum assalem ! Ow-kay! an american that listens to Lotfi dk & wants to learn the algerian dialect? nice !! ana tani nesma3 lotfi w n7ebo & I'm from the same city as him

    Noor Wallah I don't know how I feel that there's an Algerian song waiting for me & needs a translation 6th sense I guess

    Here's the translation dear , hope you like it ^^' :

    Lotfi Dk - America

    América, América : crime de guerre
    America , America : War crime!
    Tel3eb behad le monde
    Plays with this world
    Ki ch’ghoul foug tabla ta3 poker
    Like on a poker table
    América, América : Pentagone
    America , America : Pentagone
    peace and love b les missiles w les bombes
    Peace and love by missiles & bombs

    le 11 septembre el marikan bi les cendres
    On September the 11th , America under the ash
    Darboha fi centre tsar3et w tsebghet welat sombre
    They hit it in the center , shook it & made it look sombre
    Le world trade center sla7 fihom echock
    The world trade center was in shock
    En plus lkerozène howa li doweb la charpente
    Plus , it was the kerozene that made the framework melt
    Les tours jumelles rabou kol brick par brick
    The twin towers fell all brick after brick
    Goudam les federeaux ou les pros ta3 l’anargotik
    In front of the federations
    C pa logik,fi nos lé flammes w niran Lgaw passeport w cassette audio faha lcoràan
    It’s not logical to find a passport & Coran recorded in an audio tape,in the middle of flames & fire
    Normal , kbel ma bdat l'enquete jabou lcoupable
    It’s normal , since they brought the guilty before the investigation starts
    Branchaw les capables croisaw les mots kima scrabble
    The connected the cables , crossed the words like in scrabble
    Le diable , 3ambalou men lewel 3amah m3awel
    The devil , already knew what he’s up to
    Le porte paroles ti3ou ma ykoun ghir Sir Kolin Pawel
    His spokesman must be sir Kolin Pawel
    Ettsawer , jaw fi satellite noir et blanc
    The pictures , appeared black & white on satellite
    Na3tou les camps d'entrainement te3 les talibans
    Showing the training camps of the Talibans
    Jat la rançon : objectif l'Afghanistan
    Here’s the ransom ~> Target : Afghanistan
    seb3 ayam bombardement
    Bombardment in seven days
    ça y est tabgou la mission
    And the mission is accomplished
    Conclusion : faut pas que tsaksi 3al bilan
    The conclusion : don’t ask about the results
    Bah vengeaw les trois milles ra7ou getlou des millions
    To avenge the 3000 (victims of september 11th ) , They killed millions
    Ma 7abssouch lahna dork win bda dégat
    They didn’t stop here , the damage’s just started
    C'est le pouvoir noir ta3 l'empire de America
    It’s the black power of the American empire

    ( Chorus x 2 )

    7kitlek dork l'histoire te3 afghanistan
    I’ve just narrated the story of Afghanistan
    Ki chghol documentaire fi euronews w CNN
    Like a documentary in Euronews channel & CNN
    Faha mise en scène , Casting w Scènario
    It has a staging , a casting & a screenplay
    Bassa7 la3deb mechou kdeb fi les cages te3 Guantanamo
    But the torment in the cages of Guantanamo isn’t a lie
    Les cerveaux te3 la maison blanche am lhik
    The masterminds of the white house are there
    Jabou les soldats te3 la guere géo-économique
    They brought the soliders of the geoeconomic war
    Mala jib la carte géographique
    So , bring the geographic map !
    Shoof fi l'Asie telga blassa stratégique
    Look in Asia you’ll see a strategic site
    Kayen b7ar sghir , fih trésor kbir
    There’s a sea not very wide , but contains a very big treasure
    La mer Caspienne , pétrole w hydro-carbure
    The Caspian sea , oil & hydro-carbide
    Lmarikan , 7aba tosel ltemma bessif
    America wants to reach & occupy that place at all costs
    Le problème kayen lrousse w zid l'iran li fi le sud
    The problem is Russia & Iran in the south
    Donc la solution c'est l'Afghanistan
    So, the only solution left is Afghanistan
    Tweli bon bin le Pakistan w Turkmenistan
    To perfet the relationships with Pakistan & Turkmenistan
    Alors c'est bon , ça y est am trassaw dork les plans
    That’s it , They already drew the plans
    Jib la3rab, jib les clans , jib l'acteur w jib les cons
    Bring the arabs , bring the clans , bring the actor & the moron
    C'est le meme clan , les mêmes têtes , le même thème
    It’s the same clan , the same faces , the same topic
    Lhih fi Chichan , fil Kachmir w Sudan
    There in Chechnya , in Kashmir & in Sudan
    La liste est pleine , 3ambalhom w 3ambalna
    The list is full , they know it & so do we
    7na mghamdin 3aynina w nessenaw ghir fi dala
    We’re just closing our eyes , & waiting for our turn

