Rashed Al Majid - Sagani

Thread: Rashed Al Majid - Sagani

Tags: rashed al majid, sagani
  1. Marwasharif said:

    Default Rashed Al Majid - Sagani

  2. Gole Yas said:


    sigani means to feed water not food .. so il just use the word "feed" in the translation..
    here u go sweetz..

    سقانـي مـن قـربـه الألـم
    Sigani min grba el2alam
    With his closeness, he fed me pain
    وقلبـي فـي حبـه إنظلم
    O galbi fi 7uba en’6alam
    And in his love, my heart was oppressed
    مـن أجـلــه كــم مــرة أنــا
    Min ajlo kam amra ana
    For him, how many times I have..
    صـفـقـت كـفـّيـنـي نـدم
    9fagt kafaini nadam
    Brought my hands together in remorse
    *a motion like clapping, but our of remorse and pain*
    سـويـت لـه كـل مستحيل
    Sawait lah kil musta7eel
    For him I did all the impossible
    وبعيـنـه إخـلاصـي قليـل
    O b3aino e5la9i 8aleel
    And in his eyes my loyalty is little
    لـكـنـــه نــاوي عـ الـرحـيـل
    Lakina nawi 3al ra7eel
    But he’s willing on leaving
    سـلام مـنــي لــو رحــل
    Salam mini law re7al
    Greetings from me if he left
    والـبـاب يـوسـع لــه جـمـل
    Wilbab yowsa3 lo jamal
    And the door can fit a camel
    **here it means that the door is big enough for a camel, so let him take comfort in leaving for it is of no importance anymore*

    رضــيــت مـنـه كــل جــفــا
    Re’6ait mino kil jifa
    I accepted all the cold-heartedness from him
    ولـقـيـت مـا عـنـدهـ وفــا
    O lgeit ma3ndo wafa
    And I found that he has no loyalty
    الـلــيل يـهـنـى بــه يــنــام
    El lail yihna bih ynam
    At night he takes comfort and sleeps
    ويسيب جفني مـآ غـفـا
    O yseeb jafni ma ‘3afa
    And leaves my eye lids sleep deprived
    عايش مـعـه كل هالسنين
    3ayesh ma3a kil hal sineen
    Ive been living with him all these years
    أرضيـه كل ساعـه وحيـن
    Ar’6eeh kil sa3a o 7een
    Pleasing him every hour or so
    ولـه قـلـب قاسـي ما يلين
    O lah galb gasi mayleen
    And he has a cruel heart who doesn’t soften
    مــا عــاد لـي مـنـه أمـل
    Ma3aad li mino amal
    I have no hope in him anymore
    والـبـاب يـوسـع لــه جـمـل
    And the door can fit a camel

    هـويـتـه مــن دون الـبـشـر
    Hewaita min don elbashar
    I loved him from between all the people
    هجرني وهو اللي خسر
    Hijarni o ho eli 5asar
    He abandoned me, and he’s the one who lost
    عـطـيـتـه مـن قـلـبـي وفــا
    3a6aito min galbi wafa
    From within my heart I gave him loyalty
    وأعطانـي جـروح وسـهـر
    O a36ani jroo7 o sahar
    And he gave me wounds and sleepless nights
    مـا ردّ لــي ربـع الـجـمـيـل
    Ma rad li rb3 eljameel
    He didn’t give back a quarter of what I gave
    أسقيــه ولغيـري يـمـيـل
    Asgeeh o l’3airi yimeel
    I feed (give) him and he leans to someone else
    كـل شي بلقى لـه بـديـل
    Kilshay balga lo badeel
    I can find a replacement for everything
    وأكـيـد بـلـقـى لــه بــدل
    O akeed balga lo badal
    And im sure ill find a replacement for him
    والـبـاب يـوسـع لــه جـمـل
    And the door can fit a camel

    enjoy it sweetz
    Last edited by Gole Yas; 10-02-2010 at 05:52 PM.
  3. Marwasharif said:


    Thank you so much much much !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!xxx
  4. Shaaq said:


    Amazing! Amazing song!
  5. Gole Yas said:


    Glad you enjoyed it