"sexual...intellectual..." - chillout lyrics help ! SOLVED :-)

Thread: "sexual...intellectual..." - chillout lyrics help ! SOLVED :-)

Tags: 2003, chillout, enigma, intellectual, sexual
  1. texluh said:

    Default "sexual...intellectual..." - chillout lyrics help ! SOLVED :-)

    I'm looking for help identifying a Chillout song.

    My ex/girlfriend had the Enigma album Voyager released on 30 Septmeber 2003 on a tape.... and we listened to it together in October, November, December 2003.... and with this Enigma chillout stuff was the song I am looking for....but i dont think it was by Enigma as it isnt on Voyager, having checked the Voyager playlist and also previous Enigma samples.

    So if the tape was made in about Oct 2003, the extra track was proabably from 2003 or 2002 or 2001.....

    all I can say is that is was chillout, fairly like Enigma, and it was a female singer singing something like "you know that i feel sexual..... (something something something) intellectual.... "

    anyone who knows it and lets me know would be warmly thanked.

    many thanks

    Last edited by texluh; 10-03-2010 at 06:20 PM. Reason: solved
  2. derek 2 shoes said:

    Default Amber

    You might be looking for "Sexual (Li Da Di)" by Amber. You can find it on iTunes. There are quite a few remixed versions of it out there now.
  3. texluh said:


    Yes well done derek..... now I just have to find the mix I was looking for !

    The first one I went to is the 1999 mix which is way too dancey and upbeat,

    then I found the Afterlife mix which is more like it, but still not quite the mix, but near enough to be evocative...... so I will keep searching until I find the right mix, and will close the thread when I've done that or within a couple of weeks anyway.
  4. texluh said:


    ok im settling for the Afterlife mix. It may have been that anyway. Thanks again Derek :-)
  5. derek 2 shoes said:


    you are quite welcome! i have that song in my library, which is why i was able to help you out.

    by the way, do you know the song "enjoy your life" by chris le blanc feat. liz june? i'm looking for some lyrics and need help. do you know anyone with a good ear for lyrics? it's driving me crazy, since i'm down to only 3 or 4 missing words.

    be well ...
  6. jp12345 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by derek 2 shoes View Post
    you are quite welcome! i have that song in my library, which is why i was able to help you out.

    by the way, do you know the song "enjoy your life" by chris le blanc feat. liz june? i'm looking for some lyrics and need help. do you know anyone with a good ear for lyrics? it's driving me crazy, since i'm down to only 3 or 4 missing words.

    be well ...
    Just post the lyrics you have and then people can post their suggestions for the missing words.
  7. texluh said:


    Sorry for the delay.

    I don't know that song, "enjoy your life" at all.

    If you send me a link to the song I will try to have a listen or get someone to have a listen at some point.

    All the best