    ( Chorus x 2 )

    Lgelb yetgata3 bassa7 lyed ay kssira
    The heart is breaking into pieces , but it’s out of my hands
    Getlo chikh yacine , felastin meskina 7zina
    They killed "Chikh Yacine " , Palestine is now sad
    L'éspoir te3ha aw bin sma wel 7sira
    Its hope is between the sky & the carpet
    Mechou 3and l'Onu mais fi lkotob te3 e'ssira
    It is ( the palestinian hope ) not in the ONU but in the islamic books
    7ira , khatak Sharon wella kawi
    Weird! Because Sharon became strong
    Ki shaf l7okam ma yesm3och lel Qaradawi
    Since our governors no longer listen to Al qaradawi
    Guelbhom ebred wela hybride w mkhader
    Their hearts became cold & anesthetized & turned into hybrid
    Win ra7 Ibn el walid w la3bed te3 ghazwat khaybar
    Where have Ibn el walid & people of the khaybar's battle gone?
    L'histoire te3 la3rab welat kima mbesselem
    The story of arabs turned like "Mbesselem"
    Bin la guerre w salam , min Nacer li anwar sadat
    Between the war & the peace , from Nacer to Anwar Al sadat ( egyptian ex-presidents )
    Ennes jamais nset khatak li sar aw sar
    People never forgot , because what happened's happened!
    Massacre CIA w génocide te3 lmossade
    The CIA's massacre & the Mossad's genocide
    Arabsat y3ess ki lmirador
    Arabsat watches like a watchtower
    3ambalou f had le monde chkoun howa le prédator
    He knows who is the real " predator " in this world
    Li ymed fi la mort w ysseyeb l'insecticide
    The one who gives death (kills) & sprays the insecticide
    Li 3andou les missiles w l'arme de destruction massive
    The one who has the missiles & WDM ( weapon of mass destruction )
    Le pro fi la pratique , l'attaque w la technique
    The expert in practice , in attack & in technics
    La guerre médiatique kif Bagdad w Tekrit
    In the media war like Bagdad & Tikrit
    Wechbik , l'affaire ay mechha ghir 3la Saddam
    It's not only about Saddam
    Bush galha , croisade contre L'islam
    Bush said it's a crusade against Islam

    ( Chorus x 2 )
    .. وذاك الذي لا يرى غيره
    ولا يجد الخير خيـرا ً اذا لم يكن خيره
    فــــــــراغ .. فـــــراغ
  4. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    ELEEF its a shame you turn your sixth sense off when I'm missing you

    Theres also a morrocan song that needs your help Faz hasnt looked on it yet

    P.S Larosa is gone
    P.P.S I miss you <3<3
  5. hoojacks's Avatar

    hoojacks said:


    @VivaPalestina: I haven't heard that song yet, but I would love to have the translations

    @ELEEF Oh my God shukraan bezzzaaaaf. Awesome translation

    kunt fi classe ta3 darija dzirya w prof te3na 3teetilina (gave us?) el ghniya "el Portable" ta3 Lotfi.

    I've been listening to him ever since and trying to find other good Algerian rap. Music is a great way to learn the language!

    bakhlef hadha, nelqa dhork had el forum. It seems like a great community. I'm trying to listen to as much Maghrebi music as I can, so I am going to be in here a lot I think

    tsharrafna bikum!
  6. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    Wait, fi classes lal darja? haha hasnt reached London I'm afraid

    ELEEF - shayfe ya bush? sar 3indek another fan!! Between us two ma ra7 tifdi la shi

    Gaza - Lotfi
    Translation also done by our gorgeous ELEEF <3

    Gaza Gaza .. Ay ray7a tmoot
    Wayn Esho3oob?Lazem tnood
    Gaza Gaza .. Goul lel yahood
    Jaysho mohammad sawfa ya3ood

