Ricardo Arjona- Ayudame Freud

Thread: Ricardo Arjona- Ayudame Freud

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  1. Lunita's Avatar

    Lunita said:

    Default Ricardo Arjona- Ayudame Freud

    Ella vive conmigo en mi inconsciente
    ella es dueña de mi pasado y mi presente
    su morada es mi falta de seguridad
    y su comida mi ansiedad
    Ayudame freud
    Ella pisa cada uno de mis pasos
    bebe el vino junto a mi y del mismo vaso
    ella es la mujer perfecta que me construyo mama
    y esta jodiendo mi psicologia
    Ayudame freud
    Será doctor
    que el chaleco de fuerza
    aun sigue atando mi cordura
    que mis complejos aun no razgan su costura
    o seráque la mujer perfecta que me construyo mama
    Es muy grande de estatura
    Será; doctor
    que pido mucho o que me conformo con poco
    que sigo cuerdo o estoy totalmente loco
    o será que la vida no es otra cosa
    que un racimo de antojos
    Y la que paga los platos rotos
    siempre es ella
    la de a deveras
    la que me cuida
    la que me entibia mis noches de tanto frio
    La que me espera
    la que me aguanta
    la enemiga del fantasma en mi cabeza
    Me la construyeron puritana e inteligente
    buena para la cocina y muy decente
    tan irreal que existiria solo en mi mente y nada mas
    pero insisto en compararla con ella
    Ayudame freud
    Si usa falda muy corta habra un problema
    pues la chica en mi cabeza es de otro esquema
    si se le ocurre una idea
    habra que ver que dice ella
    y se siente como la mierda
    Ayudame freud
    Será; doctor
    que esto me pasa solo a mi
    o a todo el mundo
    Y el doctor me contesto
    no hay quien se salve de este asunto
  2. bedroomeyes's Avatar

    bedroomeyes said:


    She lives with me in my subconscious
    she's the owner of my past and my present
    her dwelling is my lack of security
    and her food my anxiety
    Help me Freud
    She treads every one of my steps
    she drinks wine with me and from the same glass
    she's the perfect woman which my mother built for me
    and she's messing up my psychology
    Help me Freud
    Could it be, doctor
    that a straitjacket
    is still holding my sanity together
    that my complexes still haven't torn at the seams
    or could it be that the perfect woman which my mother built for me
    Is too tall
    Could it be; doctor
    that I ask too much or settle for little
    that I'm still sane or I'm totally crazy
    or could it be that life is nothing more
    than a bunch of cravings
    And she's the one who
    always pays the price
    the true one
    the one who takes care of me
    the one who warms up my cold cold nights
    The one who waits for me
    the one who puts up with me
    the enemy of the ghost in my head
    They built her puritanical and smart
    good in the kitchen and very decent
    so unreal that she could only exist in my mind and nowhere else
    but I insist on comparing her to her
    Help me Freud
    If she wears a skirt too short, there will be trouble
    because the girl in my head is in another league
    if an idea occurs to her
    we'll have to see what she says
    and it feels like sh-t
    Help me Freud
    Could it be; doctor
    that this only happens to me
    or to everybody
    And the doctor answered
    there isn't anyone who's spared any of this
    Last edited by bedroomeyes; 02-20-2012 at 11:49 AM.
    The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.
    -Albert Einstein
  3. bedroomeyes's Avatar

    bedroomeyes said:


    I just realized this one was translated previously too.

    The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.
    -Albert Einstein
  4. Lunita's Avatar

    Lunita said:


    Thank you!