Holograf - Dimineata

Thread: Holograf - Dimineata

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  1. FlyAwaySmiling's Avatar

    FlyAwaySmiling said:

    Default Holograf - Dimineata

    I translated this for someone and thought it would be helpful to post it....Let me know if you have any corrections...

    Si crezi ca nu mai stii cum ma cheama
    And you think you no longer know my name....
    Si crezi ca nu mai stii cine sunt
    And you think you no longer know who I am
    Si crezi ca dragostea se destrama
    And you think love is falling apart
    Am fost atata timp fara tine
    I was without you for so long
    Dar vreme trece oricum fara noi
    But, anyways, time passes without us
    Culorile se duc de la sine
    The colors fade on their own
    Dac-a fost sa fie asaaaa
    [B]If this was meant to be/B]
    Nu e vina taaaaa
    It's not your fault
    Si te-as intreba...
    And I'd like to ask you...

    Refren:E dimineata(dimineata)
    It's moring (mornng)
    Daaaa alata viata(dimineata)
    Yes, another life
    E dimineata huuu (dimineata)
    It's morning(morning)
    D-alta viatza eeeee iieeeeee
    Yes, another life...

    Se-ntampla doar o singura data
    It happens just one time
    Si cauti toata viata apoi
    And then you search your whole life...
    Daar nuuuu mai gasesti niciodata
    But you never found me
    Ne umplem apoi de durere
    After that, we fill ourselves with pain
    Ne-nchidem in suflet de tot
    We lock everything in our souls
    Dar tot mai visam in tacere
    But we still dream silently
    Dac-a fost sa fie asaaaaa
    If it was meant to be
    Nu e vina taaa
    It's not your fault
    Si te-as intrebaaa
    And I'd ask you
    "Life is not about the numbers of breaths you take, but more about the moments which take your breath away"...
  2. angelxirina's Avatar

    angelxirina said:


    i have some suggestions:

    Si te-as intreba...
    And I would ask you...

    Daar nuuuu mai gasesti niciodata
    But you no longer find

    Ne-nchidem in suflet de tot
    We fully shut ourselves away in our souls
  3. aniana said:


    Bravo! An cautat cu insistenta traducerea in engleza a acestui cantec, nu pentru ca nu as sti engleza insa din curiozitate... Ai facut o traba buna. felicitari!