    ...Ga3d nshoof fi la télé
    Tiyara todreb wel baboor ga3d ytiri
    Lyhood y7iri , y7arboni fi dini
    Ya Gaza esm7ili 7ab nji chkoun yedini ?
    Guedeh ne sna hna Esha3b kan ma7soor
    w lyom 9asfoh bil sawari5 te3 lfosfor
    Ra7o zadooh l'offensive terrestre
    Sous les ordres te3 lséoniste Shimon Peres
    C'est le vrai térrorisme , li dar mille mort
    Jonood ba3tet jotat li sbitar w la morgue
    Beh yediw le monde , la3rab lazem tmoot
    Ay mektouba fi Ttawrat , fi safa7at te3 Ettalmood
    3adik lyhood jazro essalam
    w jiz2o el islam mel 7odod te3 Jérusalem
    Hazin la3lam fih l'étoile te3 david
    Ya 7afid , Gaza ay beddem ray7a tfid

    ( Chorus )

    Ro7 goul lel 5olafa2 Errashidin
    Sa9sihom wech ndiro , 7na daya3na Orshalim
    Esho3la te3 Eddin lazem t3awed ta5la9
    Bech ndiro 5aybar wla 3'azwat il 5anda9
    Felastin teblokat fi Rrokam
    Wel yoom Israel welat Criminel de guerre
    Wa9tah l3olama ray7in yeftiw lel 7okam
    bech ynodo mel krassa yro7o yhezou les roquettes
    Ktor Essket we nnas ay samta
    Bassa7 ma t5afesh el mo9awma dima Samda!
    Mezalet sabra , rabi 3ando des soldats
    ra7o lebso des combats , daro 3a9ida salba
    Lakan wsalna bi nsana bi rjalna
    Nougfo m3akom 5alli lyhood terjomna
    5atrak 3a jalkom , 9al Errasoul li jana
    9atlahom fi lnar w 9atlana fil janna

    ( Chrorus )

    El yahood , ga3da theddem w thaded
    Wel 3alam kamel raw 5rej beh yneded .. Yraded :
    Israel 9atala , ray Af3alkom 9adira , ya a7fad Al 9irada
    El 9arn ada , El masir ra7 yet7aded
    Wel 9oboor te3kom kol rahi t7alet
    El 9or2an fi ayat ktira t7adeth
    W tgoul bi Idni llah tarja3 ommat mohammad
    Lazem nwa7do sofof El islam
    W ndiro safa9at bil Sid9 wil sada9at
    W nkatro Essirat bil 3ilm wel salawat
    El la3na tjihom mel-lard w men foug sab3a samawat
    Ya rabi , am t3'aw fil bilad!
    Kolhom fil (something) ra7o katro lfasad
    Ya rabi , entaya hazem El a7zab
    7a6emhom w sob 3lihom sawta 3adab

    Gaza Gaza .. is going to die
    Where are the nations? They have to wake up!
    Gaza Gaza .. Tell the jews
    Mohammad's Army is coming back

    I'm watching on TV
    Aircrafts firing & military ships shooting
    Jews are malignant , they are fighting my religion
    Oh Gaza forgive me , I wanna come to you , but who takes me ?
    How many years these people ( Gaza's ppl ) were besieged
    & Today they hit them with phosphor rockets
    & Then they added the ground offensive
    On the orders of the zionist Shimon Peres
    This is the real terrorism , which caused thousands of victims
    Soldiers (Jews) sent dead bodies to the hospital & to the morgue
    To occupy the whole world , they think arabs should die!
    It's written in the Torah , in Talmud's pages
    That's why jews slaughtered the peace
    & divided the islam from Jerusalem's borders
    They are holding flags with the star of david
    Oh 7afid ( Allah's name ) , Gaza is going to be overflowed with blood

    Go & tell the righteous Caliphs
    Ask them what to do , we've lost Orshalim!
    The torch of religion must be created again
    So that we can do the battle of khaybar , or the battle of Trench
    Palestine is stuck in the debris
    & Today Israel became a war criminal
    When will the scholars do an "ifta2" to the governors
    To make them get up off their chairs & go send the rockets
    The silence reigned in the world , people are too silent
    But don't worry , the resistance is always immovable
    It's still patient , God has soldiers
    Who started fighting with a strong faith
    If we reach you , either men or women
    We'll stand by you , we don't care if Jews stone us!
    Because for you , the prophet who came to us (Mohammad PBUH) said
    Our victims are in Paradise but theirs are in hell!

    Jews are destroying & intimidating
    And people around the world are all out to denounce , & repeat :
    "Israel are killers , your actions are dirty & sinful , O you grandsons of monkeys"
    (Monkeys , is because of the jewish Darwin's theory of revolution x)
    In this century , the fate is going to be determined
    And all your graves is already open
    Quran talked in many verses
    & said Inshallah Mohammad's nation is coming bach strongly
    We have to unite the muslims
    & We have to make deals of trueness & charity
    & to raise the number of our prayers , & to use more sciences
    They will be cursed from God
    O Allah , they are oppressing in the world
    They made the corruption increase everywhere!
    O Allah , you're the defeater of the armies
    Smash them & pour on them a scourge of your punishement

  7. ELEEF's Avatar

    ELEEF said:


    Noor : Hehe sorry ,I'll use it next time inshallah .. Missed you too <3 Larosa 's gone to uni ? I'll join her soon Allah y3inna

    hoojacks : Wow you speak algerian even better than me! .. Bla mziya khouya ( or khti ! ) & why are you trying to learn Algerian ? just for fun or ?
    If You want , I'll do the translation for "El portable " in a new thread ! ^^'

    P.S : little correction : 3tatelna not 3teetilna .. 3teetilna means : you gave us
    .. وذاك الذي لا يرى غيره
    ولا يجد الخير خيـرا ً اذا لم يكن خيره
    فــــــــراغ .. فـــــراغ
  8. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    I've even dedicated my fb status to you

    I feel so lost in this algerian thread, wa3lah??
  9. hoojacks's Avatar

    hoojacks said:


    haha we only had the class for one year fi jaa3meti, kanat le prof taliba te3 Fulbright min Tbessa, wa laken now she's back in Algeria ;(

    dhork nshoof Youtube bash nqraw

    and WOW. these songs are seriously awesome. if you have any other suggestions for rap/hip hop, I'd love to hear them.
  10. hoojacks's Avatar

    hoojacks said:


    ELEEF, haha I doubt I speak it better wa laken, shukran. I studied darija one summer fi Tanja and then one year of darija dziriya at my school in portland, oregon.

    oh, and ana khouya te3kum, ya khti

    honestly, I dunno why I am learning Algerian exactly. I study Arabic and I like north Africa, basically! I am going to try to go to a university for a year or two, either fil maghreb wla fi dzayer.

    but also, I love hip hop and Lotfi is awesome so, that's also a good reason to learn Algerian

    so, which city do you and Lotfi come from?

    oh, and thanks for the correction they are always welcome!
  11. ELEEF's Avatar

    ELEEF said:


    Ow that's great .. & It'd be awesome if you come Algeria ! ^^'
    Lotfi & I are from Annaba in the east , our accent is a bit different from Algiers' & Oran's accent .. But since your teacher is from Tbessa then it's close !

    There are many algerian rap singers such as : Apoka - Chakir Eminem ( both from Oran ) - Youss ( from Algiers ) & many many others but I don't usually listen to them

    Lotfi DK is considered as the king of Rap music in Algeria , because his lyrics are so meaningful & his style is so nice ( Not because he's from my city that's just what people think generally )
    .. وذاك الذي لا يرى غيره
    ولا يجد الخير خيـرا ً اذا لم يكن خيره
    فــــــــراغ .. فـــــراغ
  12. hoojacks's Avatar

    hoojacks said:


    Sweet, thanks for the info! Yeah, she (my teacher) told me basically the same thing about Lotfi hahaha.

    but hey, I'll take any suggestions for music to listen to. my teacher also showed me some songs by Souad Massi, and I really like those too (especially http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3i4nqrEsNc)

    I hope I can come to Algeria! it would probably be in Oran, because that's where an American research center is. hopefully I won't have too much trouble there speaking like I'm from Tbessa
  13. ELEEF's Avatar

    ELEEF said:


    Hahaha Of course you won't have any trouble , people from the west love the accent of the east & vise versa

    Ow Souad Massi , I've heard about her but never listenned to any of her songs , I like this one , I can do the translation if you need it ^^'
    .. وذاك الذي لا يرى غيره
    ولا يجد الخير خيـرا ً اذا لم يكن خيره
    فــــــــراغ .. فـــــراغ